>Game has bossfights
>Bosses have fucking introductions
Now I want this game.
Game has bossfights
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Fuck you and fuck your shitty Western garbage 'mechs'.
>Being this mad at videogames
Git gud, shitskin.
Fuck off weeb, go back to Sup Forums. Fucking nerd
Gonna pick up the game over the weekend.
Are bosses any good? Are they actually hard on higher difficulties?
Is there a torrent for this game anywhere?
I wanna do the single player but won't be assed with MP since it's gonna die once CoD comes out.
>Game flopped
Now I want to shill this game.
Is there a single western game with good boss battles?
Its ok, but I keep going back to Battlefield 1.
Love the game, love the fact that bosses have cool ingame intro clips, and they look fucking cool as fuck, but the fights are somehwat lackluster.
Only Viper, the one in OP's pic is a bit special (largely due to some scripted events).
Others are just AI titan fights.
They're insanely intense on harder difficulties, if not a bit easy to abuse their AI on others. Super fun either way.
Bosses are good. OP's pic is def the hardest/most annoying in the game.
Reminder that boss fights are coming back, even Black Ops 3 had them.
does it have mechs yet?
last mission in bf1 has something that might be considered a boss fight as well
Every thing is slowly turning in to a rpg, I honestly would not be surprised if every game would become open world rpg for a few years like how every game had some kind of shooter for a few years. Open world is cool if it adds to the game like Zelda, but when its done like Mafia 3 and its just the grindiest shit ever it sucks.
What the fuck kinda question is that? It's fucking Titanfall, what do you expect?
Fuck that train. I'm a fucking medic not a bombardier.
Bombardier just happens to be one of the world's largest train manufacturers
better question; is there a single boss battle that isn't fucking shit? prove to me right now they dont immediately make a game fucking worse, nip or not. in fact especially nip bosses as they are always bulletsponges with repetitive patterns who are boring as fuck to fight
I was going to say something sarcastic and troll but I find that fact interesting. Thank you. Here is a picture of a koala.
>Bosses have fucking introductions
You want their business card as well?
Who cares.
Id say the souls series and Zelda. The former makes sense to the world, the later are never that long of repetitive.
how fucking cool would it be if the dlc was 10 more hours of campaign and they expand the multiplayer into "end game" raids.
i take it you were not a WoW guy.....
Call of Juarez Gunslinger duels
Bastion bosses
Burnout 3 boss racers
Ace Combat bosses
>better question; is there a single boss battle that isn't fucking shit?
Not him but holy fucking shit, you have garbage taste in video games.
>in fact especially nip bosses as they are always bulletsponges with repetitive patterns who are boring as fuck to fight
It's actually the complete opposite. It's Western boss fights that are bullet sponges with repetitive patterns that are maybe even broken on top of that, that aren't that fun to fight.
I've noticed a trend among boss fights in Japanese games. In a lot of games, save for RPGs I guess, boss fights actually don't take that long to kill much of the time, they just seem like they do on your first try because you either don't have the proper tools to defeat them quickly, or you aren't aware of proper strategies to do so. But if you're skillful enough and know what you're doing, it's possible to defeat them in a very short amount of time. It is kind of hard and may take practice, however. It's basically the game's way of rewarding you for skillful play. But the game allows you to use a number of different strategies to take them down. See: Devil May Cry 3/4, Ninja Gaiden Black, Platinum's bosses, etc.
In a Western boss fight, there will frequently only be one real way of taking them down and they'll be terribly designed, anyway. There are some exceptions, but it's generally true among AAA games, anyway.
Hi Polygon.
> Damnit John, I'm a medic, not a --- !
> Boss has flashy anime-ish intro, gives you his business card and shakes your hand before rolling up his sleeves and whacking you in the jaw
this does not convince me, only further cements my opinion (and yes its an opinion im not trying to speak for you) that all bosses are awful and unfun compared to the rest of the game.
>Nuh uh these don't count!
Maybe you just don't like videogames, user.
>Maybe you just don't like videogames, user.
that obviously isn't true since i enjoy the rest of a game (for example, ESPECIALLY run and guns like contra and metal slug would be better without bosses) but im sure the only reason you write this is to confuse and annoy me
Devil may cry and Shadow the the colossus.
ive never played devil may cry long enough to get to a boss, every single small enemy felt like a bossfight (hitsponges) so im sure the actual bosses would be even more dull
The bosses are Metal Slug's most recognizable and enjoyable feature. Fighting through hordes of easily killable enemies gets old quickly if there's not a single enemy you can't just steamroll into oblivion.
Now you're just talking complete bullshit
bosses are the logical conclusion to videogames, but they are never fun, stop deluding yourselves.
>every single small enemy felt like a bossfight (hitsponges)
Is this a serious fucking post? Please just be bait.
>contra and metal slug would be better without bosses
Speaking off boss battles that are actually fun, the SMT series is known for having really intense and enjoyable/frustrating boss fights. The YHVH fight was fucking great.
>stop liking what I don't like
fuck off faggot
what the fuck? Are you only using your guns?
Alien Soldier
Gunstar Heroes
Metal Slug
Shock Troopers
While we're on the subject of Treasure's games, Sin & Punishment 2 had some god-tier boss fights. They were all so fucking good.
i dont even like dmc but you're clearly an idiot
Nioh, most Zelda games, Shadow of the Colossals
boss fights usually are the highlight of a game sadly most devs are not talented enough to implement them correctly
this thread didn't convince me anything but it doesn't really matter in the end. stop replying to me i dont want to help shill cod in spess
not in spess, in futuur
Last two bosses are annoying as shit on harder difficulties.
Viper is a little bitch that blows you up if you get close to him and snipes you if you're far away. Comes down to trading blows pretty much.
Slone cheats by summoning enemy titans while using unibeam on you in the clunkiest map of the game. Her health is also ridiculous.
But user, cod is cod in space now
>shitty Western garbage 'mechs'.
as opposed to your giant plastic samurai costumes? Go back to your overpriced legos user, and don't forget to buy extra super glue.
>boss battles
We need to drop this outdated design. I want to fight and mess with the AI troops, not deal with a shitty damage sponges that I have to solve a puzzle to beat. Fuck that. Can't even use the same abilities or shoot them until they show their stupid weakness and none of your special attacks or beefed up weapons affect them.
Halo 1 was perfect. No actual bosses, just some tougher enemies that required some new tactics, not an entirely linear boss battle that gets old after the first time. There are no such things as 'good' boss battles because all of them suck and force you to play the game one way by solving a shitty puzzle. Just fuck off. Give me my sandbox back and keep your shitty minigames.
>not deal with a shitty damage sponges that I have to solve a puzzle to beat.
>There are no such things as 'good' boss battles because all of them suck and force you to play the game one way by solving a shitty puzzle.
Honestly, this shit tells me that you haven't played very many games with actual good boss fights. The ones that are puzzles are usually from Western games made by devs who don't "get" boss design and assume that every boss needs to be a puzzle boss just because Zelda did it.
>puzzle boss
This is my favorite kind of boss, I never liked bosses in doom or final fantasy which is basically the two kinds of bosses all other games ape.
Why the fuck wouldn't I?
i liked the "bosses" of doom since they became generic units down the line
>I never liked bosses in doom or final fantasy which is basically the two kinds of bosses all other games ape.
Huh? Explain.
Richter was the hardest boss for me because he chases you and there isn't must health around. Viper was piss easy for me on hard.
RPG bosses or Bullet sponge bosses are the most common bosses along with Puzzles bosses.
I mean I might be missing some or just over simplifying bosses in gerneral.
>buying non steam games
good job faggots, you allowed them to split into different platforms
>I mean I might be missing some or just over simplifying bosses in gerneral.
I think you kind of are.
The best bosses are usually human-sizes enemies with similar abilities to you, controlled intelligently by the AI. A true 1v1 with no environmental gimmicks that tip the scales either way, something like Artorias is great.
The souls series does this a bit. They even do it for mini bosses.
What categories do you think there are.
>Titanfall 2 genuinely looks like one of the most unique and interesting shooters in fucking years.
>Releases between Battlefield 1 and Infinite Warfare and has like zero marketing.
>What categories do you think there are.
Yeah, yeah, tvtropes and all that, but this page does pretty good at listing all the different types of boss fights there are.
There are tons of different boss fights, dude.
The absolute very best tend to be the ones who are human(oid) and about the same size and skill as you, if not a little better, fought in a room with no other obstacles or hazards. Just you and the boss, the ultimate test of skill.
Batman Arkham series
Its ok, the MP is pretty meh, the story is dope. I got it before my week off started and it can't hold my attention for longer than a hour, I kept going back to Battlefield 1, Action medic.
I honestly forget that website exist.
God I love those boss fights. Even the worst are not that bad. Favorite has to be Mr freeze in Arkham City.
Big bosses are the best to make you feel like a tiny piece of shit if done properly.
But bosses who use the same tools as you and still beat you create such a sense of rivalry that feels fucking great.
DA CHAMP was my favourite DS3 boss.
>Press mb3 to time travel
The level design in the campaign is pretty decent.
>God I love those boss fights. Even the worst are not that bad.
Jesus fucking christ. Seriously?
>>Titanfall 2 genuinely looks like one of the most unique and interesting shooters in fucking years.
>literally battlefield 2142 with call of duty combat
thanks for the new wallpaper
Furi is an entire game of good boss battles
I hate bullet sponges and grind fest rpg bosses who constantly tell me this isn't even their final form.
Arkham fight are neat puzzles, and the only boss fight that i though was bad was the Deathstroke fight and its not even part of the main series.
The mechs not showing enough flat chests and panties for you, user?
Wow, really revolutionary, not really. Most games have what you can consider a boss (a main conceptual design that is easy to implement... vfags like you love it) and boss introductions (a true introduction to a boss is see the boss character grow and thrive through out the whole game, maybe actually understanding and perhaps viewing them as an individual character, rather than a quick 10 second intro where you just met the fucker).
TLDR: OP is a vFag
Not a bad game. alot better than the first one... but seriously Fuck the ending
If I'm beaten by a gigantic enemy like Ceaseless Discharge or Manus in 1-2 hits then I feel like it's unbalanced and it was inevitable that I lost because the game's so tipped against me, it's almost like it wasn't my fault. If I lose to someone like Artorias or Pontiff I feel like it's entirely my fault and the AI just played better/capitalised on my mistakes. It's how a game should make you feel.
>strong female warrior
Viper is a total cunt on the highest difficulty
>a true introduction to a boss is see the boss character grow and thrive through out the whole game
What, you want your character to grow up with them like fucking childhood friends or some stupid shit?
Play more games with good boss fights, then. Jesus christ.
Try Devil May Cry, Ninja Gaiden, any of Platinum's games, Kid Icarus: Uprising, basically any of Treasure's games, and even Kingdom fucking Hearts.
literally has a breastplate
You're a retard.
Literally is a robot, no gender. Happens to be modeled after a female.
like I said
What is that a chibi strike? I like it might buy it now.
>male robot has a breast plate
>knights have a breastplate
Titanfall 2 was kind of a sleeper hit for me.
I lost all my hype with the beta, but then I picked it up off GMG for 49 bucks because i heard they fixed a lot of the complaints and was pleasantly surprised.
It's not worth buying for the singleplayer alone - it's only like six hours - but the singleplayer is one of the best fps campaigns I've played this year.
The MP is what Infinite Warfare wishes it could be.
Your loss dude. Did you also drop the PS1 Tomb Raiders, Fear Effect, Perfect Dark and Beyond Good and Evil because they happened to be female? Did you drop basically every western game because they happen to have a strong male warrior?
>I want to fight and mess with the AI troops
So you just want the game to be the same exact thing from start to finish? You can't see how this might be a poor design choice?