When did you quit WoW? did you ever go back to see what happened to it?
I quit mid wrath and i tried out a trial about half a year ago. I saw this picture i took and reminded me of it
When did you quit WoW? did you ever go back to see what happened to it?
I quit mid wrath and i tried out a trial about half a year ago. I saw this picture i took and reminded me of it
The last time I touched WoW was 2006, because a friend pushed me into it.
To this day I still don't see the appeal in it, or most other MMOs. SWG was fun for a few months, but even that got old quickly.
Burning Crusade, I dabbled in a few private servers here and there but that's about it
I'm an on-off kinda guy. WoD was shit but Legion looks pretty good. Had 3 weeks of fun with it at launch.
I'm hoping they can tone down the RNG a bit. 7.1 made some decent strides towards making it more accessible.
I want to roll an Unholy DK but waiting for buffs after Blizzcon. They are shit right now.
>Got to lvl 30 in vanilla
>Deleted character
>Bought TBC
>Got to level 27
>Got to level 80 on WotLK
>Joined one raid and got kicked because my DPS sucked as a DK
>Years passed by
>Joined private WotLK server
>Did pretty well for myself
>Paladin Tank
>Cleared 10man and 25man Heroic ICC and Ruby Sanctum
>Quit it
>Level 85 Worgen Arms Warrior on a private Cata server. Never cleared Firelands or Dragon Soul because of shit raids and shitty guilds.
>Did Pandaren starting area on a private server. Liked it and the Monk Class, but didn't feel like continuing beyond that.
>Recently tried Legion at a Friend's place. It's boring af now.
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When my favourite private server was founded dead
Played from Vanilla to the end of WotLK actively. Quit for the first time during Sunwell while we were wiping on M'uru and had such breaks of a month or two until I quit for good after two weeks od Cata.
Played MoP and now Legion for two weeks. It's shit but my friends keep dragging me into the expansion honeymoons every time. I did resist WoD at least.
I actually quit WoW for good and started playing FFXIV.
I'm stilling playing. Fuck the RNG in legion drove me away. Its way to much. Also, they are shoving mythic dungeons down our throats and since I'm a shit class I can't be accepted into them. I just wish we'd have an lfg system for them, it makes no sense not too. I fucking hate ions bad decisions.
Played 2 subscriptions from vanilla till mid wod and then quit due to casualisation. I got no desire to come back. In fact im playing ragnarok online right now and i love that i get 0.03% exp per mob and loose 9% exp per death.
Mop was a good expac. I found myself constantly playing and having something to do. WoD was unmitigated garbage.
Also, all this fucking gating in legion, it's fucking terrible. "You wanna do this fun nightfallen quest chain? Better wait nine weeks until you can finish it all!"
Quit during Cata because I got a gf and afterward was living with an Aunt for a few months while my mom and I were looking for a new home and couldn't play there..
That was years ago. Want to go back but I work 2 jobs and box 6 days a week. No time. Idk why I'm even on Sup Forums I barley play anything anymore.
Quit when i finally leveled a character to max level for the first time.
The massive learning curve and grinding/effort you have to put in to complete raids/dungeons/higher tier shit to a standard that people dont bitch about was too much for teenage me to handle. I still wouldn't know where to start now anyway
Spent a few weeks after that sitting around a campfire in goldshire with some buddies i met and talking to randoms that sat down with us. Then my sub ran out and i realised i was pretty much paying a monthly subscription for fantasy chat rooms.
That sounds like shit. Grind the game. But whatever floats your boat.
Quit a few months before legion... I do not regret it to be honest. All of the things I hear about the game seem like the kind of WoW xpac that I would not want to play. If you enjoy it I hope you have fun out there!
Started with beta of vanilla, quit at cata.
Its super painfull buggy and anoying. You level from 1 to 99 and then they reset you back to 1 so you can level to 99 again. Being high level actually feels rewarding
Only started a few weeks ago, I'm enjoying myself so far. Operative word is 'myself'. I'm enjoying my vengeance demon hunter, making my way through the questlines and finding random dungeons but god alive I am not looking forward to the endgame of mythics and keystones and the other assorted interactions with the 'community' if you can call it that.
>I quit mid wrath
Game stopped being fun even then. I have realized I would never find players, who are somewhere in the middle between a bloody casual and a no-life raider. And interest has died down.
I do not want to go back.
> had nolife
> got dragged into wow by e~gf
> invest whole year into character grinding gear and gold,mogs achivs, mounts get that super rare skeleton horse in steatholm and etc.
> panda hits I join raid guild as dps.
> become gear whore and dps bitch.
> guild dies after I become trusted always on time raider lose 60 dkp.
> e gf getting bored with me and slowly loosing interest in me.
> join guild where she is in again as dps.
> raid 4 times get 0 items from boses cause I was new. (all them items broken infront of me)
> raid leader kicks me out cause I have low dps.
> e gf stops buying me time.
> e gf tells me I'm not interesting anymore she likes some brit fag from same guild raid team.
> I do my last icc only left with 1 shard away from legendary I quit wow.
> had crave for months.
Been playing since 04.
Looking back, I wish I had spent more times on other MMO's back then but I was a dumb kid.
2010, early-mid wrath
waiting for my guild to catch up
said 'brb' and never came back
I've never played it
Before the end of the first season of cata and I've played non-stop from the ending of vanilla up to that point, they just fucked everything up and all went super downhill from that point.
I played from Vanilla to Cata, with a couple breaks in between.
I rejoined a couple weeks before Legion because I was interviewing for a bunch of jobs, not working, and bored out of my mind.
At first I was hooked. I loved going through old dungeons and snagging mounts. Enjoying the old artwork.
Legion launched, and I had a lot of fun with that too. But it lost the fun within a month. I found myself forcibly playing the game when I rather do something else, just because I was chasing that end game content. Then they kept fucking with Locks, I was always respeccing, couldn't get in good groups. Rerolled a tank, liked it, pushed the levels forever. Eventually just got burnt out. Community sucks, kids or hardcore players only. Unsubbed a few weeks back. Have some time left to play but haven't and it feels great to get back to steam games. Plus I have a job now.
If I had friends playing it would be great. But the game feels lonely and tedious otherwise. And the talent trees are so dumbed down. May as well just make a little robot that hits the keys for you.
Late 2007. Have resubbed few times since then, but never played for longer than a month.
I quit in early Cata because they started nerfing everything that was slightly challenging and they fucked up the old world. I felt like Blizzard's target audience started shifting during Wrath but only in Cata did it really swing that way fully so I dropped it.
Stopped playing seriously after Wrath, but I'd sub for a month or two here and there to see the changes. They just kept dumbing it down, making it more cinematic--more themeparky, if that's even possible. Draenor was fucking boring.
When I get the MMO itch, I've been playing ESO since there's no sub. They really turned that fucker around post-launch. I like the Elder Scrolls universe better, so it's more comfy for me to explore those areas, seeing the Iliac Bay from Daggerfall come to life.
Started December 2004, quit during Ulduar progression in WOTLK, joined back for every expansion and quit again during opening raid progression.
>they keep dumbing it down
>doing the attunement quests for Karazhan
>take this bottle labeled 'Corrupt Sample Bottle'
>go find the corrupt samples
>the bottle vibrates when you are where you need to be
>the map has a huge highlight
>my friend complains for five minutes that he doesnt know where to go
They'll keep dumbing it down, I promise you that.
>May as well just make a little robot that hits the keys for you.
That's actually what most people do nowadays from high rated pvp'ers to high end raiders and it's disgusting.
Why even play.
>no one will ever again earn the dreadsteed the right way
>rogues will never go on an adventure to learn the art of poisoncraft
Blizzard hates RPGs. There's no other explanation.
As far as I know, people dont like that classes have exclusive content.
(Yet everyone will fucking destroy you for not having 92837985 alts of every class)
>You will never feed your pet again
>You will never take a trip to the caverns of time to buy the best ammo or make you own
Nost 2/Corecraft when?
> Cata
> all private
you know shit about mop and cata because after so many years private servers get past 4% of actual working content
Nost said, if Blizz doesnt make an Announcement they will. Whatever that means.
I know that's why I'm waiting for blizzcuckon to start and finish I want to see if nost starts a new server or released the code either is fine.
Otherwise I'll just finish leveling on poleground
>dumbing down
>the most basic encounters in Emerald Nightmare have more mechanics than any boss from vanilla
I quit at level 18. Game was a fugly cartoon and slower than grandma on painkillers, and it was obvious only advanced Stockholm syndrome would keep one playing this snoozefest.
>missing the whole point of the post
I can agree that Raids have become more mechanical, Im glad they have; but to say the game hasnt become user friendly in the most insane ways possible is retarded.
I mean come on, most of the quests involving mechanics have gigantic warnings that flash on the screen.
Those are for the retards that got stuck on finding mankriks wife or couldn't find the lost guards in elwynn forest. Who cares?
>Who cares?
Thats what we were talking about to begin with.
I think I jumped boat on my first year for FFXI and Mabinogi instead
I had already been playing Ultima Online as well, so something had to be sacrificed.
no regrets
Now boss have more mechanics and more fails to execute them = more damage
Back in vanillia there were less mechanic but with fatal damage, so failing 2x would cause wipe
leveling, dungeons etc was kinda hard and slow and that killed most of shitters before they could get into raids (and get kicked again for being shitters and know widely on server because of being shit/toxic)
Now, you ding 110, do some normal dungeons with automated tool, do automated heroic dungeon and lfr. After this attend normal EN with tons of addons installed and fail miserably even if 3 addons yelled at him to get the fuck out from green goo in first boss
Its ultra funny seeing people with addon saying "rot in 3 seconds!" above their head and still ignoring it
>Played a few months back in vanilla
Quit for a while
>picked of burning crusade, when it came out, played for like 2 months
Quit for a while
>came back like a year after lich king came out, played for like a year
>quit like a month after they made cataclysm change all of the zones
Haven't played since
When they announced pandas
MMORPGs represent middle school. An embarrassing genre and a cruel era.
I quit during Firelands patch. Was kick from raid team for not having proper macros and "computer equipment" and only wanted sweaty players.
when battlegrounds became mostly bots