Can we have a comfy Wii U thread?

Can we have a comfy Wii U thread?

>post collections
>favorite games
>most hated game
>why you liked it

The Wii U has hard a rough 4 years. Give the shitposting a break and say some nice things eh?


There's that word again.

>say some nice things eh?

Proved that modern 'gamers' don't care about video games if the PS4 is outselling it.

I only regret about half of the games I bought

>favorite games
Bayonetta 2
Xenoblade X
The Wonderful 101
Tropical Dong

>most hated game
Probably Mario Party 10... still not really sure why I bought it.
Star Fox Zero is pretty bad too, sucks since I was so hyped for it.

comfy s ggood

Havent played mario party since 64. What was so bad about 10?

Also your Xenoblade X spine is black. I assume all the special editions were like that? Is the cover art the same?

>buying a console with literally 3 games

Just like twitch is about games and you can see epople cooking and shit

>3 games
What an odd insult. What 3 games is it that you like user?