Every Nintendo franchise has symbols that are recognized everywhere at first glance.
Can Sony or MS say the same? I don't think so.
Every Nintendo franchise has symbols that are recognized everywhere at first glance.
Can Sony or MS say the same? I don't think so.
Doom is owned by Bethesda, though.
If you put megaman and sonic then i'll nominate the ! from MGS
A moment of your time please.
>sanic and mega man nintendo franchises
Take your (you) OP. You got me to at least type this reply.
and how much did that help wii u sales again
Because it's no secret that Nintendo is more focused on establishing franchises and polishing them over the time.
Companies like Sony focus on trying to be hip to sell as much as possible then move on. Look at Parappa, it probably only existed because of the 90's rap fad and it was discontinued as soon as the trend stopped. Happened with other franchises from them, probably will happen again.
It's not necessarily a bad thing, it's just different business view points.
Nintendo has symbols because their lineup is incredebly stale.
This one's good.
I think OP meant actual video games.
>even though Final Fantasy's universe is fucking gigantic and one of the world's most important video game franchises they couldn't find any fucking symbol but two F's
Same goes for Street Fighter.
Donkey Kong also has its DK logo but I blame Rare for it. Fuck those guys.
They could've made it the FF7 logo but Nintendo's fucking stupid.
It's not the 90's anymore
Made me chuckle.
A barrel would be a neat DK logo.
I never knew what the fuck Crash was until I visited Universal Studios and even then I thought it was a generic wacky cartoon wandering the park.
Are people so desperate for an "iconic" Sony rep. that they rely on fucking Crash?
Not even memeing
That's clearly halo though
>a box with a question mark as a representation for Crash
I'll give you some time so you can think yourself why this is a bad idea.
>literally my mom's dog paw
>praising studios instead of actual games
Typical sonyfan.
>using a single game's logo to represent a whole franchise
No user. It's like if Mario used a Shine Sprite to represent the franchise, or if Zelda used the Phantom Hourglass.
>not recognizing the big ND when you boot up Crash, Jak, Uncharted and TLOU
Waiting for barneyfag. This image is used to bait him all the time. He probably posts it himself.
>Regurgitating the same trash
>Proud of it
>Mega Man is a random gear.
Still fucking mad.
The problem with Final Fantasy is that the mainline games are so diverse in their settings and design there is no real visual that has appeared consistently enough to be synonymous with the franchise as a whole.
That being said, I would have gone with a crystal.
As opposed to theoretical, or perhaps metaphysical games?
Why would anyone who's not a complete retard want to boot those up?
Because it's not like they have anything but Mario on their switch, ds, wii-u and wii.
Cloud is in ONE game in the franchise. It would make sense that the logo is from that game. Your comparison is not a good analogue as both of those characters are in every game in the franchise
>Mega Man is a random gear
My best guess is that if they used the E-Tank, people out of touch would start asking what the "E" stands for when the franchise's name starts with an "M".
That'd be fitting I guess, though the FF font is quite universally recognizable.
Still, is there seriously not a single recurring item/enemy/character on all of the titles to use as a logo?
They could have easily used a moogle. They are pretty consistently spread throughout the games.
It's a Nintendo fans are mad as fuck and feel obligated to defend their console for no reason thread
Well, if you put it that way, Xenoblade's logo is the Monado and the Monado doesn't appear in Chronicles X as far as I know.
I think it's better to play only Mario than nothing at all.
>mocks thing
>surprised when people defend thing
That's what I said when I saw Doom 2016
That's not true for Metroid, or Kirby, DK, or other medium/small-relevancy Nintendo IPs.
This thread is obviously implying these symbols are still relevant to a the general public and not the troglodytes who post on video game forums.
But the issue is, these are things people only remember from their childhood, when Nintendo was still dominating the market for 2 decades, and started fading post Wii's peak.
Pokemon, Mario and Zelda are probably still the only thing relevant to everyone outside of dedicated enthusiasts eyes.
And when you release Mario spin-offs and mainline titles so fucking often, it sticks.
MS has been doing good to far, they know when to stick to something that gives them a boost in popularity.
Sony is a bunch of retards that kept jumping mascots, IPs, and are now just using their shitty button logos to push further.
Was it so fucking hard for them to really just find one character?
They have Patapon.
They have LBP.
They have Kratos.
They have Kat.
They have Cole.
They have Sly Cooper.
They have Ratchet.
They have the Killzone series.
And they just fucking decide on a cat that hasn't been featured in any worthwhile games or it's own unique game?
What the fuck. WHY?
Barneyfag is sleeping I think. Barneyfag sleeps, right? RIGHT?
I think Mega Man's helmet would have been the way to go. It's used all the time to represent Mega Man without actually showing Mega Man, plus it represents the sense of "time to get down to business" within the games.
I guess. I'd just be afraid it would be overstating their importance. It least the crystals are usually an important plot point when they do appear.
OP is clearly shitposting, but generally speaking a lot of non-Nintendo franchises lack simple symbols to represent them as a whole. So much in fact, things like are the only thing to do the job.
It's not bad, though. Also, I don't know any of the characters you listed but Kratos, Sly and Ratchet.
A gold ring and whats the E in a tube stand for?
What the fuck is that thing? Was it in the Olympics or the Macy's thanksgiving day parade?
Despite the overall success of the Playstation brand, none of Sony's own franchises have been run-away hits. Don't get me wrong, many of them sold very well, and they certainly helped put and keep Playstation on the map, but none have reached the cultural phenomenon status that Mario or Pokémon have, and I think that's what they're still trying to find.
The gold ring is Sonic, though ising his head silhouette would have been much better.
Gotta admit I had no clue what the E container was at first, thought it may have been from metroid or something. But yeah, I think I remember seeing one of those that one time I played Megaman
How sad.
>Runaway hit
But that's all popular Sony IPs are.
Nintendo knows how to build reputation and establish an IP that was successful in becoming popular.
Runaway hits implies the company did not know how to handle the sudden boost of popularity and ultimately lost it.
Which applies to a shit ton of Sony titles.
Hell, Motorstorm was supposed to be one of Sony's solid additions to games it would promise for all future consoles, but just because of the 2011 March Japanese Earthquake they decide to can the game (and the devs) because of a ridiculous decision to post-pone the release to not offend players.
Traditional branding is a lot more effective, imo. People can expect a certain level of quality from a game with ND's logo You can't say the same for Mario games. They're all over the fucking place.
Not really.
Most of Candy Crush players don't know who developed it.
Most people who know Pokémon don't know its developed by GameFreak.
People know Kirby, but not HAL.
I'm pretty sure it applies to everything.
Why do you think that with every Pixar trailer there's always the "from the creators of Monsters Inc." instead of just saying "made by Pixar"? There's more people who know the movie but not the creators.
Therein lies the true power of Nintendo's "classic" cast of characters! Magic sigils are inscribed into the games' code in the forms of logos and symbols. In reality, the Super Smash Bros. series is an extended hypersigil, whose magical powers had the probably intentional effect of netting Nintendo a bucketload of cash.
The problem with hypersigils is, though--the works start to develop some agency. Fictional universes come alive, but sometimes in undesirable ways, for example: a 3 million word long Brawl fanfiction.
It depends on your audience, I suppose. There are some studios who want to make games for people who pay attention to shit like that.
Then I don't know what kind of studio would do that on purpose and still sustain itself on any market.
Even in your case, I bet Uncharted and TLoU are more acknowledged than Naughty iteslf.