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I still don't understand why that game was ignored and Overwatch became immensely popular.
Aren't they the same game?
Battleborn is really really bad and also the marketing was atrocious.
Too lazy to even update this
To see if I still feel.
Didn't it have a humble bundle for $10 a few months ago?
One is fun to play and the other isn't.
I bought it. I played it for a while. it got boring pretty fast. The characters are just not interesting.
Its not and thats probably why it failed horrendously. There was little to no advertisement compared to overwatch and adding to the fact that gearbox made to attempt to inform people on how battleborn and overwatch are different. So people assumed they are the same genre and decided to go with the more interesting looking overwatch.
last night I dreamt
that somebody loved me
Is it free to play yet?
I guess this game is too badass for us to handle it.
It's not. Randy has also personally seen the Blunderborn video.
>B-battleborn came first
>This means nothing!
Is Randy the biggest cuck in the industry? Has he surpassed Anthony?
How is gearbox even staying in the business?
all they do is absolute garbage.
No. Nothing will ever dethrone Anthony.
>no plans
Guess I can completely forget about Battleborn then.
And Randy a shit.
>mfw thats almost the entire battleborn playerbase
Overwatch has cute, hot girls.
Roblox is f2p, easy and targets the children and that's more than enough as we saw from examples like unturned, club penguin and runescape
Battleborn is just shit that targets hip and edgy manchildren and teens. Those do not play games though, they just spam twitch chat with local meme of choice
That's the same as saying that Mario and Lep's World are the same game
Wow Randy is actually mad at Overwatch.
That's kind of pathetic.
What does one 'do' in a Roblox server such as the donut sale themed one?
Probably some autistic roleplay similar to Gmod servers
People finally realized what Randy Pitchford is.
Battleborn is
i really dislike the designs in battleborn. especially the dude who's like 12 foot tall with a head the size of a pea.
>after visiting /gif/
Theyre not the same at all, dude! Battleborn is: FPS; hobby-grade coop campaign; genre-blended, multi-mode competitive e-sports; meta-growth, choice + epic Battleborn Heroes!
Overwatch has none of that shit.
Holy freaking fucks was it bring your kid to work day in the design department
That kid was BADASS.
How could such a diverse, genre-blended game fail?!
when did 2k become so shit?
>soldier with a tiny head
not trying to beat a dead horse but holy shit this is the worst design I have EVER seen
>yfw there are people that paid $60 for this
I'm going to marry tracer
Would you ever play a game made by someone like this?
Honestly, I think the art direction is in huge part to blame.
On the surface, it just looks like such an unappealing game. Like a mid 90s PC game trying to sell itself by the badly pre-rendered CGI cutsequences on the back of the box or something.
Then again, I feel pretty much the same way about the Boarderlands series, but with Battleborn it was even worse.
She would just abort your baby by going back in time to return to battle.
>both are fairly unfun to play after you get past level 20
>but Overwatch has Blizzards massive marketing and fan base behind it (they even excuse the 0 new content for 5 month -> see the general or official board)
>tfw there's a really popular guy at my uni who plays this exclusively
i seriously don't get the appeal
>Battleborn is $20
>nobody is buying it
>Battleborn can't go f2p because it'll compete and get wrecked with Paladins
Fucking cornered.
You get to feel part of a special club with very limited members.
> 0 new content for 5 month
objectively wrong
Is he this youtuber?
>yeah 5 reskins, 6 emotes and 1 new map
Have you looked at the rage over at the forums or reddit yet? They are all screaming for something "new" and "faster".
It's hilarious actually. He goes up against the big dogs and gets shit on and turns into a big baby about it.
Honest kek
I'm glad Rising Storm 2 is learning a lesson from this, they had originally intended a Q4 2016 release but that's competing with all the big names like BF1, CoD, GoW4 etc.
Literally nothing else is coming Q1 '17
Somewhere around Borderlands 2 I reckon.
>Why don't (you) play the game
>woo woo woo wooo
That's the funniest bit is that they missed their window of opportunity. Easily could have turned the game into a cash grab where all heroes, skins, fart sounds, whatever else cost money or you can just buy it.
They couldn't just swallow their pride and now they have this shit show that makes them no money. I'm curious how many people, if any, lost their jobs out of this situation.
>battleborn's budget took more than BL1 and 2 combined
There was also a character and another is coming "soon", not like that really makes anything better. I'm pretty sure even battleborn has gotten more content.
Really? If so that's hilarious. With all the flops they have had since BL2 how are they still in business?
Not defending Blunderborn but you're wrong, they got at least two new heroes as well. Maybe even three but I haven't been following it.
>Tracer is pregnant
>She recalls
>Only Tracer is affected by recall
>A foetus drops to the ground from the spot she recalled away from.
It's like someone took the charger from L4D2 and told a retard to make it hip and cool for 2003.
do you think she blinks after every orgasm so she can feel it twice?
>Duke nukem WT flopped as well
>People are porting the new expasion to the versions of duke 3d people actually like.
delicious gearbox tears
>make an arena shooter hobby grade game that targets manchildren
>design and write the game insulting manchildren and hyping feminism
ew what si that shitstain?
This subreddit is chock full of some of the most shocking denial I've seen in my life. Is this what extreme buyer's remorse looks like?
It's not even funny. It's just depressing.
>still $60
What the actual fuck.They aren't even trying to save the game
The "feminism is awesome" or whatever line makes me glad that their game is dead now.
>that desperate "NEW PVP MODE!" stamp
>'attention, all units: feminism is awesome!'
>yfw you are not Anthony Burch
>Bonus points if you still own a wii
How mad do you think Rando would get if we just spammed pictures of laughing Overwatch characters to his Twitter account? Would he kill himself?
i'd fuck Anita
He's already drinking booze everyday, drowning the pain.
I want Anita to fuck my boipucci with her strapon, step on me and make me her fuccboi slave.
Why can I never have this? ;_;
josh mcinsjosh got that treatment and now he's making 200 pity bucks on parteon
Sounds like he's living the dream.
Is Sheev a greater Sith than Darth Vader?
The master always exceeds the apprentice.
>Battleborn Day
Mark your calendars, evveryone!
Overwatch panders the sjw, cuck and feminist audience more.
If you add the name Blizzards with the pandering and the shilling on every major site, even Overwatch could be considered more like a failure (it should have reached at least 30 million copies with all the shilling and pandering and no crack possibility).
But if Overwatch is successful enough, say goodbye to "online" gaming. Without The Witcher 3, I would have thought gaming is already dead (Gwent is a disaster and I'm not buying anything from CDPR again, because now they went full sellout and P2W).
I always wanted to try a moba style game but not with that shit camera and boring ass controls. I was willing to give this game a shot but by the time I was even interested in the fucking game the playerbase was already sub 1k. I still think the game is like 5bucks for a key and its STILL dying. Thats the fucking price of a fast food meal how do you fuck up this bad?
>Overwatch panders the sjw, cuck and feminist audience more.
Stopped reading there, you put more effort into this bait then you needed to. Anyways, have a free (You) on me.
Play Gigantic. It's Battleborn but not trash.
I wonder how many of those players are Gearbox employees just idling in the menus.
Holy shit I couldn't get past one minute
Dude this legitimately made me feel sad, why did you have to post
been got a key but I have to wait for the closed beta and i'm not sure when that is
open beta when
I talked to publishers and those people were almost like they were feeling my pain, but they still could not make a refund..