Beat game

>beat game
>look at missing achievements/trophies
>collect/find x amount of x in x level

Thanks, doc.

>beat game
>look at completion %
>sub 50
fucking lego games

>beat metal gear rising
> 23% completion
>beat fallout 3
> 16% completion

>beat game
>missing achievements are all multiplayer achievements
>multiplayer is dead

The space between these replies, their images, writing prose and general format are all indicative of samefagging.

Well you're wrong

>game has limited number of tiny collectibles you need for 100%
>no fucking radar or even any indication that there's one nearby

>game has multiple difficulty levels
>anything higher than Normal is gated behind an Achievement completion percentage
>some Achievements are difficulty-specific, others require recruiting specific characters
>need to play the game 40 fucking times to get 100%

What game is that?

>Crackdown 1
I'd rather shove an entire cactus up my ass than get all the mystery orbs. too bad the agility orbs are basically mandatory

Must be tough living in constant paranoia.

>playing a single player game after you completed it
it's like reading a book twice or watching a movie twice
only autists do it

Nice try retard

>Look at trophies
Alright, let's see what I can knock out easily

>thinking you finished a Platinum game by beating it once
That was just the tutorial for the higher difficulties.

Fuck, I fucking hate it when this happens.
Or when there are some specific combos you need to do to get an achievement and bow there's no way of going back.

Well, yeah, since adding 10 inflated stats modes counts as content and not padding.

>Want to get the fully researched achievement and bonus's in Bioshock
>Camera's and Turrets have limited spawn-points as do little sisters if you rescue or harvest them
>Find out about this near the end

Only thing i dislike about Bioshock in all honesty


>try Everybody's Gone to the Rapture yesterday
>it's shit
>put my controller down to shitpost on Sup Forums
>get a trophy for doing nothing for 10 minutes
>feel compelled to get the platinum now

this is a curse

How can you find a number in a number in a number level? I don't understand your formula. Is there a chance that you meant "Collect/find x amount of y in z level?

He means "Find this many things in this level."
For example: "Find 30 clue bottles in Paris."

Yes but he used the same variable in three places, implying it's the same thing three times. So what he actually types was

>Find 30 amount of 30s in 30 level


Thanks, Doc

Star Ocean: Till the End of Time

Find 30 gems worth of 30 in the 30th level.

>he never found 1 amount of 1s in 1 level

Those are fine and fun for those who want to go through it again and look for hidden things.

Some achievements who are NOT fine are
>Play the multiplayer mode (in ded game)
>Meet a dev on a server
>Play on *date*
>Play the game for (x) hours
>DO NOT PLAY THE GAME, KEEP IT TURNED OFF, FOR (x) HOURS, if you turn it on you lose the achievement
>*you can't even get this no matter what*

Online/Live achievements are a sin, plain and simple.

>Till the End of Time
Makes sense when you need so long to get 100%

>tfw they changed the description of THAT achievement in Hate Plus, ruining the joke

>tfw there's two achievements that could easily be called THAT achievement

shut up autist

>beat game
>wow, cool I'm 2 trophies away from platinum
>get a killstreak combo of 50 of a moving train
>collect 100% of the glowing collectathon shards that litter the entire map like birdshit

trophies are for challenges not chores

>games lets you choose not only the chapter but the checkpoints
>game tells you exactly where the collectibles are

>game lets you revisit all of its areas (until a point, after which you have to scum a save they give you)
>game lets you transport to most sections
>each section has a list of what's in it
Psychonauts was a decent collect-a-thon

>Not getting the Train achievement while doing the 3 train missions

The blast shard achievement is dumb as fuck though.

I try for achievements after I beat the game like a sane person