Persona 5 Ryuji introduction and VA interview
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Pretty fitting
Anyone whos anyone already imported the game and no one gives a shit about your english voice overs.
Perhaps if you gave proper dual audio, most of your fan base would give a shit.
why would they offer dual audio when you can just import
I... uh...
That name pronounciation is... bad
Dual audio when
Aside from them fucking up Sakamoto somehow, the voice seems fitting. A little bit softer than I'd expect, but not terrible.
>The main characters are SJWs now
It's shit, what a surprise.
didn't the MC beating up some girl's stalker not clue you in
Who's the VA? I recognize the voice and I know it's one of the usual phoned-in cunts they always bring in for weeb games and anime, but I can't quite place the name.
How is that SJW?
It would have been okay if that's where it ended, but literally brainwashing bad people to be objectively good is going too far.
But I get that Atlus games are edgy, and being an SJW is edgy now.
>this is what EOPs have been waiting 5 extra months for.
>that fucking dialouge font
Kill me
>but literally brainwashing bad people to be objectively good is going too far.
You never played a SMT game huh.
user, you need new eyes?
I'm not a lawfag, so I never brainwash people in those games.
You gotta understand the difference in context here. In the west the idea of not listening to every single thing the government or other authorities feed you is a no-brainer. In Japan however, your superiors are everything and the very idea of rebelling against them is nearly unheard of. If you're a well-respected teacher then you actually CAN get away with molesting a student repeatedly. She's not going to fight back and anybody who knows isn't going to report on it because you have so much influence. The game is about the MCs rebelling (in an indirect way by changing their hearts) against fucked up people abusing their power. And from what I hear the game paints out their methods to not exactly be a sort of necessary evil.
Though that probably won't stop the game from being hailed as a love letter to SJWs everywhere when it finally does come over to the west. It's gonna be fun seeing all the articles about how this daring Japanese game is smashing the patriarchy or whatever.
>And from what I hear the game paints out their methods to not exactly be a sort of necessary evil.
Fuck, meant to say "the game paints out their methods to be a sort of necessary evil"
Westerners misunderstanding japanese values
What else is new?
As opposed to you enlightened oh holier than thou westerners who understand glorious Japanese values right?
Living in Japan for 15 years helps.
It's not fucking hard mate. Look into Japanese culture for like 20 minutes and this shit becomes clear to see.
Sure thing buddy whatever helps you sleep at night
Better than those who have no interest or knowledge in the culture.
Bunch of naive kids getting cocky just because they have some power. Especially Ryuuji. Everything he said made me cringe.
>Somehow they fucked up Sakamoto
Other than that it fits to me.
So he likes Anne?
Her arcana is lover, so probably yes.
It gets worse with every new video they release.
Not bad, I'm looking forward to the rest.
Shipperfags love them together for some reason
Ingame they're just friends at best, and find each other unbearable at worst, so it's your typical persona characters at the end of the day.
LOL give me that dual audio DLC already fatlus
How is that hard for murricans?
How the fuck do you mispronounce Sakamoto? Holy fuck, I thought you assholes said the voice director was good? She doesn't even know how Japanese names are supposed to sound.
Do these retards drop sounds when pronouncing Banana? It's no harder than that. Jesus Christ. Hardin(?) said they were going all out to make a great dub? Did he lie to us again?
Because they aren't like the P4 girls where they are just doing the whole "EW! BOYS ARE PERVS!" thing.
Anne teases them back, Makoto doesn't care, and Futaba is just happy she has the confidence to show herself in public without covering her face
Everyone likes Anne, lad. She's literal sex
suck my toe
>Why aren't you looking at me?!
>give girl creepy sex looks
>she laughs at you, walks over and puts her arm around you
What do?
Like that Rise's stalker on Persona 4? Maaan, all women should be raped.
Why is Persona 4 considered the best game in the series again?
Babbies first and only MegaTen game
Not as dark as 3, has relatable characters, and it's comfy as fuck
But in America our government is always right. There's no need to think for ourselves.
Casual weebs have bad tastes
>those faces
Spill my spaghetti because I'm so used to being rejected I don't even know what to do next.
Literally because it was the most accessible game in the series.
Were it not for the Gigi comic, it wouldn't have caught on in the west as much as it did
>has relatable characters
You mean like Yu?
Yosuke couldn't be anymore gay.
It's the reason girls in Japan love him.
What the fuck
fucking weebs
English voice acting was a mistake
seriously there better be some tech savy people who can find a way to patch in the jap va's for us
i'm more bothered by the terrible singer in the main theme desu
They managed to fuck up "Asahi" in SMT IV Final, which I just can't understand, so I guess Sakamoto would be hard for them as well.
More like Sah-moo-rai, which is the correct pronunciation. The Japanese don't pronounce it Sam-oo-rai.
Who else is hoping for one of these for P5?
>not sah-kah-moe-toe
if this is what you deem 'sjw' i think it's time to go outside for once
God that woman who's doing the English lyrics sounds so bad. The music itself is good but her broken English.. Fuck everything. Atleast in p4 and p3 it was bearable
That guy is actually alright.
Easily my favorite track in the game.
The hell is this shit?
Sounds like Persona engrish songs are still terrible
Not bad. Still will go for undub.
How exactly? Can you speak Japanese or at least read it?
ps3 cfw
At least it's not Troy or Johnny.
undub means putting the original audio from the original jap release back in with the translated, localized text from the western release
>can't even pronounce his own name
Oh god, just shoot me already. Just end it.
Dual audio when?
So quality...........atlus dubs.............strive for...................
as soon as you import
To be fair it's not like they were pronouncing "Morgana" correctly in the Japanese version anyway.
Day 1 dlc
He sounds like a softer yosuke from P4.
I wish. I'd be a good little goy and pay for it.
But with AtlusUSA, it's more like Day NEVER.
Morgana can also be interpreted as Morgen, Morgaine, Morgain, Morgana, Morganna, Morgant, Morgane, Morgne, Morge, and Morgue
Sakamoto is Sakamoto
He sounds pretty good. I can dig it
Goddamn it Atlus USA needs a new voice director
Would be nice
Put my finger in her anus and get an inevitable erection.
Chie and Naoto are the only ones who look better. Rise looks roughly the same. Yosuke looks arguably worse than Kanji
>Morgana can also be interpreted as Morgen, Morgaine, Morgain, Morgana, Morganna, Morgant, Morgane, Morgne, Morge, and Morgue
And none of those are "Morugana" so I'm not sure what your point is.
And this isn't even mentioning all of the Persona/Demon names that are mispronounced in both versions.
Did the artist quit early on? Feels bad that they did so much work for Dancing All Night (that or understudies) yet barely any work for Persona 4 Golden.
English speakers can pronounce Japanese words fine. It doesn't work the other way around.
god this sounds like the fucking godawful xenoblade X soundtrack