Remember that we're police. Stick with the prod. It will stun your opponents or knock them unconscious...

Remember that we're police. Stick with the prod. It will stun your opponents or knock them unconscious. A nonlethal takedown is always the most silent way to eliminate resistance. Just in case, though, Manderley wants you to pick an additional weapon: a sniper rifle, a GEP gun, or a minicrossbow.

Other urls found in this thread:

GEP or bust

Paul, I've seen reference to something called the 'Aug Incident', mind telling me what that's about?


your turn

Remake when? I'm not a fan of Jensen or the piss filter of HR.

you can find both sniper and xbow in first level
so gep gun makes the most sense
although i prefer to play nonlethal using explosives only against bots/cameras/doors

Paul, I...I...I thought you were a GEP Gun


Why are you in the bathroom?