this is a new first
Steam just BTFO humble, by having the same bundle cheaper
also if you have any of the games, the price gets reduced
just got DOTT+2 more for 2.75e
this is a new first
Steam just BTFO humble, by having the same bundle cheaper
also if you have any of the games, the price gets reduced
just got DOTT+2 more for 2.75e
also what is cheaper than paying with gabenbucks?
GF and DoTT non-reshitstered release fucking when
> Grim Fandango and DotT remastered are bad
Kill yourself, these are not your PS4 remaster bullshit.
I don't give a shit if the reshitstered versions are good or bad, I want the originals.
I think you can play the old ones on the remastered ones by just pushing a button
in a sort of legacy mode
for the love of god just pirate it so tim schafer doesn't get your hard-earned monies, this entire bundle is a scam to funnel more dollars into timmy.
grimdango has an option in-game to return to the original graphics.
>so tim schafer doesn't get your hard-earned monies
I play games because I enjoy games, not for some teenagers MUH ANARCHY bullshit.
>Paying for games when the original devs are long gone and your money will be wasted on the recipients.
I bet you bought Vampire The Masquerade, you cuck.
This. I had everything but DotT and Oxenfree, was only $2.45 wallet.
If you're missing Lumino City, Broken Age and/or Titan Souls, just buy the $1-tier of the Humble (includes all 3) and watch the price of the rest of the bundle plummet.
If you're missing all of them, BTA of the Humble Bundle and buy DotT on Steam, it'll only cost you
> cuck
What a way to lose all credibility, little butthurt.
You can play grim fandango with the original models
>paying 9 europoordollars for this boatload of crap
are you honestly going to disregard his message of 'why pay some corporate bodies who own the IP when none of the people who worked to make the game are getting paid' just because he used a common pop culture insult
> pirate VtM
At least I hear this meme on Sup Forums again. It was long, like... 2 days ago. Back to redit retard.
>'why pay some corporate bodies who own the IP when none of the people who worked to make the game are getting paid'
Yes, because this isn't an argument at all, and works in a lot of fields.
All you fags going on about not giving money to Schafer, just buy it from Humble Bundle then and use the sliders to give all of it to charity.
>only person in the thread that understands the deal
my steam activity feed is full of people buying this
best deal on steam in a long while
I'm missing Broken Age, Grim Fandango, Massive Chalice, Titan Souls and Day of the Tentacle.
Which ones are actually good? Chalice and Titan Souls look boring.
Broken Age is alright.
Far from Tim's or Double Fine's best work, but not as memengly horrible as Sup Forums would like you to believe.
Grim Fandango is a true classic you must play at least once.
Dunno about Massive Caliche.
Titan Souls is a great concept, poor execution. I normally love boss rush and git gud games, but the game is ruined by excessive backtracking every time a boss kills you in one hit, and some of those attacks are real cheep when trying to figure out their patterns.
Day of the Tentacle is arguably more of a classic than Grim Fandango, and included within it (a game within a game) is the cult hit that inspired it all, Maniac Manson. So I recommend you at least get that.
>giving money to double fine
this thread is either bait or shilling. go away tim
Broken Age is a AAA point and click adventure
>buy for cheap, and enjoy
Grim Fandango is a classic cult
cult because when it dropped back then, many thought it was hideous thanks to the controls and graphics
>still cult game, controls and graphics are horrible... passable
Massive Chalice no idea
>I don't care about turn based
Titan Souls is a Shadow of the Colossus indie 2d homage
>hard but cool
Day of the Tentacle is the remake of the best point and click game of all the time
>must. pls play without using a guide
I miss pre-Broken Age Double Fine.
>Costume Quest
>Grim Fandango
>PeeeeeeeeeCeeeeeeeee Gaming
>indie shit and remastered from indie games
Cant wait for my Pro.
piss off Doublefudge shill
Tim's a cunt; will never support even at 10 cents
>Broken Age is a AAA
That's not true neither by definition nor quality
AAA as in having an overblown budget and stupid dub actors
AAA is not a measure of quality in vidya these days, just a tag
No, AAA is having a high development budget by industry standards, 3M is really, REALLY far from it