Why haven't you pre-ordered the GOTY 2016?
Why haven't you pre-ordered the GOTY 2016?
Other urls found in this thread:
but I already have
Because it'll be another GTAV and MGSV.
Fuck you, Square, take my fucking money
>Amazon wouldn't honour my Versus 13 preorder
>Had to re-preorder 15
I have and I'm hype as fuck.
Why would you pre-order a trash game?
I'm watching KG right now and it's a total mess so far. I barely understand what's going on and I've been following the game since the Versus days.
I ordered the UCE.
I'm sorry that your thread will be shit but maybe the shitposter will stay in the other XV thread
I'm getting the normal edition so there's no need for me to pre-order
Then you're just retarded.
The plot in KG is so simple that you really have to try to not get it
I did preorder it.
You are quite fucking retarded then, KG plot is super simplistic.
Is there a single fucking thread that antifaggot doesn't invade? Jesus christ.
It's tearin' up my heart when I'm with you
But when we are apart, I feel it too
And no matter what I do, I feel the pain
with or without you
Baby I don't understand
Just why we can't be lovers
Things are getting out of hand
Trying too much, but baby we can't win
Let it go
If you want me girl, let me know
I am down, on my knees
I can't take it anymore
It's tearin' up my heart when I'm with you
But when we are apart, I feel it too
And no matter what I do, I feel the pain
with or without you
Baby don't mis-understand (don't misunderstand)
What I'm trying to tell ya
In the corner of my mind (corner of my mind)
Baby, it feels like we are running out of time
Let it go
If you want me girl, let me know
I am down on my knees
I can't take it anymore..ohhh
It's tearin' up my heart when I'm with you
But when we are apart, I feel it too
And no matter what I do, I feel the pain
with or without you
Tearin' up my heart and soul
We're apart I feel it too
and no matter what I do, I feel the pain
With or without you
Tearin' up my heart and soul (alright)
We're apart I feel it too (I feel it too)
and no matter what I do, I feel the pain
With or without you
It's tearin' up my heart (tearin' up my heart and soul) when I'm with you
But when we are apart, I feel it too (we're apart I feel it too)
And no matter what I do, I feel the pain
with or without you
And no matter what I do, I feel the pain
With or without you.
Nah, KG is super Chuuni.
I'm totally sure Tabata hates young Noctis' design and would love if he could have changed it without provoking (well reasoned or not) butthurt.
Young Noctis looks great and I see no reason why Tabata would hate it
They apparently couldn't even trim Noctis' hair a little bit, which could have gone long ways to make him more visually appealling.
I've gotten used to him, but the hair is, in a lot of scenes and gameplay, ridiculous. Doesn't look good with the realistic look they're going for.
Not even talking about the face, but take a look at Older Noctis' hair: it's basically the same on the back (but longer and less spiky), but the bangs make it look much more natural and still iconic.
No it isn't, you can play him from the time skip onwards plus in NG+ mode.
More like nonexistent. I'm now halfway through and they place an undue expectation of investment without properly establishing anything.
The provincials are given almost zero characterization or background and yet we're supposed to sympathize with Nyx and be upset when Crowe dies.
The editing is scattershot, almost as if there's supposed to be gameplay between some of the scene transitions.
The "kidnapping" of Luna makes no sense. Niflheim is literally going, "muhahaha we're invalidating the terms of our own peace treaty, you're forced to respond!"
For that matter, Niflheim's motives and Luna's "destiny" both haven't been addressed at all. I don't care if they get into it later, it's halfway through, this shit should've been established in the first fifteen, thirty minutes, tops.
Not really related to storytelling but the motion is mediocre, bordering-on-atrocious at times. Some of the characters look practically photorealistic in stills but are completely given away when they start moving.
Regis + Aldercapt bantz really is GOAT though.
I dislike his hair in Omen but it looks fine in the game
dead on arrival
>game in decade-long development hell
>from the time skip onwards
Oh, great, an hour or two. Linear as fuck, too.
>in NG+
Oh, I have to play an entire 50 hours game to have a main character whose design isn't atrocious (and it's not even confirmed as much as Tabata said that).
That's an insult to both those fine games.
The point of KG is just to set up some stuff that happens in the game, it's not supposed to be massive character development or any of that. It's basically like FF12s intro with Reks but in KG it's with Nyx.
This post is full of shit. It was confirmed.
The time skip happens in the last half of the game.
The guy who wrote that already changed his mind on everything after seeing the recent build.
>This post is full of shit.
Yeah I know you are full of shit.
Tabata gut the beginning of the story out of the game to make advertisement material in the form of a movie.
But instead of doing just that, he slightly changed the story and characters for the worse.
>get driven to the party so likely get to see a bit of Lucis
>Noctis and bros dressed up in a badass party
>get to chat up some blonde bitch
>a literal fucking airship crashes into your building
>fightan thru the city, on skyscrapers in the air, in the castle, garages etc.
>confront blonde bitch while fightan around the city
>confront hoodguy trying to take your crystal
>Regis face-off
>planning reveangance with master tactician Ignis
>looking onto your burning city as you have to make the tough decision to leave her behind to chase the faggots who raepd her and took your crystal
yea totally would rather have some retarded fucking movie you can't even play than all of this.
You can go to Besaid Island in FFXV?
>The time skip happens in the last half of the game.
Yeah, and now you're just making shit up, like always.
Find me a source, my boy. The only mention of "later half of the game" (which was later clarifier to be the VERY ending streech of the game) was in regards to the linear section's beginning.
A linear section that starts when you get to the train. And we've seen the train with the younger crew already, and so have we seen the younger crew in Niflheim too.
Stop bullshitting pls.
Nothing you said is true.
By Tabata.
Besaid looks better visually after this downgrade.
>get driven to the party so likely get to see a bit of Lucis
This was a CG scene and only of him being taken to the party, then it just was going to cut to him inside the party already.
>Noctis and bros dressed up in a badass party
Just in cutscene
>get to chat up some blonde bitch
So some shitty cutscene where some annoying bitch talks about Final Fantasy 13 cancer shit? Fuck that
>a literal fucking airship crashes into your building
Looks better in the movie
Fuck off plebbit
>fightan thru the city, on skyscrapers in the air, in the castle, garages etc.
First of all, all you fought was regular grunt soldiers, a behemoth and some iron giants, all enemeis you fight regularly outside. You weren't going on skyscrapers, you fight the soldiers, make your way to some platform, then fight more soldiers then it ends with you just fighting Aranea
>uhh they are trying to take the crystal we have to stop them
>uhh we can't stop them here is a force lose scenario
>confront blonde bitch while fightan around the city
This didn't happen in the intro, this was just the concept CGI and wasn't seen since 2008
>confront hoodguy trying to take your crystal
This didn't happen in the intro, this was just the concept CGI and wasn't seen since 2008
>Regis face-off
So a scene that happens in the same way it does in the movie that we already know results in Regis losing.
>planning reveangance with master tactician Ignis
>Ignis you have a plan
>Uh yeah lets beat them 100 times over
Wow great plan bro, truly a master tactician
>looking onto your burning city as you have to make the tough decision to leave her behind to chase the faggots who raepd her and took your crystal
>Failed to protect your kingdom even when you were in the fucking kingdom and had all the means to save it yet you fucked up
Nigger that sounds worse than what we have now in every way.
We've seen the younger crew and older crew in the same exact scene before so it doesn't matter what the trailer showed since the E3 2016 trailer shows them younger against Ifrit but the actual game in chapter 0 has them older against Ifrit.
Everything I said is true and the game was already upgraded.
Be that as it may it still needs to tell a complete story. If they wanted to avoid spoiling the plot the movie should've focused exclusively on Nyx & co instead of awkwardly alternating between Regis, Luna, etc.. The way it is sets up the false expectation that we should care, and by extension, know, what the fuck Luna is talking about when she goes on about destiny and saving the world and all that.
Why would you post this? You aren't even making an argument, just acting like an autist.
Same downgraded build different time of day....
Because I am waiting for the PS4 Slim Bundle.
>Their poses
Jojo reference?
Nope. It's called an upgrade. More trees in the back, more better lighting, more rocks, cleaner IQ etc.
Yeah, I'm sure they would swap the models again even though we already know that there's a timeskip and what their designs look like. Especially when the younger models also have their scars and blindness.
Also, no way that Noctis is old when he gets to the train (which is most likely after Altissia) and before getting to Niflheim to get his father's sword AND be trapped in the crystal by Ardyn.
this is the final version of the game. Stop pretending dusk upgrades graphics you dipshit it's pathetic.
what do i get if i preorder
A shit game.
>Tabata LITERALLY confirmed the game is gold here
>crashes during a live stream
this game will bomb hard
You see, over the past few years I've come to the realization that open world games are not my cup of tea.
Some are fun to play but they always become a check list to fill after a while.
Japanese Open World games have failed me numerous time.
While some are fantastic to play (like MGS5) and other beautiful to look at (Xenoblade X) they always lack in substance.
The story is bare bones and I no longer strive to keep playing because every quest/mission becomes repetitious and goddamn boring.
Look at this fucking shit right here WHAT THE FU....HOW IS THIS ALLOWED?!?!
I like open world games but this one is just garbage. It's worse than Skyrim.
>anti-cuck talk to himself: THE THREAD
Try harder next time
I don't enjoy weeb trash.
>Japanese Open World games
This is the worst offender yet. Ugly to look at, awful to play, with no substance.
How did he even come about? Was it in respond to XV-kun?
I don't think so, he just randomly appears.
Not him, and I don't know.
But there was an autist spamming the QTE gifs from the XV reveal all over 2013 and 2014. I don't know whether that was XV-kun, anti-kun or both.
They're the same person
>or both.
This is the darkest Timeline.
Try refuting or having an opinion next time, thanks.
I don't think so
XV-kun is the guy who went to his journey without his fellow Sup Forums-bros, and become anti-kun, worst possible scenario.
Try not to be so obvious with your shitposting next time
i just got charged for uce but it only grabbed 1 euro
what does it mean?
did anyone else pay yet? did it take full price or some tiny amount too?
What about what I said was shitposting exactly?
Just because I hurt your feelings doesn't mean i'm shitposting you mongoloid.
kek they all look like this faggot or those fags you see when you walk through shibuya at night.
This game will probably attract the worst fanbase in history, we might even see it topple kingdom hearts
Most people don't like what it looks like, that's why XV-kun is such a prominent meme. He's really the only person who can attempt to defend this game due to rampant autism.
>The story is bare bones
What the fuck does that even have to do with being Open World or not?
>Look at this fucking shit right here WHAT THE FU....HOW IS THIS ALLOWED?!?!
user is blatantly lying, that's not even remotely close to being the final version.
>Most people don't like what it looks like
Do you have any statistics or its just assumptions from your ass?
I played the demo and I'm not sure if I enjoy the combat. I like action rpgs but holding the button down though.
>user is blatantly lying, that's not even remotely close to being the final version.
Keep telling yourself that, retard.
It's just not good. Tabata ruined the combat.
99% of the threads have majority negative posts.
Only retards think the game looks good.
Keep denying the blatant evidence, you clearly enjoy making yourself look like a moron
>What the fuck does that even have to do with being Open World or not?
Means that they're focusing more on their bland environment than the main narrative.
Doesn't help that those threads are being constantly attacked by the same one person spamming their exact same posts every thread.
You realise we're on Sup Forums right? Head over to the general.
this game is for spergs and autists and statistically most people don't fall in two either of the two categories
There's no evidence. The reflections don't render on the outside corners at all. The final game is even worse than those older trailers because there's no AA on reflected objects anymore.
Its mostly postive as fuck until you joins the thread anti-cuck.
Did the world map get smaller?
Well... I'm about to. After I just got done watching this dank trailer for it.
>trailer has literally nothing to do with the game at all
full retard, enjoy that buyers remorse.
>deliberately downgraded to boost PS4 pro sales
>still overheats and shuts off
are there really people who didn't notice that almost every protagonist and antagonist from ff look like a edgy furcoat faggot.
Just admit you are just butthurt because the party is just males
I thought /ffg/ didn't like FFXV or something.
/ffg/ didn't like everything except shitty mobile trash games.