>people say overwatch takes no skill
Other urls found in this thread:
shooting games take no skill
>move mouse
>Right click
Snipers ruin games prove me wrong
>right click
I don't even have to watch the video to see what happens.
>McCre lands sik multi-kills with his pointy shooty hitscan sniper revolver and brain-dead stun
>Widowmaker shoots people in their xbox hueg hea hitbox with her generic point and click sniper rifle
>play of the game was still taken by Genji's ult anyway
inb4 enumbre
video games take no skill
>press buttons
>click stuff
I think I remember this pose from one of the covers of Steel Ball Run.
Jojo reference?
These playstyles already exit in other games. The thing is that despite being relatively the same regarding the actual shooting though still gimped by simpler hit boxes and recoil and so on, all the other underlying mechanics of the game like ults and abilities and gimped physics and so on make it much easier in comparison to standard arena shooter and the like. Mcree's is basically TF2 spy with abilities to make shooting easier, and Widowmaker is basically TF2 sniper with an easier gun and get out of jail free cards for mobility.
>taimou and vallutaja
if by skill you mean aimbots then yes
I don't get the ginormous overwatch hitboxes meme. It only exists for projectiles and even those are now more reasonably sized than release, not hitscan weapons. Those hitboxes are extremely precise, you can shoot someone through their legs and miss.
>you can shoot someone through their legs and miss
This is nothing impressive for a 2016 game. The character models are much chunkier on average than most games as well, so even with perfect form fitting hitboxes it's still easier to land shots.
Overwatch is plagued by autoaim hotkey retards.
I hope you die screaming false flag-kun :)
Mendo's McCree is ass yet he insists of playing almost every game.
His Tracer is far more scary but because its not meme meta hes forced to play something hes actually worse at.
I can't prove someone who is correct wrong.
Thats just aim, a skill found in the entire genre.
If he played a real fps he wouldn't be close to "the best"
Who out of the five are you talking about
He has'nt watched either its a generic response.
Thats a pretty nice ass
It is a nice ass
People don't say it takes no skill, people say the skill level doesn't even get close to what you have in classic FPS.
>ability based shooters
compare to other arena shooters like quake or ut,ut2k4 yeah doesnt take much. Ultimas make the game less skill full, almost no long range damage for almost all characters and midrange focus make it easier, not to mention all the character skills like walls or wallhack or basically one shot aim bot mecree. Its all there and it makes it easier, luckier and less skill dependent.
Why does a game have to have a high skill cap for it to be good when 99% of Sup Forums are all shit at video games? So you like a game because it takes a lot of skill to play? Who cares? Who are you trying to impress?
the game is more interesting when there actually IS something to learn, no one on Sup Forums plays CoD these days because no matter how long they play they'll hardly improve at all because the skill ceiling is tiny
actual skill based shooter reporting in
>actually showing Qs in a frag video
Ults are never impressive.
not a single player in either of those teams are the worlds best anything.
there is nothing wrong with a game with a low skillcap, but don't argue that it has a high skillcap just because some guy is good at it.
Why does Sup Forums like to fellate games like Quake and Unreal so much? There are other skill intensive shooters out there like CS classic.
Widow has such a fat ass
>there is nothing wrong with a game with a low skillcap
Yes there is.
I think Overwatch needs even more skill than other fps.
other fps
>teambased ultimate attacks
>abilities used right
CS isn't really a mechanical skill game in the same way
can you guys vote for someone other than hana song, she is winning and it upsets me.
Sup Forums just doesn't want to like a game that's popular, so they just call it casual.
Depends on the game.
The main problem with snipers is that they have an almost limitless skill ceiling so once someone gets good enough at playing one there's literally no counter for them and everyone gets to spend the game dying instantly to something they could never prevent.
CS mostly comes down to aiming skill, positional mixups, and a tiny bit of space control; mostly with grenades and sniper rifles. In Quake aiming is significantly more difficult since you're not using a billion different varieties of hitscan weapon. It actually IS possible to dodge in Quake you know, and it's not just predictively dodging the opponents burst timing like in CS. The positional mixups still exist since you can walk rather than bunnyhop everywhere to keep quiet, and space control is supplemented by map control because you're both constantly moving around warring over different resources. Extra sources of skill based play come in the movement options that the various guns give you. Furthermore bunny hopping is something you can do all of the time if you want to unlike in CS where it only really works here and there. Does CS even have bunny hopping anymore? I thought they patched it out. High strategy low skill games like the average console shooter such as halo and gears would be far more interesting than CS if they were put on PC and the skill was raised to match the new control method.
Overwatch sacrifices deathmatch potential for its abilities. Compared to other shooters the characters move more slowly and their hitboxes are larger, so you lose mechanical skill for gamesense.
What makes Overwatch a low skill ceiling game is that gamesense is much more easily learned than mechanical skill. Its much easier to follow some x combination with y idea than it is to learn how to aim effectively.
I know for a fact Overwatch takes no skill because I suck at most FPS games but I'm pretty good at Overwatch
Refute my post.
>What makes Overwatch a low skill ceiling game is that gamesense is much more easily learned than mechanical skill.
But that's wrong. You need aim as in every other game. And don't start with hitboxes because other games aren't exactly better.
Theoretically speaking, how money would it cost to:
a) have a prostitute regularly dress/apply make up a vidya character and let you fuck her
b) get a gf that cosplays for you and lets you fuck her
Overwatch is aimed at blizzard babies, of course it takes no skill
You can bhop in CSGO but the top speed is limited in competitive servers and I don't know anyone who actually can do it consistently any more.
Overwatch gives you tons of things that override aiming ability though. Shit like abilities that aim for you or stun/slow enemies to make them easier to shoot.
This line of thought is so retarded.
It's not as if removing the need for mechanical skill makes you acquire more gamesense magically. It still takes the same amount of gamesense, you just don't even need to try to aim.
>I literally have no idea what constitutes skill in fps
> "spawnfragging people who aren't able to shoot back 90% of the duel: the mod"
oh please.
I grew up on qw. the real skill is not in the chess-fights but how to actually fucking recover from being spawnraped. but that doesn't make for a flashy frag video with motion blur like yours, so we'll never get to understand it
>implying synchronized Q presses isn't skill
Just because you need to aim doesn't mean its not easier to aim in one game than another. If I made an OW clone that halved everyone's move speed it would take less skill to aim in that game than in the original.
Overwatch makes everyone move pretty slowly compared to other games unless you have abilities that dodge for you.
>Posting a confirmed hacker
kys my man
u mad overcuck
yeah, but you can't exactly put map awareness into a fragvid.
>no source
kys my man
It has as much skill as any other fps and even more because of ults and abilities.
Stop user, you're only proving my point
Someone just post that Quake montage again
take no games
>Hava iddqd and 2 fags from EnVyUs in the Swedish team
>still lose to the Spanish team full of streamers and braindead retards
>have a fag that literally aimbots in the Finnish team
>stand no chance against Koreans
>USA has a famous "best genji in the world", along with talespin and gods solely dedicated to stopping 1 player from the enemy team
>still lose to 1 Russian Genji player
Overwatch greatly limits what one player can do, and most of the classes in the game require very little mechanical skill to play at a high level. McCree and Widow are more in line with traditional FPS games, where you need to line up headshots in order to do decent damage, which gives them a fairly high skill ceiling overall, but beyond that the game's very basic. Reinhardt has a really goddamn low mechanical skill ceiling and he can accomplish just as much as either of them, and is seen as mandatory in a few situations.
Blanketly stating that it takes "no skill" is kinda dumb when there's a much of different classes that work different mechanically. It'd be like saying TF2 takes no skill because the engineer doesn't have to aim to get kills. Not that OW erequires as much mechanical knowledge as CS or Quake, but it's not as completely braindead as Sup Forums thinks it is. It's still more complex than CoD, it at least requires some characters to land headshots.
Smart post, and I agree hard. I really dig CS but the vast majority of the mechanical skill in the game is just aiming and spray control, which is why games like
> In Quake aiming is significantly more difficult since you're not using a billion different varieties of hitscan weapon.
Most weapons in Quake are hitscan. People do lead rockets a lot but the grenade launcher is largely used to spam corners or to predict an enemies movement. Still, the faster you're moving the harder you are to hit, even with a hitscan gun. Bunnyhoping and rocketjumping really are great mechanics, they add good depth to the game by giving players that learn how to do these tricks some extra defense and some extra speed to get more powerups.
who gives a shit the games boring af
>cant lose ult charge on death
>all movement options locked behind cooldowns
>infinite ammo
>all characters move painfully slow
>several characters have fuckhuge hitboxes
>several characters have autoaim guns or abilities
>all movement options are painfully linear and predictable
The game is slow as shit and requires 0 mechanical ability to be able to play
>maybe they don't have any synergy together or very little? OW is very team reliant.
This one?
Also was Tribes and UT ever played on a comp level? I really don't know a ton about movement based fps but both of those games seem like they would work well for comp games. I really miss Tribes Ascend
Infinite ammo isn't really that big of a deal, unsure why people constantly bring it up. Limiting ammo would probably only make tanks exceedingly strong.
Well, for one, it enables classes like junkrat to ceaselessly spam chokepoints mindlessly
>Russian Genji player
Shadowburn is an edgy fuck but he's pretty good at aiming
Overwatch was a waste of $40 and took absolutely no skill to do well.
So what was your S1 rank?
>McCree and Widow are more in line with traditional FPS games
Funny how you listed the easiest heroes.
>literally aim and shoot for instant kill
>all this shittaste
>not wanting to stick your dick in purple
They bring it up because it means that ammo is no longer a resource. You don't have to fight over it, it's just there. And like the other guy said there are no weapons that are extremely useful in certain situations but hard to acquire ammo for. They're just ALWAYS useful in those situations. Sure in TF2 I can just spam rockets but unless I'm in a really convenient position I can't do it forever. Sometimes you actually have to run back to spawn if you want more ammo if you survive long enough. Honestly the ammo you start with in TF2 is probably too much.
All your points are retarded as fuck
Overwatch doesn't take "skill" it's more about awareness, having a pocket healer and knowing your cds. Scrubs these days see someone flicking without missing and think they're worthy of a montage video. It's sad... All these specifically team based games being overtaken by obsessed retards who don't know what they're doing other than following the "meta".
Not him but
>caring about rank
>in fucking overwatch
overwatch skill
LMAO, stay on denial casual
I honestly don't understand how people can claim that some of OW or CSGO or whatever fags cheat just because their mouse flicked a little after watching some of the insane Q3 rail flicks. This frag video doesn't even have the more insane ones.
So a qp shitter,got it.
>uh uhhh i cant think of anythi g to refute this guy's points
>ah shit
>oh wait i know
>"All your points are retarded as fuck"
Do you actually think anyone takes your fisher price game seriously enough to play comp mm in it
Who do you think has a higher skill ceiling? The only other one I can think that might would be Pharah, due to her needing to actually land rocketshots to actually do damage.
Also no, I've played the game, I can easily tell you Reinhardt and Lucio are much, much easier to play well.
Meh? TF2 on Valve maps had limited ammo and was exceedingly spammy at multiple points. I remember like most of the time on dustbowl just being one team spamming the other team hoping to snag some kills, especially that final point.
>even more because of ults and abilities.
Most abilities are there to make things easier for you though.
For a decent costume, I'm assuming per costume fuck would be like $100-200 + social skills for the gf (with the right phrasing I'm sure most girls would be up for this, so it's more about whether you can talk her into it) and like $500 for the prostitute. If you make/buy the costumes yourself it shouldn't be that difficult.
>12v12 on dustbowl
There's your problem.
True, it's not a resource you need to fight over on the map, but since everyone has 1 gun type placing generic ammo all over the map wouldn't add much to OW. Resource control is more of a arena shooter thing, and OW is just all around lacking compared to those games.
CSGO and supposedly OW both have a history of hackers, even at major events, so now everyone assumes the great players are hacking.
>CSGO and supposedly OW both have a history of hackers, even at major events, so now everyone assumes the great players are hacking.
That's true there are some examples I cannot explain, but I'm talking about people who claim it's inhuman to flick and lead like that
zen has
I dunno, quite a few people play it professionally. Your point is moot,you're a qp shitter that played the game for 5 mins.
>aiming and shooting is now more than aiming, shooting and using abilities and ults
Holy fuck, Sup Forums is retarded
Anyone that doesn't understand flickshots probably started playing shooters with Halo CE.
I played it for the entire beta.
Just because people play your baby game professionally doesn't automatically good, people play League of Legends professionally for christ sake