>Japanese game
>The antagonist is a lying, corrupt, worldwide religious organization
Japanese game
Other urls found in this thread:
>Western RPG
>Takes place in a fantasy world resembling medieval Europe
>Japanese RPG
>Takes place in a fantasy world resembling medieval Europe
>Geman game
>protagonist is a fat hypocrite
Well it's true.
>Japanese RPG
>Mc needs to have a love interest and a corny love story shoehorned in
>Dick RPG
>Takes place in a penis world resembling medieval Cock
>Japanese anime
>Kids in giant robots fighting angels
>It's actually great
What Japanese game has Protestants as the antagonist?
>Japanese game
>church isn't technically bad and serves a good righteous purpose
>it's the servants of God that are being assholes
>God is somehow powerless
Why did he fade into irrelevancy, Sup Forums?
>bethesda game
>not sure if running the newest game or an old game with a poorly configured mod
>American game
>the bad guys are minorities
Banana boy got laid?
Nothing wrong with a bit of realism, lad.
>japanese game
>girly gay ass looking male characters with giant swords with a screen filled with spastic special effects and a UI that fills the entire screen with random numbers and moon runes
weebs will still eat that shit
At least the Japanese base their games in reality.
You don't complain about realism when god exists in Japanese games
are those 2 dudes and a strap on?
What anime
Fuck white people, they should be killed
It's a FtM tranny and an obese manchild.
*tip fedora*
rev down your white guilt, boyo.
Why would I complain about realism when a Japanese game portrays reality?
You can't stop us.
Neon Genesis Evangelion you fucking pleb
Nigga, this site is 18+
>enemy military faction
>smoke-colored uniforms, red banners, German-sounding names etc
>by defintion a small percentage of the population
>somehow get blamed for everything bad
I never understood this
No that's not true. That show is terrible.
>posting chick tracts
I hope this is ironic
You just need to follow the statistics. For example, niggers are 13% of the US population, yet commit 50% of all violent crime. They're disproportionately terrible, terrible people.
That's why you don't see rednecks talking about how they wish they could lynch koreans. Because Koreans don't cause problems the way niggers and spics do.
Good one!
And Asians are 7% of the population and commit 1% of the crime. Whites are relatively horrible, horrible people. Why doesn't anyone send them back to Europe?
>japanese game
>final boss is God.
Because america would stop being a superpower.
>medieval cock
how is that different from modern European cock?
>American game
>the antagonist is a burger and you have to eat it
We'd stop being a superpower without niggers and spics as well. Need that unskilled labor force.
>White are relatively horrible, horrible people
See that's the thing. That's something you made up. "White" in the US isn't actually white anymore. Spics for some inexplicable reason are lumped in with whites. So are North Africans a lot of the time. It's very odd.
White people are the standard. The default. Anything worse than the default, should be removed.
And you'll still be the waste of space you have been cuck.
>Labor force
>god game
>final boss is Japanese
>The first Christians they meet are Jesuits
Can't blame Japan for hating organised religion.
automation will take care of that
Who else is going to smash their heads together in football?
None. It's either Catholics (or an obvious take on Catholicism) or ALL monotheistic religions.
Maybe Americans would try to compete in real sports
>japanese game
>real human bean and a real hero is the last surviving member of a holy, honest and true religious organization
That's William Adams' fault. He doomed the eternal soul of all of Japan by tricking them into rejecting the one true Church.
Wow were do you people live?! Race is over, everyone is fucking everyone. We're all half-breeds anyway. I look white now but 2 centuries ago my ancestors were poorfag gypsies.
Alfred dindu nuffin, he a good boy trying to turn his life around
I said whites. Not Jews.
I think this is actually the worst Chick Tract I've seen.
Is tumblr leaking? How'd you get here little one? Don't you know you have to be over 18 to visit this site?
>video game board
>takes place in a fantasy board resembling Sup Forums
So your ancestors stole white babies/children and bred with them is what you're saying.
I wonder who could be behind this post?
Well, Luther was very much against that.
A stylized Luther would make for a decent JRPG protagonist. I mean, it worked with Chopin. (It didn't.)
It's odd that they changed William Adams in that game to an Irishman, who would 100% be a Catholic, even though the real WIlliam Adams most defining moment was turning Japan away from Catholicism.
>the Spanish aren't white when it suits my needs
I love when the defintion of whites change. Talk to a stormweeie about how the globalist elite and Jews aren't white. Talk about how Jews are responsible for disproportionate scientific accomplishments and suddenly they're white as Christianity (a religion centered around a middle eastern Jew).
Really gives the noggin a floggin.
>japanese game
>final boss is god
>god is literally alien
I was curious how they might actually tackle the Christianity aspect in Nioh back before we knew anything about the plot, since obviously William-Sama and his scuffles with the Portuguese were a notable part of his story, but it looks like Team Ninja have just decided to shy away from that entirely.
When I say "spic" given the context of the US, it should be very evident that I'm referring to those south of the US border. Context is important. Learn how to English.
>Jews are white
Said nobody ever in the history of the fucking planet.
>Jesus was a Jew
Oh dear. It's an ignorant atheist with a superiority complex. That's a new one. Jesus was so fucking far removed from the other Jews that they had him executed for it.
I'm just pleased they have Gaeilge in the game, or at the very least, in the trailer.
that show's writing, characters, and world building are all subpar and can only be enjoyed by people with stunted brain development
You haven't seen very many, then.
Who said anything about the Spanish?
>thinking the jews killed jesus
Holy shit I didn't think there were still people this ignorant, did mel gibson teach your middle school history class?
this is actually believable
>Jesus was so fucking far removed from the other Jews that they had him executed for it.
So Jews can't be in conflict with each other? News to me.
>The Jews didn't kill Jesus
Ah, you're a kike. That makes sense now.
You really think anyone outside of kikes believes that whole ACCCHHHTTTUUALLLLY DA ROMANS ARE DA ONES WHO EXECUTED HIM thing? Everyone knows the history of Christ. They know what the Jews did. They know how the Jews hated him. They know how the Jews fucking BEGGED for his death. They know how reluctant Pontius Pilate was.
You can leave now, kike.
>be born in Judeah
>to Jewish parents
>speak Hebrew
>Jesus was not a Jew guise, he was white!
>what do you mean a Middle Eastern carpenter who lived in the desert 2000 years ago doesn't have flowing blond hair and snow white skin! Fucking cuck!
>historical revisionism
Keep at it avi. Youll wear them down!
Funny how they rarely ever antagonize Shinto. Pure cowardice.
>I don't even know what Jesus' teachings are and how they conflict with the Jewish teachings
Then don't reply. It's better to keep your mouth shut and be thought a fool, than to open your mouth and remove all doubt.
Was this the best you could manage? You forgot "magical sky wizard!" and "zombie" from your kike buzzwords.
Jesus was a homo, why else would he have that haram of 12 "disciples"
>religious person sees flaws in secular post-modern society
>"lol just go back to being christian!"
They only hated him after he refused to be their king.
>That show's writing, characters, and world building are all subpar and can only be enjoyed by people with stunted brain development
>This is the best atheists can manage when they try to "insult" Christians
Oh dear oh dear oh dear.
You are not good at this.
Damn. Never read a post with so much fail in my life.
Fucking hell. When did I land back in 2006?
Why do catholics get so agitated so easily?
Or because he was trying to reform a retarded, xenophobic ethnic-centric religion that was detrimental to them (It literally was what caused them to chimp out and get massacred by the romans and lose Jerusalem for good).
>Fedora meme tricked people into being christian
Holy shit meme magic is too fucking real
Yeah, I forgot about this one. Shame the old bastard died so we can't get more classics like these.
There's no agitation. You're projecting.
You're the exact opposite of correct on this one.
It's hillarious, but it is good to see the pendulum swinging back the other way again.
It's likely because they subconsciously know that their entire religious system is full of bullshit and idiocy that goes against everything written in the Bible, and that the only justification for their religion is some writings that is the theistic equal to the book of Mormon.
When did I land in 1574?
My mistake, I misread "reform" as simply "form". Ignore my previous response.
It's not the fedora thing. It's the state of secular society that's turning people back to Christ.
This guy's going to make new tracts in his place:
It's just the contrarian nature of this website.
That said, that hyper-aggressive style of internet atheism that was popular in the late '00s and early '10s was always going to implode, given it's figureheads were retards like The Amazing Banana.
>was crusified by Romans
>who later adopted christianity
>guys the jooz totaly did it they literally executed him
Religion is the biggest humanity scam ever
>Dude, Ugg, you've gotta stop being a caveman. It's 2016.