I really want to get into Morrowind.
Please give me some tips when starting a new game and how to enjoy this game more.
Also, it would be great if you could recommend some good mods.
I really want to get into Morrowind.
Please give me some tips when starting a new game and how to enjoy this game more.
Also, it would be great if you could recommend some good mods.
Morrowind is actually an RPG, unlike the later TES games. Your stats matter. Don't put points into skills you're not using, don't use the skills you're not proficient in.
Play however you want, you'll eventually reach high enough skill levels that it won't matter that you wasted skills. If you want an easier start, then choose a weapon skill as a major and stick with it. Also, keep your stamina full when attacking or casting spells via potions.
1. Find and get jumpy boots of jumping.
2. Jump over magic wall into volcano.
You'll probably want to make your first character fast because of the awful walk speed and if you use a weapon make sure your character has good skill with it so you can hit things. Outside of that, you should be fine if you just pay attention and use your journal.
>unlike the later TES games
Morrowind is a casual man's Daggerfall.
Wrong. You need strength to carry stuff, endurance to have HP pool, INT and altmer to magic and everything else is basically filler.
Like agi of 100 increases chance to hit 20%, which is irrelevant.
>later TES
Oh, and if you're playing the GOTY edition - go to the data files settings in the launcher and UNTICK the expansion packs. If you don't do that, the tie-in events for the expansions will trigger at the beginning of the game. But you're only supposed to get them after completing the original story.
Morrowind graphics extender
Morrowind code patch
Delayed Dark Brotherhood attack
Solstheim Rumour fix
When creating your character make sure you have one good weapon skill, don't overdiversify. If you take long blade and blunt weapon and destruction and marksman you'll probably find yourself only using long blade, so it's better to use your other major skills for something else.
Also be prepared to read a lot. Read what people are saying to you then read your journal, then ask someone else about the same thing and read that too. People lie and give misleading information sometimes. Read books given to you in the main quest. Talk to scouts in taverns and shops, they will sometimes mark locations on your map. Pay attention to roads and roadsigns, it can be easier to find places following the roads to get there, rather than taking a route that looks direct on your map but may get you lost on the way.
Despite being able to steal everything that's not nailed down, don't waste your time stealing glass cups and knives and forks. You've got better things to do.
>Major Skills
Pick the ones that need high level from the get-go. Good skills to pick: Block, Armorer, ONE weapon skill, ONE armor type, Enchant, Mercantile and Speechcraft.
>Minor Skills
Something that needs a boost or will help in levelling. Mysticism is pretty good. Secondary weapon or magic school is helpful. Even Athletics can go here.
Easy to exploit skills: Speechcraft, Mercantile, Alchemy, any magic school, any armor type.
Fuck Security. Spells are much better.
Enchanting is amazing. If you can make yourself HP and/or stamina regeneration item(s), you become a God.
Learn about Boots of Blinding Speed bug
Get MGSO (Morrowind graphics and sound overhaul) to enhance the graphics a bit. I know people will say it's outdated but it's graphical improvement all in one package and easy to install so i just went with it andit works great.
Other than that, make sure you take your time reading through all the dialogue and subjects from the start in order to follow the lore/story more closely.
You DO pick medium armor, right user?
Honestly morrowind was just a tech demo for openworld exploration games. After Oblivion released it become LARP simulator for neckbeards instantly, because it does everything better than morrowind.
Combat is any difficult before you get weapon skill to at least 60% and get a high end weapon. There are commonly available paralyze items which made fights with 99% of enemies complete joke. There are cheap invis rings which let you skip the combat altogether. Levitation outright breaks the game, and was disabled in Tribunal and further TES games. And I won't even mention the potion exploit.
I still have this mooded Morrowind installer which makes it look beutiful but doesnt change the core game, just a graphical boost + extras, Ill share the instructions so you might be able to back trace the file .
Before you start modding, keep in mind that Morrowind engine is so crap it manages to get bottlenecked in vanilla sometimes even by modern CPUs. Actually if you have a potato PC, Oblivion will probably still run better on it then Morrowind.
all magic schools medium/heavy armor long blade shields enchanting alchemy
If by the end of the game you aren't a literal unkillable god with like 200 str and speed who can jump across the game world so fast that it starts hiccuping and loading and an armor class with gear and enchantments that make any enemy do more damage to himself when hitting you than he does to you, then you're playing the game wrong.
I'm talking like drinking a ton of fortify will/int pots then casting 500m range fireballs that one shot everyone outdoors in an entire town, i'm talking running into vivec's quarters and killing that little shit in one fucking hit with your enchanted edgy daedric dai katana and spelling "nothin' personeel kid" on the floor with candles, i'm talking travelling everywhere with the boots of blinding speed and scrolls of icarian flight because riding on giant bugs is for fucking poorfags that can't afford resist magicka pots/enchantments.
>not wearing a full daedric set
My advice would be: don't try to powergame. Just enjoy the ride and go on adventures. When you're given a quest that requires you to go somewhere, don't make a beeline. Instead, just take the time to explore a little on your way there since you'll never know what you'll find.
What for? Enemies can't hit you in melee anyway after the early game and it doesn't protect from magic.
>Heavy Armor (major) 89
>Medium Armor 67
>Light Armor 86
To be honest, I found medium armour to be the worst of the 3. Its best quality is its availability (and appearance) but after a while I couldn't help but use either Glass set or Ebony-Daedric combo set.
Also, who /optimal/ here? Getting all attributes to level 100 was so satisfying.
>Getting all attributes to level 100 was so satisfying.
I usually just set speed to 100 via console because otherwise movement is torture.
Bonemold is the best looking armor in the game. I always end up using a mix of bonemold and netch leather for maximum comfy.
Here's a tip: stop playing one of the dullest franchises in the history of game franchises. Seriously each episode following the "chosen one" protagonist and his pals from the Thieves Guild/Dark Brotherhood/Fighters Guild as they fight assorted villains has been indistinguishable from the others. Aside from the fantasy imagery, the series’ only consistency has been its lack of excitement and ineffective use of awful combat, all to make magic unmagical, to make action seem inert.
Perhaps the die was cast when Todd Howard vetoed the idea of developing with the PC only in mind; he made sure the series would never be mistaken for a work of art that meant anything to anybody?just ridiculously profitable cross-promotion for weak consoles, which is why every "town" is 3 huts and a forge. The Elder Scrolls series might be anti-Christian (or not), but it’s certainly the anti-Witcher series in its refusal of wonder, beauty and excitement. No one wants to face that fact. Now, thankfully, they no longer have to.
>a-at least Morrowind was good though
The writing is dreadful; the factions were terrible. As I played, I noticed that every time I walked by a guard, he would make that same shitty joke. You know which one.
I began marking on the back of an envelope every time that phrase was repeated. I stopped only after I had marked the envelope several dozen times. I was incredulous. Bethesda's writers are so governed by cliches and dead metaphors that they have no other style of writing. Later I read a lavish, loving review of Oblivion by the same Jim Sterling. He wrote something to the effect of, "If these kids are playing Oblivion at 11 or 12, then when they get older they will go on to play Dragon Age." And he was quite right. He was not being ironic. When you play Elder Scrolls you are, in fact, trained to play Dragon Age.
Hah, I get it.
Also, how do I into Altmer Atronarch?