Goddman she is gorgeous. And people say Western companies can't deisgn women.
Goddman she is gorgeous. And people say Western companies can't deisgn women
Draw a middle aged man and call it a woman.
Westerns love them manish bull-dikes.
That's not Evie.
Drawing a beautiful woman is sexist. They don't exist just for you to look at them.
i don't know if drawing a 8 years old girl and calling her a woman is better
You got any pictures where she doesn't look like an angry cunt with a massive stick up her ass?
Western companies make their female characters all with a manjaw, sometimes underweight, and stupidly inflated lips. Thanks for continuing to prove that point.
I fucking hate Evie Frye.
Pre-release they made her out to be this cold, calculating tactician to balance out Jacob's hot-headed thuggishness, and then the first time she meets Indian-Assassin-Guy, she starts mooning over him and give him smoke eyes.
I couldn't finish that damn game.
Hey look it's this thread again
She's a Mary Sue and her game is the worst in its series.
Fucking sexist japanese character design ugggghhhhh
do you even know what a mary sue is lmao
gross. its like she couldn't be bothered to put a clean shirt on.
Why is her face so angular? To me that's not really attractive on a woman.
Maybe she actually works instead of sitting on a chair all the day like your NEET ass does.
how does working stop you from wearing clean clothes?
Signifies coldness, no softness to her character or her actions. The lines on her face are the ones she draws in the sand. Very dramatic.
She's Royalty user, petite women with angular faces was all the rage.
Looks like agent 47 with makeup and a wig.
Here's without the disguise.
>killer chin
>dyke cut
No one cares what you find attractive you disgusting wop.
>Draw a boy
>Call it a girl
Why do western devs keep doing this?
Boys are the best girls.
>that angry stare
>Yankee design
>Bird manface
>Ugly manface
He's definitely right, swap the lips and that's a man.
Pajeet is getting too good.
At least looks female. Not like this manfaced woman.
Her mountainous mammaries probably push up against everything she must interact with on a day to day basis. They act like a surface for dirt and dust to settle on like a table. This could likely be her after she just got done eating.
Also, your eyes are just more drawn to her bounteous busom so you're 5x more likely to notice stains and blemishes in the area. I've seen this with other large chested women too.
>draw a 10-year-old girl with DDD tits
>call her a 5000-year-old dragon
>literally dresses and looks like a man just like all the other "strong wyman" feminist characters that were created in the last 5 years. She even is just another Mary Sue that is superior in every way compared to men and hates men
Sjw please leave