What went wrong? Why is it so terrible?
What went wrong? Why is it so terrible?
>Devs added a retarded "feature" where the game intentionally drops you on top of allies, killing them instantly, and there's nothing you can do about it but get kicked before you can say "sorry", even though you have absolutely no control over it
>They have the guts to boast about this stupid idea and parade it
>Camera is stuck with all 4 players and you can't move where you want freely; you can pretty much get dragged against your will if everyone else moves in an opposite direction
>People can teamkill you for your equipment, and only bring you back when they feel like it
Alien Swarm does pretty much every single thing better, so sad it never got any more content.
I miss doing brutal onslaught hardcore FF runs.
7th gen release, shitty camera, lack of enemies on screen. But the worst offender is DLC policy. 75% of game's content are in DLCs and it's actually cool content too.
You can buy DLC guns and equipment for this game and your LOCAL FRIEND PLAYING THE GAME RIGHT BESIDE YOU won't get it.
Teamkilling and DLC have made a decent game into frustrating shit.
>alien swarm will never be popular enough to play
I'm so fucking ready for Space Hulk
>being this bad
Someone never beat Helldive
>Point out legit flaws in that game that ruin the experience without having anything to do with actual gameplay skill
>Hurr bad
Back to school kiddo.
Can't fucking connect
Nothing went wrong it's hella fun. Spent loads of time with it and didn't even have to spend anything because it was free for PS plus
>Mad because bad: THE POST!
>requiring teamwork and cooperation is a bad thing
Just fucking say you have no friends to play it with you lonely cunt
It's a shit game for pubs
The DLC model ruined it
the blonde? dont know about him
Like everyone else said, you're just bad. You get an audio cue someone is coming in an you have time to jump out of the way before they come in
that's still horrible game design
not even that guy
and besides he said he's the one dropping in, not getting dropped on you illiterate retard
>You get an audio cue someone is coming in an you have time to jump out of the way before they come in
I fucking realize that. The problem is that OTHER people are too retarded to realize I'M dropping in, and the game puts me right on top of their asses. Then they kick me for something I have NO CONTROL OVER.
This is especially shitty in snow maps where some people refuse to take the terrain boots and end up crawling at a cripple's pace, and apparently don't know how to do the jump dodge to get out of the way.
>A game that attempts to be entertaining is bad because it is entertaining
yeah huh
>A game that forces unwarranted teamkilling is entertaining
yeah huh
Never even heard of it
where did I say the game was bad?
Are you fucking retarded?
A game can still have horrible design decisions and still be good
there's nothing fun or good about retards who don't know how to avoid a fucking drop pod, then get butthurt when you inevitably kill them because they wouldn't move, getting you kicked in the process
the OP is right in saying that it's retarded
I fucking hate the snow maps due to terrain boots being pretty much a requirement.
And so is that force-field backpack in cyborgs and bugs with the fucking annoying tackling dog packs and acid spitters.
The more time went on the more pay-2-notdie the game became.
I just completely avoid planets with retaliatory missions.
Are you literally the same person?
Why are you so defensive about this game?
I wanted to buy it but then saw the DLC which was worth 3 times as much as the game and backed down on principle. That and it was kinda dead iirc, might be completely dead now.
>Camera is stuck with all 4 players and you can't move where you want freely; you can pretty much get dragged against your will if everyone else moves in an opposite direction
To add to this
>Allies can drag you over edges with the camera and let you fall to your death if you're separated by a ravine
>Instead of having a normal minimap that shows where your allies are, you are forced to stay together with a fucking camera
>inb4 hurr durr it's to force people to play as a team!
The game's difficulty itself should be enough reason to play as a team and stick together, because the game is insane on harder difficulties if you try to solo, not a fucking Get-Along-Shirt camera. There should be an option to disable this.
It's too repetetive, and the only fun faction to fight are the bugs which are always defeated because everyone goes at them first.
It's basically DoW2.
what the absolute fuck? They're nowhere near comparable
Why are you so offended?
definitely is a shit player complaining about core features of the game, those are not legitimate critizisms, as they would make a completely different game.
>Pointing out "features" that actually make the game a frustrating shitshow
>Not legitimate
>Petty fanboy can't take critiscism
And you wonder why it's dead, huh? What a gay.
yeah you're a shitposting fanboy
>that's still horrible game design
It is not, because frequent deaths inflicted by teammates is a feature.
That might sound retarded, but it is a fact, the game is a direct sequel to Magicka in that regard, in which this was also a central mechanic.
As for skill, just no. The game is not to be taken seriously, and that includes any allusion of "muh skill".
It is dead because of the server issues it had, not because the people playing didn´t like it, retard.
I´m not the one trying to dismiss points with "if it disagrees with me it is shitposting".
Drop pods
Reinforcement points
Mission based objectives
Space marine theme
Robots are kind of eldaar-ish
Zerg are tyranids
Gameplay is very similar top-down hack/slash
Its very very similar when you play co-op DoW2.
So your perception is because the game itself is a funny nod to Starship Troopers and 90s action films in general any discussion on regarding the gameplay is immediately nullified? Holy kek. I like Helldivers, but I know there's flaws in it. All games are flawed. Take your head out your ass.
>Why are you so offended?
Did this sound like a smart come-back to you? So you said that for this reason alone?
>definitely is a shit player complaining about core features of the game, those are not legitimate critizisms, as they would make a completely different game.
>those are not legitimate criticisms
Fuck it, you're either a kid desperate to defend the game you bought with your allowance or just pretending to be retarded, naturally you will want the last word so go ahead.
and you're just saying the guy is shit and his criticisms don't hold water
how is he shit?
how do his criticisms hold no water?
you're acting like a fucking child because he dare criticize a game you like, and you are giving zero arguments for how he's wrong rather than
>hurr durr ur shit
>ur wrong lol
>It is not, because frequent deaths inflicted by teammates is a feature.
Enjoying those votekicks and lost games on Helldive difficulty, kid?
>As for skill, just no. The game is not to be taken seriously, and that includes any allusion of "muh skill".
>t. someone who's never played on Helldive
Of course, the faggot defending shit game design is a casual. Like clockwork.
Pretty sure it's only the host of the ship that can kick people out.
Fuck, I know I've kicked people out due to the fact they might inconvenience me due to their set up of equipment.
I try not to, but when I see a player immediately try to call in a mech, I say "fuck it".
I certainly would still be playing the game if the issues I listed were fixed, because I loved the mechs and heavt machine guns in that game. But those don't outweight the shitty nonsensical ideas they put in the game.
The player should be able to choose where to drop in when they join a game, and Server hosts should be given an option to change camera behavior.
>Fuck, I know I've kicked people out due to the fact they might inconvenience me due to their set up of equipment.
>Being this much of a shithead to other people because of what they want to play as
And yet you're talking about teamwork. Again, you wonder why the game is dead.
Helldive difficulty with mech players is hell.
Mechs don't last very long in inexperienced players hands and still don't last very long with pros because the limited ammo they carry.
Like, holy shit, the most usual version of the mechs with the anti-tank cannon is totally fucking useless after maybe 7-tier difficulty due to the weak flamethrower it has.
Inexperienced players would be playing Helldive. Just use them and their mechs as meatshields and let them die until they leave.
>As meatshields
That's be cool, if friendly fire didn't exist.
Once you're comfortable with Helldive, any lower difficulty becomes extremely boring, user.
>That's be cool, if friendly fire didn't exist.
>Game be cooler if a bad game design choice didn't exist
You don't say. FF is never good for team games where you gotta stick close to each other.
It is. You missed out though. It was great fun.
There's literally nothing wrong with that mech with the cannon.
How much grinding is there in this game?
Not too much. You get plenty of samples while learning and unlocking stratagems. After that you get them while having fun.