>Reminder that all post launch dlc will be free
>Reminder that all post launch dlc will be free
>All post launch DLC will be free
>0 post launch DLC
Is it that big a deal? Even halo does all free DLC now
Because they knew no one was going to buy them.
R6 Siege is still better.
It doesn't have season pass because it won't have season. It will die in 6 months and servers will be shut down in year.
>multiplayer with bots
>biggest game size is still 8v8
Sorry man, it's what prevented me from buying the first game and it's going to prevent me from buying this one.
If you want to sell your game, stop putting console shitter limitations into the PC version and maybe people will buy it.
Yep your life will change 180% if game will feature 64vs64 players, virtually guaranteeing that the round is resolved by which team has more cheaters with premium wallhacks, like in BF
What are you talking about?
That's not even remotely what I said.
gibs me multiplayer raidz.
The maps would be crowded as fuck with 64 Titans, but honestly I'd like to play a game like Titanfall with huge maps and lots of mechs duking it out like in the animatrix
What will actually happen is is german with his paid cheat pack or just sperg who found perfect spot for camping will get most score, while plebs will pointlessly shoot each other with 1:1 k/d
>It will die in 6 months
The first titanfail didn't last 3 weeks senpai.
Why didn't they release this at a more barren month? People would want new games to play and it wouldn't have much competition unlike in November.
>No season pass
EA ain't going to like that.
why make a a sequel to game that was crap
>free DLC for a DOA game
Respwan isn't owned by EA.
FUCK YOURSELVES RESPAWN - but I guess you don't need to since EA did that already and you will be bleeding until bankruptcy from the tears in that well used asshole.
The game itself is a season pass
Because it'll only last a few months
Game is already dead, imagine how it'll be in a month.
Doesn't amount to shit unless it's some really good DLC to make me reinstall again.
Epilogue has to be the most depressing game mechanic I've ever seen. But y'know don't actually host a real beta or gather feedback or anything.
>Winners get to have their glory stained by prolonged bullying
>Losers have to suffer more with a lot of extra effort for one fucking XP point
This doesn't even begin with how the balance is fucked on PC compared to consoles but at least in TF2 with humiliation it's over and done with, and losers can't kill winners to make this extra awkward.
Probably why they forced them to release this stillbirth
Make them fail until they cannot sustain any creative control and finally put their heads under the yoke.
Then they'll force them to shit out some other game and close them down as is usual business, cannibalizing talent and throwing out the rest.
>we refrained from selling the sequel to a game panned for lack of content and the audacity to ask for more money for what should have been in the main game, piecemeal
Yeah, traditinonally that is called content update, not DLC.
DLC cost money, and calling it "free DLC" is a publicity stunt to make you look better, because it sounds like you are getting more than with a "content update"; that sounds like it should have been in the game from the start and can provoke people bitching why it wasn´t in it from the start anyway.
Traditionally yes. And while I agree that the content updates should already be included in a game, we don't see that often enough anymore in our age of micro transactions and season passes for shit we should already get.