What went wrong?
What went wrong?
le big sword meme
Nothing, Cloud is perfect.
don't understand your concern
I hate cloud as a character, but design wise, while nowadays stupid, is understandable for its time
however you are implying that it got worse or something, which I don't see
neither I care, because FFVII is the most plebeian and low level game in existence
>that fucking amano art
I fucking love how Amano is anything but generic
ow the edge
I normally like amano's stuff but goddamn that cloud is just ridiculous.
Nothing, you stupid fuck. He looks the best in recent years, especially Smash 4.
Yoshitaka Amano is so shit why do people like him again? I can draw better than that and I'm a fucking dentist.
No you can't
I don't think you've ever seen his other artwork and just judged him from this image. He just really sucks at drawing Cloud.
Persona/smt artist is better
He bought a full black wardrobe but he seems to be on the up and up these days
Let me guess, you're one of those nu-male faggots that thinks FFVIII is any better?
Amano's 1997 promo art is the gayest thing I've ever seen.
Better love story
Better villain
Better protag
Can't say one is better than the other, they got different art styles. But yeah, Kaneko's art is really good too.
Cloud is fantastic as a character, hands down the best one in all vidya, but his design is gay.
>Better love story
More like the most cringeworthy love story ever.
>Better villain
Okay I'll give you that one, Sephiroth a shit.
>Better protag
You mean that autistic faggot who spent 10 years butthurt over his sister leaving him? Yeah what a compelling character.
You say that as if Final Fantasy character designs weren't always gay as fuck.
>Sameface on the level of shad/buckley
He's improved over the years but that's just wrong. Everyone looks like the same porcelain doll in different clothes and wigs
Sameface level of Toriyama you mean.
Why is the Swiss army sword from AC/KH2 so fucking long
The Buster Sword is already massive but at least you can imagine Cloud carrying an object of that shape and size on his back without it fucking hitting the ground
Not so with that thing