What do you guys think of the BEST video game personality, ANGRY JOE?
What do you guys think of the BEST video game personality, ANGRY JOE?
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Is he going to jerk off with that BBQ sauce?
I love his THEME SONG
It's so good xD
Frustrated Felipe
how did he get so fat
Far from the best, but weirdly attractive.
i think he should take more care of his body
hes okay. Weird dude though.
seven dollars.....four hours....one ANGRY gamer O_o
jojo reference?
>exited by fucking sauce from chikafilla
mystery beyond human comprehension
Angry jose
>Angry José
>video game personality
u wot?
he's enthusiastic,maybe too enthusiastic.
They all look like they smell really bad so I'd call it a tie.
Who the fuck takes pictures of themselves and posts them online where all they are doing is something utterly pointless like holding up a packet of BBQ sauce?
My absolute favorite thing is seeing a white man ignore him during the VGA. He got so triggered
Also, he has some serious halitosis. Like it actually smells like a ripe shit. Met him at a PAX event. 2/10
I used to hate Annoyed Alfonso but I have to admit, he grew on me. Him and DSP are the only two I still tolerate.
His blood pressure looks like it's going to be very problematic at some point very soon.
Source on the white man ignoreing him please
>video game personality
has it really come to this?
why do people pose for pictures like this?
What is going on with the sides of his tongue, jesus.
jojo ref
He's got such a punchable face
what's his name again?
>Guy who hasn't made a single videogame, mod, fix or even testing
>BEST video game personality
Relevance and quantity over quality. They seek any sort of attention from those on social media so they can feel important or stay swimming around the goldfish brain for dosh. If you're trying to make bank on your brand you have to spray shit and hope it sticks or keep your name in rotation.
I used to be a huge social media fag and friends with people that tried with few succeeding at being personalities. It's all quite shallow and narcissistic. I dropped out because of that and not being glued to a phone is great.
>Expanding Emilio
>Rotund Raúl
>Fat Fernando
>Porcine Pedro
>Heavy Henrique
He is going blind in the next 10 years
No he won't.
Keraokonus treatable, there are multiple way top deal with it, not necessarily eye surgery.
Having bad eyesight != blindness.
Everybody start to lose eyesight after 40-45. NO exceptions. You too.
Based Dorito Pope
can't tell if this thread is sarcastic or not. i really hope it is, i'm trying to get into this board and if you niggas are serious i'm leaving rn.
Generally good at game reviews and calling out companies on dumb shit (this is good considering the amount of views he gets). His skits are not nearly as long or bad as many make them out to be or like nostalgia critic. They're short and serve to illustrate a point.
Movie reviews are really bad though. They just talk and he talks over everyone and sways their opinions.
Trailer reactions are harmless.
Live streams of games can be fun especially with oj, just skip past the hours of setup they do everytime. Less interesting when oj is gone. And all the donations and resubs do get annoying.
In general is has really bad taste in both games and movies but overall a good and enjoyable "personality"
Adipose Rex
Upset Umberto
You must be eighteen (18) to post here.
Then why are you here?
loco miguel
He's Our Guy
Not much else to think
Angry "Our Guy" Joe
I'm pretty sure it's the fact that he has a real life celebrity on his show, sitting next to him.
>chick fill a
Common Filth can't keep getting away with it!
Can't wait until our based new President will remove him.
Is Chick-fil-a sauce really that good? I've heard a lot of people praise it, but I've only been there like twice, so I've never had it.
Clueless, spineless faggot. His scores and ratings contradict everything he says during his reviews. Plus his skits are painful, but that jjust a matter of taste. So overall, hes not perfect 10/10
Why is he so fat?
not really.
Pedro Malote
Fuck man, I'm fat but if I was a youtube fag that made lodsamone and had all that free time I would go to the gym all the time.
>live in new england
>no chick-fil-a
>no popeyes
>no good BBQ or fried chicken anywhere
>no fucking KRISPY KREME
>dunkin fucking donuts on literally every street corner
Literally every single one of those places is absolute dogshit. You should feel lucky you don't have them.
angry hoe
pretty sure he kicks the bucket before tb and cox
No you wouldn't, you'd be even fatter than you are.
holy shit absolutely decimated
Diabetes can make you blind?
>Butthurt Burrito
Nah, he's an annoying jumped up cunt. Too American for my taste.
diabetic retinopathy
Didn't Geoff Keighley BTFO the fuck out of him in public?
damn, silly spic got destroyed.
Berserk Burrito
Good god hes put on weight
What happened
so entitled
Engorged Enrique
Buttmad Burrito
Miffed Martinez
Raging Renaldo
Ticked-off Taco
I think I'm going to call the cops.
I think Angry Joe is the epitome of Sup Forums he even has the shilling and hypocrisy, he has it all.
why are you so fat?
Nigger calling the cops?
Except I'm fit and not a virgin, how about you?
Now post the aftermath vlog where he cried.
Hungry Hungry Hernandez
Chubby Chico
sure you are
>being this butthurt
geoff was being kind of a dick but what kind of man has this happen and makes a 25 minute video crying to his fans about being bullied by a vidya game journalist.
>goes into an interview with an attitude of "going up against" the guy and gets upset when he's antagonistic
Enraged Enrique
Is she "Our Gal"?
I'm coming round to Doritos Pope
Hahahaha! I didn't know he was that pathetic. Jesus Christ. Based Geoff
>video game personality
Adipose Alejandro
>live in original England
>..... none of these
Frenzy Ferdinando
>wanting any of that shit
Miffed Martinez
Is punished fat Joe patrician?
Thats disgusting
I love how no matter how he comes up in a thread it's simply reduced to what's his name posting.
I watch him for the sake of watching something, but two things bother me the most now days.
One is him being so much fatter now. It's really starting to show, I understand that if you sit down and play video games all day for a living it's going to show, but Other Joe is buff as fuck and is crazy looking. Joe should really take the time out of his day to lift with Other Joe.
And the other being how forced his friends are now. I liked when it was him and Other Joe, now he has that fat fucking neckbeard know it all, some other twats and his girlfriend. Good lord his girlfriend don't get me started, she's basically there to be clickbait for the desperate. She even laughs when he laughs and never on her own.
Movie reviews are boring too.
He is the biggest video game personality, I will give him that