Rainbow six siege dlc

New operators leaked
Hibana is cute CUTE


How can you tolerate this game?

It's some counter strike clone with awful netcode and boring ass waiting times

I always alt tab out of that shit at the beginning or after I got killed.

looks like a game for kids

These better be fake, this is some anime-tier character design, not tacticool operator-tier design that the game needs.

>le hooded woman with hair in front of the eyes
>le final fantasy hair highschool boy

All realistic fps are like that, it's the worst genre

>highschool boy
How the fuck can you see that?



totally realistic

She does not look Japanese at all.

It's a fun tacticool game.
One of the best games ubisoft has made in years

I'm mad because I'm bad!

Care to elaborate?

Echo looks fine

but why does Habianas art look off?

Thats just the illustrations not the actual ingame model

I'm used to more complex games that are not only requiring you to aim good, sorry.

Have you tried the new hack they came out with??

its called GitGud.exe

>you spoke like a true hanzo main

>I'm used to more complex games
Trying so hard to sound superior.
Get off your high horse faggot

>Named Echo
>Uses a drone that emits sound
>is Japanese

Literally Echoes


Both look bad, but Hibana much more so.

Fuck the chick

Echo a best

what's with the tiny girl hands?

He is japanese

I've noticed that with each dlc, they've been getting less and less tacticool... the only dlc designs I like are black beard and buck

Big BR looks nice

Why is the gun so low poly?
Why are there two grenades jammed into the ejection port?

So it looks like, from the pictures, that hibana has some sort of cluster grenade and the guy has a motion sensor that'll beep or notify him when some one gets near it.

The gun looks like som kind of slime launcher

Welp. Can't even expect a Rainbow 6 to be consistently tacticool now

I think echo's device creates sound to lure the enemies

I think ubisoft had the money for the dude but ran out when they got to the chick

I'm enjoying my horse shitting all over your face though.

>playing counter shit clones on PC

Enjoy playing with cheaters.

Nigg Boss is stupid compared to the base game designs. I get what they were going for, but he's going into combat with just a beret, and minimal body armor. Plus, he's missing an eye, yet he's a top operative?

Same with Caviar

Caveria is a good female design ruined by the face paint imo.

she has hairs on her arms, visible hairs

What games do you play, user?

Thank god for that


>tfw I've wanted a motion sensor class to passively cover a choke point or even my own back
>tfw you're probably right

>counter strike invented armed operators
Oh shit you are right, small anime girl

Fuck off Bronze

I'm 6k in Dota
I'm a master of Souls series
I'm a master in SC2
I'm A+/S on all levels in Hotline Miami
I'm a LAN tournaments winner in Quake 3 Arena (OSP)

I don't give a SHIT about your cs-like garbo-games.

>I'm 6k in Dota
>I'm a master of Souls series
>I'm a master in SC2
>I'm A+/S on all levels in Hotline Miami
>I'm a LAN tournaments winner in Quake 3 Arena (OSP)
Is this a copypasta?


>no life


What the fuck is this post

He's a faggot but you can fuck off as well.

>shitters got BLOWN THE FUCK OUT
It was easy.

Is this one of those games where someone dies in under a second after getting fired upon?

>literally anime tier garbage
What the fuck were they thinking?

It is a typical counter-shit clone.

Shut up nigga

>posts Anime girl reaction images
>thinks himself to be better than anyone else

But it's nothing like counter strike

what did he mean by this

>muh TTK

The retirement home is two blocks down, gramps.

I fucking knew it

I'm fucking amazing, thanks.

But they are japanese.
Of course it's going to be weeb shit

>die in 1 second
>watch your team finishing the round
>boring as fuck


moba is like x100 more complex and intelligent than this shit.

real SAT operators

what'd that car ever do to them

>>die in 1 second

Git gud

>h-haha, I sure g-got you guys, I was just trolling, haha!

>simplify a game to the bare bones
>say its like another game you simplify
shit argument



>from POW beheading, chink raping, no surrenderu tenno heika banzai forrded over one mirrion times to this

Two nukes were really too much. Why the fuck does JDF even allows this?

>This is what became of the Rainbow Six series
Fuck this gay earth

They both belong in the trash, buddy

>japanese woman
>is a counterterror operator
>also has long hair in front of her face and wears a hoodie with the hood up because PARENTS JUST DON'T UNDERSTAND

Kek, I really feel for /r6g/ right now


sp games dont matter

Where's her fucking Katana?


She summons her talking blood katana after getting 10kills.

>civis bitching about Hibana's hood


Low TTK = more casual.
The lower the TTK the worse your aim can be since fewer shots needs to land. Too low TTK also means precision aiming (like going for certain bodyparts such as the head) is less useful.

CoD's hardcore mode is the perfect example.
The devs (and many players) think this is what skilled players pick, when in fact it makes the game even more casual. It means you can have worse aim, no need to consider how you fire (since your shots don't show up on the map), no need for a suppressor, etc.

Low TTK is what makes so many shooters today boring as fuck. It's just too casual.

You are dumb as fuck.


>japanese speciaru foruces
Why? They could've added actual badasses like GROM

This is correct

next year

Better looking that Frost

>Hibana is cute CUTE

I love this meme :3


Compelling argument. All that tells me is that you know I'm right but simply don't want to admit it. After all it would be easy to come with counter arguments otherwise, wouldn't it?

I mean it's not even a complex topic.

Lower TTK means that fewer bullets have to hit, correct?
So let's make a basic example. If the TTK was 1 bullet in one game and 10 bullets in another game (with an identical rifle), which would you say is the most forgiving in terms of aim? The first one, obviously.
In other words in the second game you need to have better aim, meaning the one with better and more consistent aim will win, not the one that manages to pop a bullet into someone first.

Low TTK also cause a row of other problems, like the classic where you die or kill someone because they simply looked to the left instead of the right and the TTK is so low that the victim doesn't have enough time to react (to dive into cover, fire back, etc.).

It's all very straightforward.

>you will never be a QT attack chopper pilot with a QT attack chopper

So what are their gadgets?

Cпeцнaз или нaхyй.

Look at this anime nerd. Tacticool right out the fucking window
>no ballistic mask operator

read up on the SAT

is there gonna be Howa Type 89 in the game now?

Echo seems to have that flying drone they showed in E3 two years back.

whats the fucking point in that though, unless it's got some sort of pulse xray vision it'll be worse in every way compared to a regular drone

it doesnt look anything like a drone