What went wrong here, Sup Forums?
What went wrong here, Sup Forums?
>NC is still going
Fuck Doug, just let it die already.
He makes nothing but clickbait and demo reel style "reviews"
I personally thought he was a shitter because of his exaggerated reactions combined with his bad jokes.
>2007-2011 Critic
>Genuinely funny reviews paired with surprisingly sharp and insightful criticism
>Skits are short, sweet, and charming for their make-shift nature
>2012-present Critic
>Each review is sandwiched between skits that last an age, each more cringeworthy than the last
>Ridiculously over-edited, cheap sfx out the ass, style has become tacky as hell
>Doug is clearly too old for this shit and you can literally chart the decay of his soul between episodes as he forces himself to get passionate about childish shit that no well adjusted adult cares about
>Genuinely funny
Nostalgia Critic was never funny.
Even back then his screechy overreactions got annoying really fast. Only the godawful skits he does now are worse.
AVGN was better at being the NC than NC himself.
>2007-2011 Critic
>I was 14
>2012-present Critic
>I am 20
Skits, and diversity sidekicks.
Spot on m8
He was never actually good to begin with anons.
You know this, why deny it.
>what went wrong
Take your pick.
Dude Nostalgia Critic has always been like a poor man's Angry Video Game Nerd.
You just got higher standards. Only people who had any talent was Spoony (RIP) and Brad Jones whose videos are amusing not so much because of him but just more so because it's funny to see weird ass pornos.
>14 in 2011
>20 in 2012
Thats not how years work
He was more cringe than funny.
It got so bad that JewWario killed himself, and yet people still defend this group of hacks.
Jewwario got Courtney Love'd
Remember when he quit being the Nostalgia Critic? How he did that final video saying how it had run its course and that there is nothing more to mention that he's nostalgic about.
Then two weeks later he came back to doing regular episodes and upped the production value of it by hiring on the chick and the black dude to do skits with. It was so weird, what the hell is wrong with him?
His new pet project at the time tanked hard
There was a time when you couldn't look at the front page of Sup Forums and not see a Demo Reel thread.
I truly miss those threads, Far more interesting to read Doug Walker gossip then watch Doug Walker.
Nah, he was. Some reviews were relatively funny. You can check by going to old old old reviews. But damn, he fell hard.
it's so weird to be nostalgic for 2011- Fappening Sup Forums but it was a fun time
>2012-present Critic
You mean he's still going?
Didn't this fuck get the memo that the age of 20 to 30 year olds screaming about old shit is over?
I was surprised he was still going as well because he made a video saying he wanted to stop doing Nostalgia Critic and retire the character.
Guess he wasn't making enough money doing what he was doing after so he just folded in on himself and just started doing Nostalgia Critic videos again out of nothing but wanting more cash.