Why do people pretend to like this trash? What the fuck went wrong?
Why do people pretend to like this trash? What the fuck went wrong?
They like it because it's the best souls game.
Everyone except contrarians, underaged memelords and das apologists think otherwise.
Just purchased it recently. Have gotten to the Curse Rotted Greatwood. So far its pretty good, way better then II. The enemies are challenging and the combat feels smooth.
>inb4 one webm showing a glitched enemy or combat scenario proves it all wrong
Game is good. If you think its bad you haven't played really bad games.
Not even the DLC could save it and that shit was $15.
>way better then II
Nope. SotFS blows 3 away in every department except maybe graphics.
DaS apologists are the worst. The game is a masterpiece yes but it is nowhere near the best game in the series. The combat is much easier then the later games, the AI is obviously a little worse, and the world design, although top tier through the first portion of the game, falls short later on after Ornstein and Smough. The game also feels somewhat empty because they didnt have time to completely finish the game.
contrarian and people who could only beat it with summons and feel empty now.
SotFS fucking blows alright. It's not even better than vanilla DS2, let alone actual good games like 1 or 3.
Because drones will eat up any shit they can. This game was objectively bad, it should be a definitive example for our grandchildren of what it looks like when a developer runs out of ideas.
>what do we do next?
>''how about another dark souls?''
>nah man there's no way we can top Bloodborne, and I'm sure people have grown tired of that anyway
>''dude we'll just reuse all the shit, be like ''remember that shit, it was good right'', slap a number 3 by the name, and those fuckers will eat that shit up''
>no way dude, not even gamers are that retarded
But they were.
If there's anything 2 did right it was the PVP, which sucks dick in 3. Defend this.
This is objectively not true. II is probably the worst game in the series. I have played every game in the series and beaten game except III so far. II's flaws are glaring and obvious, the world design is ridiculous and makes no sense, the combat despite being better then the first game isnt all too great, theres way too many healing items you can acquire which makes it a joke, just drop back and pop a few large lifegems and you'll never lose PVE combat 95% of the time. The bosses are a joke, theres about 5 memorable bosses from the main game, the DLC adds a lot more memorable ones but it still is probably less then 15 good boss fights. The other bosses are just garbage, stupid puzzle fights or annoying mob fights like the Skeleton Lords or Congregation. Its a joke.
>see dark souls 2 hate thread
>damage control engaged
>make this shitty thread to take the heat of DSII
>doesn't work because unlike 2, 3 is actually good
Except bosses. And level design. And enemy placement. You know, just most of the game
Story stuff is good although it lacks replay value compared to 1, demons and Bloodborne.
Online multiplayer/PvP is absolute ass, though.
Worse design choices I have ever seen in a game.
Holy shit are you saying that the game is bad because the story is bascially a rehash of concepts from the first game? These games are hardly even story driven! The gameplay/ combat is the real reason to play.
>And enemy placement
Every stray item in 3 is guarded by an enemy that drops down as soon as you pick it up, how is that good placement?
3's PvP sucks dick, don't get me wrong, but 2's is also shit because 2 is shit. I'd rather play 3's PvP because it controls much better. Not to mention it has an actual red eye orb.
>going so far as to say that a weak Dark Souls game is an objectively bad game
I don't think you know what the word "objectively" even means kid
And as if Das2's story was any better, and any less of a panderfest
Kept everything that was shitty from 1 and took none of the stuff that was good from 2 (ascetics, ng+ differences, champions covenant, world not being a straight line...).
Shame the DLC didn't solve any of the problems...
>objectively not true
>posts opinions
when will this meme die?
>every enemy drop down encounter
>accounts for 5% of enemy encounters
DaS2s story doesnt even make any sense
>maybe graphics
Anyone figure out a foolproof dodge strat for Elfreide phase 3 with melee?
Equip bloodring and spam rolls just like every other boss in the game.
Did you know that an inability to handle other peoples opinions is a huge tell of autism?
>too many healing items
lets compare the first and second games
Healing items in Dark Souls: Estus Flask, Humanity, Divine Blessing, Elizabeths Mushroom
So four different items in the game that heal your character
Healing items in Dark Souls II: Estus Flask, Lifegems (like ten million varieties no less), the Dragon Charm, Elizabeths Mushroom, Divine Blessing, Crimson Water item
DSII fags have been shitting on 3 since release, it's practically their job. I don't think anyone actually dislikes 3.
So that's why I was losing to her. I didn't use the bloodring.
I actually used the DLC Onyx Blade and Follower Saber (a dark souls 3 curved sword which is really good for once and doesn't rely on bleed???) weapons and fairly beat her and Ariandel for the first two phases. Perfect dodges too. But I just get murdered on phase 3. Sometimes Elfriede's black flame snake will split into three and become undodgeable.
I had to actually summon a human player for the first time on a boss I haven't yet beat. And when I did it was like she had 10,000+ HP. It was NG+3.
The wolf breeder, three dogs, and one big dog was way easier.
>That gesture at the end
Gets me every time.
Every time I invade I get paired up with 3 losers al trying to kill me. At least it's doable for me since I run a oneshot build, I feel sorry for anyone who doesn't.
Nah it's bretty gud
BB > 3 > 2 >1 = DeS
Soul Memory fucks that up.
>complete linear world
>what is fashion souls?
>recycled 90% of all weapons
>lore is a fucking mess
>hurr durr now you are in a parallel world
>hub is not connected with the game at all
>most of the bosses were annoying and easy
>bloodborne assets everywhere
>no good atmo
I really don't get it...I played 80 hours and I think I should have pirated it
You don't need 3 threads defending DS2, fuck off.
i do
Since when was hating 3 synonymous with liking 2? Maybe you need to back off.
It was a really fun game and I enjoyed it more than I did Dark Souls 2.
You were right, Sup Forums.
But I genuinely enjoyed it, you can't just say I'm pretending...
Further proof that Sup Forums is an endless race to see who can get the most (You)s, no one actually cares about video games.
wew laddie
>caring about other people opinions
>on entertainment
wew lad.
so this... is the power of social experiments...
It's so obvious that these threads are made by DaS2 apologists that you just know that replies will focus on 3 being worse than 2 specifically instead of any other criticism.
I like the game enough to play through it 4-5 times with different builds. Now though I've got a burning hard-on for invading with my twink at SL 11. 70 something pale tongues so far.
What's your build?
3 is for bandwagoners, 2 is for people smart enough to form their own opinion. Sorry if that triggers you.
artificial fun, user. artificial fun.
I really do enjoy it. I mostly play for single player and co-op and rarely PvP, so maybe people are so butthurt about the game because they wanted it to be a PvP fest.
Are you seriously defending the PVP?