Honest thoughts on Dark Souls II?
Honest thoughts on Dark Souls II?
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Didn't live up to my expectations, but I enjoyed it nonetheless.
Not a bad game, just the worst souls game.
Not terrible, but it's like a mix of worst parts of other Souls games in one. Even such basic things as movement and attack animations feel off.
DLCs have pretty good locations and bosses, but suffer from trash enemies having ridiculous HP and stagger resist.
>ridiculous stagger resist
That only applies to the first DLC and the Sanctum Knights with nigh infinite poise.
Iron/Ice DLC enemies get staggered just fine.
A very good game, as good as Demon's Souls at least if you include the DLC.
The worst part of it is the different engine, that not only looks awful(probably because of the light downgrade) but it also makes most animation look weird and makes the controls clunky.
Loved it more than any other Souls game. It's just got a lot of mechanical problems that desperately need to be fixed.
It's a good souls game but it's jumbled up and things come in
The wrong order
The wrong tone
Too quickly after each other
It's like it has all the things needed to be a good game except for an experienced hand.
It was ok
No souls game will ever feel as good as controlling your character does in DaS
It's so smooth and responsive
it's excellent
Great DLC with horrible bonus levels.
DS1 and 3 feels about the same to me. But movement is by far my biggest complaint about DS2. The level design, bosses and enemy encounters weren't nearly as bad as the floaty controls.
Probably the best Souls game if you include the DLC.
Like skyrim i feel its not a great game in the series but its still a good game. I can understand why people enjoy it but i cringe when people claim its the best in the series.
To me the other games just do many of the things better. That being said who ever optimized that game is a god
DS1 cant run for shit and slow even with patches, DS2 runs smooth on anything
I enjoyed my time with it
skyrim is the second best game in its series
Proved From can't into sequels.
Controlling character felt even clunkier than in 1. I think it was mostly to the fact characters didn't want to turn as much midswings.
Most locations were pretty ugly.
I disliked how max hp were getting lower after deaths.
Broken hitboxes on most bosses and some trash enemies. Shockwaves if you prefer.
Hub was nice.
I'd have prefered leveling at campfires.
Better armor, character customization and pvp scene than 1 and 3
The definition of quantity over quality.
>I disliked how max hp were getting lower after deaths.
It kinda becomes a non-issue though, by the end of the game you're swimming in human effigies.
Literally this. When I tried to replay DaS2 it wasn't the level design or enemies that made me quit, it was the awful controls.
it's a great game and fuck the try-hard retards who pretend like it's the worst thing since unsliced bread
I also enjoyed it more than 3 thus far, but that's probably because these games are getting past their welcome in terms of the series' quantity and start feeling more of the same
Fuck adaptability
Although, what's a good level to put it at?
enjoyed, lacked polish.
biggest complaint is how many area are just boxes with textures lacking any character or doodads
Feels horribly slow compared to 1 and 3, but I don't think it's a bad game
also, levels are so abundant in DS2 that it's no biggie to max it out right away
kill the armor merchant in majula and he'll drop a set of armor that gives you +12.5 exp
add the +10% silver serpant ring and you're level up like crazy
each individual area had a nice atmosphere but they felt disconnected from one another so it's hard to describe the game's atmosphere with any word other than clusterfuck
it was a good game though, hexes were a nice addition
Will From, or any other dev that tries to copy DaS, ever attempt to make the great world of early Dark Souls?
This shit is why Dark Souls is, and probably will be my favorite souls ever.
Slow as fuck. I went back to my NG+7 playthrough of it after playing das 3 for the past week and could suffer through only 20 minutes before quitting. Its shitty slow combat inspired me to fire up Bloodborne again, though.
Pretty crazy how even das1 is faster and more fluid than 2.
I'm trying to do it with a 2D style game, but boy is it hard.
It's fun to work on but it's hard.
>great world
You mean a bunch of corridors?
Really? I thought the Snow Bros. had even more poise, especially those ice armour dudes and the golems of course.
DaS2 is better than DaS3 but worse than DeS and DaS1
Scholar is the best Souls game.
Haven't played BB. Don't count it as Souls anyway.
The heavier ones had more poise, logically. But even those could be flattened with just one greathammer attack.
it's like school in summertime
I think DS2 had the best music in the series, it's a shame the rest of it was shit. If it had one perfectly good point it was the soundtrack.
DS3's music disappointed me, it's just as bland and washed out as ever. I can't think of one significant track I liked in the entire game.
I bet you think open worlds "you can climb that mountain" tier are good, fag
Outside of the plot making no sense and the lore being even worse I really like it. Way to many bonfires and not enough shortcuts sure but I like the atmosphere of a lot of the levels and things like power stance really added some spice to the sword play (well mace play in my case)
honestly going out and being so frustrated with the actual game and coming back to majula to its comfiness in this track was the best part of this game
this game is incredibly flawed, and is by far my least favourite in almost every aspect, except this part of playing the game is just great
It also had really good armor and weapon aesthetics.
Overall the best of Souls games in terms of general polish, performance, and "smoothness" of the experience.
However, it's still a Souls game, meaning retarded AI, sterile world design, limp, unsatisfying combat, a lazy excuse for a story, and a cancerous online playerbase. So in the end calling it the most polished of Souls games doesn't account for much.
Still played it, still enjoyed it. Won't say it's a good game just because I did, because it really isn't. I've just got low standards.
Other then having my absolute favorite covenant, I find i can't go back to it.
I hate how nothing felt like it had appropriate weight. A prime example is if you used a shield to block a giant hit in DaS1 the character gets pushed back. Or the enemy looks like they hit a wall.
In DaS2 though, its just... thunk, clank.
Also, i remember being impressed by the graphics when it came out, but now i look at screenshots and i'm blown away how awful it looks. Hell, DaS1 and DeS BOTH look better to this day.
I wish i could be a ratbro again though.
To this day it's the only Souls game I completed once and never felt the need to revisit.
Personally, I disliked the game because of some of the mechanics, like the way hollowing worked, but it has its own place in my heart.
I loved the weapon selections, and the way the game handled the idea of the power stance, but it had plenty of problems with controls, confusing layout, the hitboxes for sure, and the fact that it had several assets that just didn't work imo.
I played SotFS, so my experience is a little different, but some of the bosses being reused in such a poor manner, such as the Flexile Sentry being reused in the Lost Bastille area. That, plus the sheer amount of bosses crammed into the game, made it feel like a very long and painful quest to beat it.
I mark my games by how long they take for me to play: Bloodborne took me around 60 hours because I had no idea what I was doing (first From game), Next was DS1, took me 40 hours without DLC since it was a few months from DS3 coming out and I was looking to beat them all before playing it. DS3 took me 44 hours, and I have now put in well over 200. DS2 took me 48, and that was without the DLC, just because I didn't want to play it any more. I love these games, but DS2 was just so...like DS2. It's not that bad, but it's not my favorite either.
The weakest of the series by far.
>hex shitter
You deserved no less.
No, how it was all interconnected and fit together
>I'd have prefered leveling at campfires.
I like how this was a problem that they fucking SOLVED in the second game and decided to say fuck it and rebreak in all the subsequent releases.
Only Souls Game that hasn't made it into my list of games I regularly replay.
It is clearly the worst which sometimes overshadows the faults of the other games because they also aren't perfect.
Stone ring + ultra weapon staggers sanctum knights just fine; they're no lion warriors.
Corridors are usually connected to each other.
>Don't count it as Souls anyway.
We knew you were shitposting, you don't have to be obvious about it.
As a console player it was my favorite. Not only did it off a smooth and consistent 60 FPS, it also polished all the bad mechanics from the first game, and was able to deliver a large scale universe that was still fluid and consistent.
It offered many secrets, from the Abyss Depths, to all of the Dragon stuff. I loved how the Bonfire Aesthetics worked, and how they allowed you to repeat parts of the game you liked without the hassle of triggering another NG+ cycle.
I also liked how the NG+ cycle actually added more to the game, as opposed to just bigger health bars. It actually changed boss mechanics, added ambushes, and all around made the game enjoyable from start to finish all over again.
I enjoyed Soul Memory in it's on way that it punished different aspects of the game. I don't agree with how there was still a PVP meta for a certain soul level, as opposed for a soul memory bracket.
I.E. Doing everything you can to reach a certain soul bracket in the most favorable fashion, only to eventually be edged out as you smash the competition time after time. It was like it's own failsafe for having overpowered metas, and it worked.
If DS3 could've offered a fluid universe in 60 FPS on console, it might have competition, but really DS3 is the weakest in the series, and 2 is absolutely the strongest from a gameplay point of view, while 1 will always be a great original, though unpolished in many aspects.
ds3 is worse
prove me wrong without FLOATINGCASTLELMAO
I'm sorry, I didn't know it would get this bad.
Please come back team B.
It's faggots like you that are the reason there is only one viable playstyle in DS3.
>hasn't played Demon's Souls
>DeS wasn't their first
Now listen here you little shit
I didn't get the idea to use the stone ring until the ivory DLC. Had to go through it on NG+2 for the first time. Fuck those deers.
there are good things about it, but there are bad things that cancel it out
im guessing youre comparing SotFS console version with the PS4 version of dark souls?
remember that dark souls 2 originally released on ps3/xbox 360 without all that extra dlc content at 30 fps
I think people need to wait until the definitive edition of Dark Souls 3 to come out with all of the DLCs to form an actual opinion
I'm listenin.
>Overall the best of Souls games in terms of general polish
Come on.
If you enjoyed it for pvp/weapons/new mechanics, I can't blame you, but it wasn't most polished one. Despite many patches and even grand overhaul SOTFS it's still nowhere near more polished than BB that is bugged by shit performance.
knock that shit off and go play DeS
>I don't agree with how there was still a PVP meta for a certain soul level, as opposed for a soul memory bracket.
Meta shitters usually stay in the arena so it kinda makes sense.
Whole zones look awful. I don't mean just from a technicaly stand point either. The aesthetics of places like that forest before the skeleton kings boss, or poison grounds before the windmill are just boring, drab, blocks of brown.
NPCs are horribly underwhelming. The two characters with depth both have non-finisher endings. They just sort of... I'm sitting here alone for no reason and here's muh stuff, bye!
SOOO many bland or boring bosses. Yes there are good bosses too (I love the dukes dear Freja from a story perspective, and I find its a decent way to have adds that can be impactful if you don't know what to do). But its just a sad fact that bad bosses stick in your head more then good, or mediocre bosses. Only amazing bosses have more shelf life.
Easily purchased healing items. Completely remove 95% of the challenge from the game. This was a problem in DeS as well. And just saying don't use them is fine and all.
Having a stat determine how many iframes you get from dodging. Who teh fuck decided this was a good idea?!
>(first From game),
What was your first From game, Sup Forums?
The one they actually finished and bug-tested before release.
Oh wait.
Terrible game.
People who say "duurr but even a BAD from game is better than other games!!!" are retards too.
A bad game is a bad game. Dark Souls 2 missed the point. Dark Souls is about exploration through isolation. Dark Souls 2 is dank anime memes with co-op content. It's just not a Souls game, it's probably closer to some anime nip bull shit like Monster Hunter.
And the reason people "like" it is because it was their first Souls game or they were butthurt from Dark or Demon Souls. They quit those because they had no initial context for what they were doing, then picked up Dark Souls 2 when they hype train rolled out. Now, equipped with initial knowledge of the other Souls game, used that language to contextualize why DS2 is a "good" game, despite being shit with no taste.
Also, Dark Souls 3 was average at best.
And Bloodborne is maaaaybe a 7/10 if you shop at Hot Topic exclusively.
ds3 had a dry color pallet . i dont really know why they made a lot of the areas look bland
>Dark Souls is about exploration through isolation.
>it's probably closer to some anime nip bull shit like Monster Hunter.
Dark Souls can't hold a candle to MH games in terms of gameplay, mate. Not even close.
I only finished ds2 once
what do the trees with the same head do?
>Easily purchased healing items. Completely remove 95% of the challenge from the game. This was a problem in DeS as well. And just saying don't use them is fine and all.
Lifegems and other healing items were still punishable but I agree.
>Having a stat determine how many iframes you get from dodging. Who teh fuck decided this was a good idea?!
I personally think it was to add to build variety. If you were playing as a tank chances are you weren't gonna roll very often so you could invest the points you'd normally put in adaptability into something like endurance or vitality. My only gripe with it is that they didn't give you a reasonable amount of iframes from the start.
>I think people need to wait until the definitive edition of Dark Souls 3 to come out with all of the DLCs to form an actual opinion
Well, if the first DLC is any indication, DS3 might barely reach the level of vanilla DS2 in terms of content amount and non-linearity.
>And the reason people "like" it is because it was their first Souls game or they were butthurt from Dark or Demon Souls.
played dark souls first, then played dark souls 2, liked both.
where do i fit in your scenario?
i only played demon souls and dark souls 1
dark souls 2 didn't interest me. It seem like the same thing. Bloodborne would have but it's the only thing on ps4 that interests me. And that's not enough of a reason to get a ps4
let you go back in time to see the invasion of the giants, and make killing the old king easier
The guy on the left
but im here every day senpai. im not outside of Sup Forums also i dont get laid
>Having a stat determine how many iframes you get from dodging.
There is literally nothing wrong with this outside of the fact that there's no indication of what agility does. Terrible for blind playthroughs, but it's on the wiki now.
PvE - DeS > Bloodborne > Scholar Das2 > DaS2 > DaS1 > DaS3
PvP - DaS2 > DeS > Bloodborne > DaS1 > DaS3
Dark Souls 2 is the best 'Dark Souls' game
Don't forget:
An overreliance on mob enemies and ganking in PvE
Worse graphics than even darksouls 1 at times
The worst hit registration in the series
Movement and camera in general feel weird compared to 3 and 1, almost wobbly yet less responsive
Level design and enemy placements were pretty bad in vanilla
Soul memory
The whole "lose health every time you die" Is a tasteless effort at increasing "muh difficulty" (I know effigies are common, but that still just makes the whole concept even more retarded)
A better concept was to lose half your health at each death instead.
If From wanted to make the Souls games more difficult, why didn't they program the AI to be better?
It was a meme game.
That is why you got so much muh difficulty
Like a totally out of place covenant that makes the game harder and makes zero sense in universe and a death counter.
Except as a result the timing is inconsistent for evades and it results in a terrible reverse difficulty curve.
What wrong with the death counter. I like completing it and looking at how many times I died.
iframes always activate at the start of the roll, so the timing never changes -- you always want to roll as late as possible. As you said, ADP only makes it easier for when you fuck that up.
>reverse difficulty curve
Leveling literally anything makes the game easier, this is a non-argument. And if you think wasting 40 levels to get a DS1 fast roll makes the game too easy, then you have problems.
It's a blatant gamification mechanic. All it does is remind you its a game. It has no purpose beyond epeen measurements and lol comparisons.
Leveling doesn't change the timing though.
That is what you learn
If Strength would change the timing of swings or Dex would change the timing of ranged attacks you had a poiint.
You learn a timing and if anything in an action the window should get tighter not bigger.
That is why ADP is shit.
DaS2 wasn't going for immersion
That it is why they referenced memes like "Welcome to Dark Souls" or Le dayman incadescent bullshit.
DaS2 never tried to be an immersive videogame.
dark souls 2 weapons + mechanics in ds3's setting with a non linear world design would be GOAT
but no, gotta take 30 steps back for every 1 step forward.
Well, there you go. That's possibly the best way to explain why I like it the least of the dark souls games then.
Achievement Unlocked - Welcome To Dark Souls
You Died - 10GS