What does Sup Forums think of Evangelion?
What does Sup Forums think of Evangelion?
I like it.
This ain't vidya though.
Simply too deep for my puny mind to understand.
It's great.
Pretty good man.
Ask everyone who shits on it to name 5 better animes and laugh at them when they reply.
what are good eva games
Wonderful 101
It was cool when I was 11
It's the best anime.
Robin Williams suicidal depression casts his being an Evangelion fan a little differently now eh
three words:
what the fuck
It is pretty decent. Some characters could use some work, however I don't like how it is consistently called the "deconstruction of the Mecha genre" being a /m/an myself it doesn't make much sense. Now, before the hate brigade shows up, Anno was trained very well, he has a good eye for visuals, and animation quality in his products are good, I just think the story is overrated.
It's the best anime in terms of quality.
Sure, some people may not even like the game, but there's not a single anime with better story than evangaylion.
I think its not vidya.
But generally it was just picking up troupes and ideas that had been floating around in mecha anime since the 60s and get overpraised because muh gainax.
The story is over rated, the themse are good though.
>hes a good guy
>he can fly
>He has a silver sword that can kill bad guys
Kid confirmed for SEELE operative.
The N64 one is decent. It has a nice MIDI theme
Isn't that the show where the kid jerked off to some sleeping girl
When did SEELE ever kill bad guys?
Asuka > Rei
I watched it 1999, I think? I'm surprised that it's still so popular. It's OK for what it is but I just couldn't get over the protagonist. He's such a loser. Compare him to, say, Buffy from the same time period. Buffy and her friends are just so much stronger and cooler.
I mean, it's been 20 years and Shinji still hasn't smashed.
Used to love it when i was 14 years old.
Now i think it is pretentious crap created by a con artist who shoved idiotic symbolism that serves no other purpose but imply that the series is 2deep bc of muh hidden messages
Why did 3.33 even happen?
>Lol I'm not going to tell you shit Shinji
>okay Shinji we need to pull the lance of longinus and the lance of Cassius
>oh wait no this isn't right don't pull them shinji
Yeah, no shit.
Misato is in a league of her own though.
Original > everything else. Especially end of Eva, what a clusterfuck.
It's a deep show about human relationships but retards shit on it because of the christian aesthetics.
I really liked the last episode, it shows when your perspective changes, the whole world changes.
To me, as a teenage boy in 1999 Buffy was a better role model than Ikari. She was stronger, more confident and actually had a sex life. When I realized this I basically gave up on anime.
From my point of view the NERV are evil.
>christian aesthetics
More like Jewish. NGE is all about Zohar and Kabbalah.
Never watched it until the other year. Had a completely unbiased-by-nostalgia opinion and mature approach due to seeing it as an adult.
It was great.
>I don't like how it is consistently called the "deconstruction of the Mecha genre" being a /m/an myself it doesn't make much sense
why doesn't? genuinely curious
My favorite anime.
I'm sick of waiting for 4.0 though. I'm over that shit.
Name 5 animes better than Eva
If you can't, that means it's at least good and not "crap" made by a con artist
Being deep is not the same as having hidden messages.
Not making a judgement about NGE here, I just feel that it is a common misconception. If I have "ravioli ravioli give me the formuoli" played in reverse during the soundtrack of a show I creat that is a hidden message. It doesn't take anything from the viewer to find it, he just needs to be lucky. Depth however is something that requires intelligence and general knowledge to get behind.
>best NGE girl is from vidya
The only games that came closest to what Evangelion did were Xeno games, specifically Xenogears and Xenosaga.
You were smarter than a 14 year old. You're now regressing into a retard who strings buzzwords together in order to feel superior to everyone around you like a clueless but egotistical faggot.
asska is shit
ray is shit
kaworu is endgame
Only good think to come out of it was its inclusion in Alpha 3 and MX.
pleb shit
>Shinji still hasn't smashed
Only in the original series and Rebuild.
In every spinoff he's drowning in bitches.
You see, I rewatch NGE every now in a blue moon and I keep forgetting that Kaworu exists. Everytime I get to his episodes I go "Oh right there is that guy."
I never even so much as think of his name until I read it on Sup Forums and then forget him again 10 minutes later. It's not even that he isn't memorable. He just seems so disjunct from the rest of Eva.
HAHA i wonder what that egg smells like
This is why you shouldn't do drugs kids, you'll end up like this faggot.
yet Shinji is still best girl
This. Xenogears and Xenosaga III are my favorite games and NGE is my favorite anime.
>Only in the original series and Rebuild.
So in other words...he still didn't smash.
It is, but most people don't know that stuff. The cross when Sachiel explodes is pretty obvious to everyone, though.
Panty and Stocking with Garterbelt
Kill La Kill
Gurren Lagann
Danganronpa 3
Punch Line
well the show invented this so
It ain't deep though. It's about a gay crybaby who needs to get in the fucking robot.
this. thought it was just a meme and because the it was one of the first animes I watched at 13, but rewatched it recently and it's really damn good
the pacing of the episodes is great, and I don't know if intentional or if Ano really did get depressed while making it, but it starts kinda like okay kinda cool robots n shit but with a slow pacing and weight that isn't really there in most show, changes to a generic robot show where they fight a monster of the week and are getting along pretty well, you feel like everything might be alright, then shit hits the fan and people start dying, then it goes into mindfuckery.
all the while the characters feel pretty real, like they have they're own agendas and flaws.
and there is a strong theme of just wanting to connect with other people, but we hurting those we connect with at the same time. or something like that.
End of Eva is the most artistic anime piece I have seen. I don't know how they did it but when you watch that movie I just felt shocked and sick afterwards. Like everything in the series was just building context to mindfuck you and leave you with a certain feeling in the end.
it's the only anime I've seen that tries to be deep and something grand and succeeded. as opposed to Madoka which tried to be deep, but failed.
Ell oh elle
>watched evangelion years ago and loved it
>got into mecha
>thought that would change my opinion on eva
>rewatch it
>it's still amazing
a masterpiece, desu
I completely agree user.
The Deus Ex of anime.
>End of Eva is the most artistic anime piece I have seen.
I love Evangelion, and while I have a very similar experience as you did, but if you sincerely believe that statement, you need to watch more of it. Because as great as the movie (mostly) is, there are things like Angel's Egg, most Miyazaki's work, GitS or Sky Crawlers. The movie is intense and very gripping, but there are more "profound" experiences in anime alone out there.
Even there, hes in there. If Misato wasn't mortally wounded she was gonna fuck the shit outta him.
>He just seems so disjunct from the rest of Eva
wasn't that kind of the point though
Prove me wrong pleb
>Ee - van - uh - jelly - un
what the actual fuck?
I knew TGTF was a fetish but people get off to that?
This, it's a shame that the whole anime community is based on contrarianism. If evangelion wasn't this """"normie"""" or """"entry level""""" it would considered a masterpiece by everyone
The only good thing to come out of evangelion
She did that so Shinji would get in the damn robot. She knew she was going to die.
Explain what EXPLICITLY about evangelion makes it a masterpiece
>as opposed to Madoka which tried to be deep, but failed.
I'm not sure if Madoka tried to be particularly deep or anything, it was just a magical girl show with a macabre twist.
>More like Jewish. NGE is all about Zohar and Kabbalah.
Well, aside from the obsessive crucifiction imagery.
That user I replied to did a decent job already
"lol mindfuck" is not an argument
Sure, but she also wanted to fuck him.
>If Misato wasn't mortally wounded she was gonna fuck the shit outta him.
>B-Baka Shinji, I was just fooling around! >You're just a little boy, I don't think of you like that~!
you're not an argument
Manga version>all the other versions.
I need to buy those omnibuses someday.
Pleb isn't either, read the post first
I always thought it was a pretty damn depressing scene. Through out most of the show, you see Misato (not very succesfully) become a sort of a guardian/mother figure to Shinji, and consistently discovering that she is not really cut out for that role. That moment is the moment when she gives up on that thing and does the only thing she as a character has some confidence in: that is sex-appeal. That really shows A) the desperation of the character and B) a serious admission of failure in what she originally set out to be to Shinji.
I think it's not videogames
I need an adult
>Manga version>all the other versions.
The manga does some things really well, better than the anime for sure. The relationship between Shinji and Rei feels a lot better and makes a lot more sense. And GOD-DAMN those monster designs, and Evangelion designs in particular do get to shine a lot more.
I loved it when I first saw it around 15, loved the art, characters, designs, the concept of angels and the symbolism, the themes etc.
I was all fucking turbo depressed and shit back then and the series helped as silly as that might sound.
Looking back on it I still love it.
I guess.
Well, it used to be until a few years ago.
NERV are definitely evil
I have a tg fetish but I don't know if I can get off to this.
Shinji should have been a girl, but nothing else changed.
Can't watch it because the main character is the whiniest bitch I have ever seen in an anime ever.
If the MAIN CHARACTER gets on my nerves, I can't watch it. He just too big of a bitch.
yeah what the fuck is this?
not only is it just uncanny and disturbing it also is FTM which is almost always not fap worthy
What does Sup Forums think of Hideaki Anno's magnum opus, Shin (true) Godzilla?
It's pretty interesting to rewatch it with some degree of hindsight and distance. I love the fuck out of the show when I watched it first (14 of age and struggling with massive anxieties and self-esteem issues, so it very much hit my safe spot).
I rewatched it at 25, being an entirely different person with entirely different view on the thing (also in the meanwhile growing increasingly weary and tired of anime in general, plus actually having studied a lot of the things the show touches on in some way or another). It was a really damn interesting experience.
And the conclusion that I drew from my re-watching of the thing is that... it is still pretty damn good. I see entirely different things now, and I'm much more critical of it, but it's pretty fascinating to see how it achieved it's unique status and appeal, even if all the flaws it has (and that is PLENTY of flaws) are much more visible now.
It's a damn good show, and it's a DAMN damn good show for 14 years old.
Shinji doesn't deserve all the crap he gets on the internet.
Did her baby died?