Will ocarinafags ever recover?
Will ocarinafags ever recover?
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will her face ever recover?
Yes, if you watch his playthrough.
The real question is will you ever recover if you watch his playthrough?
What the even fuck.
How many children has she had already?
None, I think.
No, my sides still hurt
Arin Hanson is the same guy who didn't work out you're supposed to parry Darknuts in Wind Waker by having your fucking sword out. He should have no opinion on vidya.
>those Phoenix Wright segments
>that fucking keese count at the end
It's still fantastic.
This guy peaked at Metal Gear Awesome
Having your sword out AND targeting them.
He later gets wrecked by some because he wasn't targeting and proceeds to act like a faggot going "YOU GUYS SAID TO HAVE MY SWORD OUT" and shit.
Oh god, yeah, that was even more cringy.
That's fetal alcohol syndrome, user.
Egoraptor is dead.
Arin killed him.
When that episode came out I thought it was the best thing to ever come out of Egoraptor.
Instead of pandering with generic opinions everyone agrees with, clickbaiting with "LOL SUPERMAN 64 IS SO BAD" or some other literal meme, as soon as he gathered a bit of a following (Before his Let's Plays and Sequelitis people were forgetting he existed) he IMMEDIATELY attacked the most sacred of cows in true contrarian fashion.
The very first thing he does after his rise to fame is stating out loud perhaps THE most unpopular opinion he ever had.
You'll never convince me that wasn't a ballsy move.
Also Ocarina of Time is a really, really slow game with a ton of dead time. It doesn't make it bad or take away from the fact it was unprecedented, but sacred untouchable totems are never a good thing, and thankfully someone had the guts to say it's a perfect game that everyone must like.
I played this game for the first time recently and everything he said is true
Why can't OoT accept criticism?
>you'll never convince me that wasn't a ballsy move
Going out in front of a group of big black men in the ghetto and calling them "niggers" is a ballsy move too. Doesn't change the fact that it isn't a smart move to make.
>Zelda-fanboy Nintentoddlers are niggers
You heard it right here on NintendoGaf, folks.
Savage post, my man
>gamegrumps content starts out ok, kinda miss their content though
>enjoy game design discussions, not so much any other discussion
>wario world is one of my favorite gamecube games
>arin button mashes through tutorial and spends episodes being confused
>content goes downhill from there
>jontron value is gone
>Arin still makes a shit load of money, so he puts his time in that instead of sequelitis or egoraptor
oh how the great have fallen
but seriously, hes as retarded as dan about video games. they dont even read comments because their followers are worse than them.
When that episode came out I thought it was the best thing to ever come out of Egoraptor.
Instead of pandering with generic opinions everyone agrees with, clickbaiting with "LOL SUPERMAN 64 IS SO BAD" or some other literal meme, as soon as he gathered a bit of a following (Before his Let's Plays and Sequelitis people were forgetting he existed) he IMMEDIATELY attacked the most sacred of cows in true contrarian fashion.
The very first thing he does after his rise to fame is stating out loud perhaps THE most unpopular opinion he ever had.
Then I watched him play the actual game.
>he IMMEDIATELY attacked the most sacred of cows in true contrarian fashion.
>You'll never convince me that wasn't a ballsy move.
It seriously wasn't and that's one of the major flaws of the video. Arin was acting as if "OOT isn't perfect" was a super controversial opinion and he was incredibly smart for bringing it up, but that hasn't been the case on the internet for fucking years. Everyone acknowledges OOT has flaws, but Arin picked the most retarded shit.
Hell, he's seen the MM video, he knows that people don't consider OOT flawless any more, he just wanted to form a narrative in which he SEEMS like some super smart critic who can see through the veil and is all enlightened without actually having to be smart.
>31 deaths
>not even on master quest
Seriously though he's pretty good at mega man, how can he blow dicks at an easier game?
I think the real question is whether Egoraptor ever recover from the devastation he got after making that pathetic video
>Get some real eyebrows
>Get a surgery for the Michael Jackson nose
>Move up about 3 points
Egoraptor died because animation is no longer profitable, as people like Ross and PsychicPebbles have explained. Now he's touring the country with Dan's band and he loves it. Even if you don't watch his stuff anymore, you can at least see he's very happy.
>taking ego "i needed a guide to finish the tutorial Island in Wind waker" raptor seriously
Too bad most of what he points out is merely an opinion. He's also awful at playing any game in 3-D (GG showed this way before this had come out) so when he brings up the difficulty in gameplay that comes from the fact he just sucks at those games in general. The only thing I agreed with him on was the pointless cinematic every god damn time you open a chest as if it's some amazing and awe inspiring.
I guess I haven't been looking in the right places, because before that video, I don't remember any big criticisms to OOT. For example
>Hell, he's seen the MM video
I'm clearly missing pieces of information, because I don't know what video you're talking about.
Anyone would instantly recover after watching his playthrough of the game. Its miraculous how retarded he is.
OoT is absolutely not a perfect game, but the things he pointed out were only stuff that happened because he cant into video games or his own nostalgiafagging.
It's in 3D. Arin sucks at anything with a Z axis.
even Arin says he regret it. So the real question is:
Will Arin ever recover?
Better question:
Will you suck my cock tonight, OP? I am so lonely.
I had stopped watching GG because around about 2015, in every video Arin had taken to fake-raging, beatboxing, interrupting Dan and Ross, putting on stupid voices, making cringy, terrible raps, etc.
But I watched a few recent GG series and they've been very funny indeed. I think he's become less of a manchild.
Did she get a nose job?
im pretty sure he didn't need a guide on outset island
No, I'm saying she should get a nosejob, her nostrils prod up like michael jackson
He did.
lmao my opinion has been changed entirely, he doesn't know what the fuck he's doing
That Dan guy sounds so much like a piece of shit yes man
Is she Egoraptor's beard?
He gives me tranny vibes for some reason.
He is a genuinely nice guy who Arin keeps around just so he has someone who sucks up to him constantly.
No. They wrecked. Now their game will never be the same again.
>some no name faggot
How do you not have your sword out while fighting enemies?
>tfw I autistically yell at the screen whenever Arin misses something important because he was distracted talking about some unrelated bullshit
that, or he decides to take on a boss 10 times without saving or getting items or God forbid get back to full health
Arin finds a way. The only difference between him and DPS is production value.and that he doesn't openly insult his fans
From what?
Are you implying people care to watch those videos?
Is she sick? Is it because 'she' has some kind of disease?
How old are you?
What happened was, he went down into one of those mini-temples with the rooms full of enemies to get a Triforce Shard (hard to describe, see picture) and he started L-targetting a Darknut. Circling, circling, waiting to parry...except he hasn't drawn his sword with B.
"What the fuck? Why can't I parry?"
Then he dies.
Next episode, he draws his sword, and this time doesn't L-target. Gets killed AGAIN.
One of his cringiest hours.
Well at least 8 million have... so I guess you just suck then?
The problem is that Danny is too nice. He would always just say "Yeah I guess you're right Arin".
Although lately he's been more assertive; Arin spent one episode of Ocarina doing nothing for 10 minutes and was about to end it when Danny just stepped in and said "No, fuck that, we're getting the Lens of Truth" or whatever it was.
The problem is that Danny isn't familiar with most of the games they play so he mostly just defers to Arin's judgement
Why the hell couldn't he have played? I'd rather have seen somebody who doesn't play video games try out Ocarina than have somebody who is just completely inattentive to playing video games and shows absolutely no respect for what he plays because "It's not my NES Zelda".
>literally everyone on earth enjoyed OoT except arin
>he wasn't smart enough to realize this
>dropped out of highschool
>didn't go to college
>plays videogames 8 hours a day
>gave up on his hopes and dreams
>>dropped out of highschool
>>didn't go to college
>>plays videogames 8 hours a day
sounds like his hopes and dreams became reality
Yeah dude. Pretty much all of his criticism comes from the fact that he sucks at the game, can barely play it.
why are we listening to this faggot slob's opinion anyway? What a cringey fucking patronizing video this was, this idiot has never designed a game in his life and has no clue what "good game design" even is
you people disgust me
No no he definitely needed to show more of a spine at times, because something would be blindingly obvious (like Arin was using completely the wrong item) and he wouldn't call him out on it at all.
Daily reminder that Arin Hanson missed a heart container from the second dungeon on his first Ocarina playthrough.
He does like it, he just thinks it's very overrated
He was piss poor for years, I doubt he enjoyed it.
Have you not even watched Arin's Ocarina playthrough? It's clear that he has absolutely no respect for that game because he's incapable of enjoying video games beyond the primal satisfaction of doing damage to enemies and watching them flash red.
Arin pisses me off so much, so often. And yet I've always really liked him, and regularly check Game Grumps. I've never worked out why.
I enjoy game grumps, and ocarina is one of my favorite games, but his playthrough was fucking awful to watch. I understand why he hates ocarina and its because he's fucking awful at it. He never used his fucking shield. He died so many fucking times to things that he could've beat if he had just put his fucking shield up. Then he would complain about that game and say it was bullshit that he died even though it was entirely his fault. When people in the comments told him to use his shield, he would use it for like five minutes and then go back to never blocking. And he would never Z target. Its the same reason why he sucked at dark souls 3. He just takes hits instead of dodging or blocking and then he complains that he died.
>I enjoy game grumps
Anyone who likes any Zelda game is autistic
>I enjoy game grumps
I like watching game play of games I haven't played before, or if I have played it before I like to see how other people might handle the situations I've already been through. I also find Danny and arins banter to be entertaining. They do say some funny shit sometimes. I'm about to be 21 in December, I started watching gg when I was 19.
>I enjoy game grumps
You enjoy having surrogate friends
>fat retarded highschool dropout says retarded shit asif he has any credibility or anyone should take him seriously
Nah im good
You're literally retarded. Superbunnyhop3D has already said that the only people who enjoy hours-long videos of people playing video games are children and teenagers.
he also said that sucking dick is the only way to live
I'll be honest.
Even without makeup, I'd probably tear that shit up.
Without makeup, I would destroy it.
Plus she actually seems nice. 90% of women are super vain, so you can't really hold it against her.
>someone enjoys something that I dont
>must be a retard
>here have this video that supports my opinion that your opinion is worse than my opinion
But OoT is shit in every single way besides the fact that a better game was made using its assets
Oops, with makeup* the second time.
>High school dropout says a thing
I dont really care
Why are you Majorafags such edgy contrarians? You're like those people who say The Rolling Stones were better than The Beatles.
>doesnt even make his own content anymore
>plays videogames with loud jew and autistic strayan with his ayy lmao wife
>this somehow gives his opinions some legitimacy
We all know that WW still is best
>White women
He's like a child version of dsp
>plays video games 8 hours a day
>terrible at video games
Fucking how.
Its just like, his opinion man... But it is a reasonable one.
Honestly i think OOT fans and Nintendo fans in general just need thicker skins.
For example, i love Resident Evil, but daily in threads i have to deal with many anons who started with 4 or even fucking 5 tell me tank controls are an abomination and old games are so unplayable.
The funny thing is, i will ALWAYS argue that tank controls are fine, and easy to learn, but these days they are not transferable skills like they used to be when silent hill and fatal frame/project zero were popular, so i get it.
The only real problem I had with OoT was the railroading.
I don't get it, he's not good at games so watching for the gameplay is pointless, he's not funny 98% of the time so listening to him is boring, his opinion on vidya is based purely on nostalgia and him being unable to fucking read anything, what's the point of watching Arin playing games?, what's the appeal of this show? even the fucking Jew sounds like he is getting sick of his shit.
I want Egoraptor back, even if his animations were shitty and had a stupid sense of humor, it was better than this shitty excuse of a show, a real shame that an animation that can take dozens of hours can make less money than a fat man-child yelling at pixels for 12 minutes.
Well unlike DSP he's actually quite a nice guy. It's just that he's a fucking moron too.
Arin is the Dunning-Kruger effect personified.
It wasn't as bad as you think.
I have never seen an episode of game grumps because I simlpy do not watch les plays but OOT isn't even top 3 zeldas, go cry somewhere else faggots
Sup Forums isn't funny 98% of the time either, yet you spend your time here.
>one of his cringiest hours
im glad i stopped watching anything relating to him so long ago
That's the thing though, it's not a reasonable one.
I have no sentiments for OoT or even Zelda in general.
I've never finished that game and I don't want to.
Even I could see his arguments were fucking retarded.
He thought complaining about trivial shit made him some kind of expert rather than critiquing the meat of the game.
It would be like saying Resident Evil isn't great because of the door transitions.
Also, RE4 and RE5 both still have tank controls.
Tank controls are objectively the best method for 3rd person horror games.
And you don't have to be an old blood to understand that, I wasn't able to play RE1-3 on my PS1 and had to try them for the first time recently.
They're great, and REmake HD proved that relative controls are inferior for that type of game.
Getting back on point, this isn't about difference of opinion or taste.
You can dislike Zelda and no one cares.
But he set out to do a level headed critique and proved he really never held any knowledge of game design.
This has been proven time and again on his show.
One of the few times I watched his videos was Wario World where he couldn't figure out how to jump onto a climbable pole.
The guy made a name for himself on dumb flash cartoons and then got put on a pedestal when he made a bunch of obvious observations about Megaman.
That's why there was backlash to the video, because a bunch of idiots believed in him and were disillusioned thoroughly.
He seems insufferable, but non-confrontational. He's not a literal man baby, he just sucks at videogames while making money because video games.
I honestly don't understand why people haven't gone and made some kind of Broken Pedestal consensus with Hanson yet.
Have an upvote XD