>le cinematic games meme xD
Playable movies aren't video games. Period.
Le cinematic games meme xD
Visual Novels aren't games either. Pressing a button every now and then doesn't make something a game.
>games I don't like aren't video games. Period
I prefer to just call them Interactive Stories.
I enjoy them very much.
Kino is still kino though
They're not. They're interactive stories. You tryna start a stupid argument that gets you nowhere OP?
Nice opinion
That's practically Sup Forums
You're objectively wrong
Do you realize that whether it's a game or not it really doesn't matter as long as you like the whole experience?
It matters for the sake of knowing what is and isn't off-topic for this board
>as long as you like the whole experience
oh... youre one of those "as long as you are having fun" people .....
This semantics meme is the most autistic shit ever. If it's something I'm interacting with using a keyboard or game controller it's a fucking video game. You don't have to like it, but you aren't going to change the meaning of the word by screeching "NOT A GAME REEEE" like a fucking retard.
^this tbqhf
game was pretentious art school dyke bullshit... if you like that sort of thing... but its an "interactive experience" not a game
What's wrong with? A lot of the time if a game isn't fun, it's a chore.
LiS and its ilk are even more off-topic on Sup Forums if that's where you're implying it belongs
so if you press like 12 key per minute... thats a game? minimal input with like hour half hour long cinematic?
you are spending half the time walking around an environment looking at shit and the other half watching a cinematic
People who play cinematic games aren't true gamers.
Hey man wanna play an exciting game of Microsoft Word 2007?
its called delayed gratification ... not instant medal parades that give you an achievement for every single action you take
Either way, this shit don't belong on Sup Forums. Take this trash back to /vg/
>implying i care
Whatever helps you sleep at night m8, while you ramble I'll keep playing telltale games and visual novels and I'll have a great time :^)
Check mate, m8.
So, what do you want in games, better graphics? I thought having fun was the important part.
But you have diarrhea-tier taste, so I don't envy you user.
Yeah I think mgs 1 was over-rated too
a challenge, a thought puzzle, skill and reward.
not a walking simulator with a cinematic every 5 mins and rewards every 10
kill yourself
just because you can't 360 no scope doesn't make it a bad game you fairy
Found the Redditor who plays visual cinematic """""""""""""""""""games""""""""""""""""""""
tfw you realize more people in this thread are supporting it
found the faggot "PC,dark souls and half life only" cuck. Just die no one will notice or care
Back to r/gaming, I don't associate with people who are actively destroying gaming.
you gave me cancer fuck off
Sup Forums really is infested with casuals.
people like you are the ones ruining gaming "heerr durrr dis gam aint lice duh 1s I ussly plai wers da blunt ops call sign reeeeeee"
define causal for me like a good cuck
This game is hella fun
As a developer and speaking in terms of interaction design, these cinematic experiences are not games at all. People get very upset when you mention this, but it's purely because most of them don't understand that these are interactive stories rather than games.
These story experiences have been a growing trend in recent years since they are cheap and easy to develop, problem is they are being compared along side serious games and discrediting actual interactive games.
Unfortunately since most people are retarded, they will continue to argue that these story experiences are games. It's quite sad, but this is the times we live in now.
Actually, wether you call them games or not is your problem, they are sold as videogames and we are meant to play them using our keyboard/controller
Even if you want to say "LEL, THOSE ARE NOT VIDYA BECAUSE YOU HAVE MINIMAL IMPUT" you can't deny that have as much or sometimes even more imput than old point and click games like Myst for example.
You want to exclude them from your "games list"? Fine, but you can't deny that vidya is another form of entertainment, which is a category that games like LiS and Uncharted fall into
The ones destroying gaming are the ones supporting garbage """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""games""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" like Telltale Batman and Life is Strange. These aren't games.
Are you fucking retarded?
regardless of what it is, its a game, you play it on a video game console. This is Sup Forums - Video Games.
Seems pretty simple.
clever and a little sad at the same time give up
... yet you are the one who is defending a game that is 20% gameplay time and 80% cinematics
>people unironically defending cinematic games that have no actual gameplay
The death of gaming. Reddit has ruined the world.
um im supporting the game, I was simply letting the people who are against it know that more people consider it a game and it is something that is alright to talk about on Sup Forums
Look up interaction design or do a course in it. You might learn a thing or two about real game development.
why not give me 10 reasons why it isn't a game, and don't cuck it up
How can it not belong in Sup Forums but belong in /vg/?
I seriously hate humans, why the fuck do I still come here.
cinematics that include gameplay
kek I bet you just watched a youtube video
Actually have a degree in both computer science and interaction design. There is actually a nice little book that explains game development for novices like yourself quite nicely. Look up Rules of Play, Game Design Fundamentals by Eric Zimmerman.
All the reasons why these little interactive stories aren't games can quite easily be found there.
Hope you actually learn something friends.
>you can't deny that vidya is another form of entertainment
Exactly. Video games aren't a passive activity and devs should focus on that strength first BEFORE poorly imitating other forms of media.
Says who?
Some random cuck on Sup Forums?
>it's not a game because this book said so
a book based on the opinions of another person
thinking about making LiS the banana of Sup Forums
And who says that videogames can't be a passive activity? Is not like you put a videogame and then watch a movie, you know there is no such game that does that shit and sells itself as a videogame
>you know there is no such game that does that shit and sells itself as a videogame
It still needs your imput
You literally didn't even read what he said. Says how smart you really are.
Except these are the people who have been in game development for countless years now and have practically written the rules on what is interaction design and what not. If you're just going to deny factual information by actual professionals in the industry then you have zero argument.
So does a DVD menu.
Still doesn't make it a game.
they are games, sorry.
I agree and I do like visual novels. Not everything has to be a game.
you forget that there can be more than one set of rules to making a game are you saying all art has to be like painting, if I use a ink pen does that no longer make me an artist?
I learned that you're a faggot
......are you fucking serious?
Press play isn't a real input dipshit.
cant be, he has to be trolling
>A video game is an electronic game that involves human interaction with a user interface to generate visual feedback on a video device such as a TV screen or computer monitor.
There is no bar set that says "You need to be at least this ---> interactive to be a videogame"
The user reviews speak for itself though, i honestly think they are TERRIBLE games, but i'm glad they GET JUDGED AS GAMES (At least based on the userscore for what i'm seeing)
You can make an interactive story interesting, i'm ok for a great story making up for minimal gameplay. That's the thing about those games, is that if they have flaws in their story (Being a generic one, plot holes or just 2deep4u shit) they will be easily labeled as shit
Why argue with people who like cinematic "games"? They have shit taste and objectively bad opinions on gaming, so their posts should just be ignored or filtered.
Neither is pressing X every five minutes. Not a game.
lul you don't even give any reason as to why you think that they are bad instead you just say your "bad opinion" because you think people care
It is. Literally.
while there are few the game does have puzzles and other in game objectives
Fuck off.
Even if you're being "ironic" it's equally retarded, probably even more.
faggot only presses X, how did your playthrough turn out
Cool blog OP
Where can I subscribe and donate?
Nope. Objectively not a game. Sorry. And I'm sorry for your bad taste.
Yeah, but I enjoy a good story line.
So whether it's a video game, I could not be fucked to care any less.
I want my Fables Season 2, telltale.
oldfag detected, i was beginning to think that i was the only person that had a problem with it
Taste has nothing to do with literal facts, user.
>Why argue with people who like cinematic "games"? They have shit taste and objectively bad opinions on gaming, so their posts should just be ignored or filtered.
Anyone who says "why argue" means that "i have no arguments, so i better not say anything to avoid being proved wrong".
I've seen people excuse the SHITTIEST RPGs ever just because of "muh story". There are people that praise the borefest that was Bloodlines and the M&M series, games that barely have any imput and are supposedly good because "muh long conversations with the occasional skill check".
There are games that are nothing but Point&Click (Machinarium and the Myst series for example). How are those regarded as games then when they have the same or less imput than games like Uncharted 4/TLoU?
>dude, this game is dope! Sometimes I pressed X, other times, I PRESSED CIRCLE. Holy shit it changed gaming
Fuck off not-game player.
story over gameplay, go play CoD or something
>lightly moving an analog stick occasionally
>he plays Telltale "games"
Please put on a trip so I can filter your bad taste. I don't want it infecting the board where actually games are being discussed.
don't even know what you are referring to
>story over gameplay
>in a videoGAME
Holy shit all credibility lost.
I guess Pokémon and Final Fantasy aren't real games either.
>a book based on the opinions of another person
doesn't discount the validity of said books information or persons opinions
>he can't mentally process stories in his manchild toys
i cant enjoy a game that has no story but i can always play a game with a good story and bad gameplay.
why for all i know they are major cucks like you
I don't allow others to tell me what to think.
the supposed "gameplay" you said was in cinematics of Life is strange sum up to minimal imput... keep up