10000s of people bought BF1 and still cannot play the game as of yet
There is no reply from a dev or customer support, several bug reports were raised without any feedback from them
10000s of people bought BF1 and still cannot play the game as of yet
There is no reply from a dev or customer support, several bug reports were raised without any feedback from them
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Only retards buy EA shitty games at this point, you can't convince them.
your fagot
Vidya business became bigger than vidya itself. Nobody cares if you can't play it, you already paid for it anyway.
fuck off retard omg!!!!
Works fine for me :^)
I've never actually see someone write 10000s before.
but what if I get a refund?
>buying games
wew lad
this so far I don't buy from rockstart,ea,ubisoft and 2k games.
but I really want to play titanfall 2
Most disappointing issue for me has been the bugs plaguing GTX 770 cards.
Borderline unplayable even on low difficulty.
*starts casting countermeme*
*it critically missed*
If you bought a physical copy, doesn't matter. Reseller already bought bulks of the game from EA, and there are plenty of other retards who'll want the game.
If you bought digital version, doesn't matter much either. You're just the minority who has enough brains to request a refund online.
*low settings
Bacause the dumb fucking fucknuts like yourself think their potato pile of shit toaster can run games that they cant.
Daddy wont be happy he spent his money on something you begged for and now wont work
kill me
>Tfw playing this game on a laptop at constant 70 fps :^)
it's on the lowest setting though
>EA/Origin servers go down for around a day earlier this week
>Down detector has a twitter feed
>huur huur i cant play bf1! ea better giv us compensation! i didnt spend $60 to not be able to play!
Do these retarded faggots really not understand that they actually DID pay $60 to not be able to play when the servers go down?
BF1 was made exclusively for the most handicapped individuals but holy shit i didnt expect people that fucking stupid.
literally not sure if this guy either didn't read the thread or the forum post, or is actually on the intelligence level of a 6 year old
I dont give a fuck about another forum post complaining about a shit game, you retarded faggot.
Im talking about the stupidity of you idiots in general.
mad kids lol
>Publishers still haven't made a tl;dr version of their EULA's right at the bottom of the document for consumer convenience so they can rope in as many sales as they can
Fucking snakes.
a friend of mine had some problems, downloaded some drivers, switched to DX11 and it works fine now
there was a big issue with dx12 and nvidias driver (the one before last) it fucked up a lot of people.
Thing is this isnt EAs fault which makes all the hurr durring even more hilarious
It's casual shit man, it attracts all demographics. I play with a friend who's former GE in CS:GO.
He picked up BF1 and by his 6th hour was getting 63:14 k/d as assault and single handedly capturing flags. Next highest score was half of his.
Phew, now I'm glad I upped to a 970 from it
Smooth as fuck for me.
You realize a connectivity issue has nothing to do with graphics, right?
Or was that a recounting of your own experience?
That means he was pretty fucking bad.
I've been playing all week and have yet to experience connection issues, get wrecked nerd.
>Thing is this isnt EAs fault which makes all the hurr durring even more hilarious
It kind of is, they dictate timescales to DICE, and DICE clearly hasn't spent more than 2 weeks bugtesting this pile-o-shit before releasing it.
They are absolutely the fault, together with DICE.
On a 40 player conquest map? The next highest kill rate was mine at 18.
This is also a guy that's never played BF before, so I was fairly impressed - but it did impression upon us that there isn't much of a learning curve with this game.
Personally I just checked the down detector - but I have to say seeing this shit at the same time really does get under my skin...
They could just include a
>severs are down
message instead of "you have connectivity issues" stuff.
i would have bought bf1 and titanfall 2 if they weren't origin exclusive
it's 2016, have people still not realized this yet?
You're lucky. Nvidia has no fucking clue why this is happening but the common theme is DX11 and DX12 crashes, or that the game legit freezes for about 10 seconds every second minute or so.
No mine runs fine at 120+fps on 1440p 144hz ultra chap. Now run along.
its nividias driver issue. The game ran fine on dx12 before the update, all through alpha and beta and release!!!.
their driver fucked up
Conquest is literally just running around and shooting people, so yes someone who probably did that for thousands of hours, like all csgo kiddies today - AND has a friend playing with him can very easily accomplish that, this is battlefield Lite, everyone is fully equipped to get a lot of kills on their own - but not much else, also Assault first weapon is fucking strong in comparison to some of the other starters.
I'm a terrible shot today, I spent thousands of hours shooting in UT99 so decade+ ago, and I still came to 30-5~ in my first matches.
The amount of total, absolute and ultimate shitters playing this game right now is outrageous - and these are easy pickings for a good shot.
>play operations 40man
>20 scouts sniping, 20 supports mortaring
Anyone good at battlefield can sit into a tank and pack away these people and go 100-0.
Time to upgrade you cheap kike.
I bought on release, played without issues, went away for a week and the game shit itself spectacularly, couldn't even start.
updated drivers, deleted the game settings from Documents and it was back to working.
Seems to me they are both at fault - the game not being able to handle changed drivers at all, and nvidia on the regular.
The game is unstable as fuck either way, tons of bugs, and I still have random sparkling and even one lightbeaming thing on Amiens.
Too bad you are running at 40 IQ, Scout main?
1070 coming in 5 days you sweaty half-breed.
Absolutely fucking not. Look through the forms. This issue has persisted since beta.
Ask me if I give a fuck
lmao the pc "master race" is the only one experiencing these problems
game is amazing on my ps4
maybe you should get a console...computers are for working user not video games.
Do fuck give?
good job man. i'm proud of you
nope main is support.
Actually you go into the settings and reset dx12 in 2 places from1 to 0 . Its hardly rocket science.
Love the way you automatically believe my iq is of the level of your inbred family.
How well does it run on your shitty rig? or you on xbox doing noscoping.
>game is amazing on my ps4
>running games at 160x90
i wonder if the PS4 Pro can run games at 800x600
>2/3 of the game is DLC
>pcucks have to lie in order to defend their shitty purchase
At 1440p 110hz 110fps, if you must know - do you think having a strong PC makes you a better person child?
You do realize, that a connectivity issue still has nothing to do with how strong your computer is, or how stupid you are to use them well?
Or will you keep sidestepping that valid point pushing into your anus?
What are you talking about, I'm playing it on my PS4 without any problems
>He runs games at 900p and defends this!
works on my machine :^)
Not had any issues with connectivity. MY internets fine over 75 down and 35 up so it does the job.
Im not sure how you think im a child. In fact the opposite.
Yet again you dodge if you are on potato or console. Obviously its a bucket of cum.
110hz? you using one of those cheap shitty monitors you buy off ebay?
Also 110 fps you running a 1080 or you are full of shit.
>it werks for me
this is why I think you are a child, you also had to tout your up/down bandwidth as if that is relevant WHEN THE SERVERS WENT DOWN TWO DAYS AGO FOR HOURS
You incoherent fuck. Now I'll go play on my gigabit connection, bet that makes you jelly because you are a child.
Yeah, good ol' korean 1440p IPS.
Its good, cheap middle ground.
And I play on low, because fuck things that let me see less.
>he doesn't know about the 160x90
you bought a console and you should feel bad for it.
>Mfw have gaymen peecee.
>Mfw knew it would be buggy on peecee
>Mfw bought it on xbone because it would be buggy
>Mfw silky smooth 30fps
>Mfw still having fun wrecking console shitters
>snek meme
Hi /r/Sup Forums!!
So it drops to that resolution for only 3 single frames during the whole footage, there's no way you'll notice during normal gameplay
>anyone good at battlefield can sit into a tank and pack away these people and go 100-0
this during the beta, holy shit. they wouldn't even run away, just sit and uselessly fire at the tank until i could either get a shot on them or run them over. it's kind of sad.
That map looks empty as fuck. Barely anything going on to tax it like a 64 player game would.
I'm afraid its still the same.
Sadly - on some maps you can't even do a thing about it, a tank can sit on the side, unapproachable due to map limits, and with all anti-tank shit being low range, its just a gigantic invincible sniper - and the enemy doesnt even get tanks to fight it.
Rush is a mess, operations turned into a joke, its the combined efforts of the worst online players I've seen in my life, and a badly designed game with a lot of lost potential.
>You wouldnt notice 160x90 in normal gameplay
Yeah if you're fucking lobotomised. Any normal not retarded person would easily notice.
i really miss the engineer class fuck.
Putting in self-repair has effectively killed any chance that a public player will ever think of someone else repairing their vehicle - even when they see it happen, they don't realize it.
It would take very little to turn this into a good BF title, but it will never happen.
>battlefield lite
What did he mean by this?
>Putting in self-repair has effectively killed any chance that a public player will ever think of someone else repairing their vehicle - even when they see it happen, they don't realize it.
are you telling me that people other than the driver can repair the vehicle? if so i absolutely had no idea.
Works fine on my ps4
>muh 20 maps
Yeah, at the low low cost of $50! But of course you already received your Premium pass with the $130 "ultimate edition", right anons?
there is a repair tool for the support class user
Its battlefield made to work for every last retard, compromising everything battlefield stood for but nobody cares about it.
>being this new
>being this underage
get the fuck out.
PC. No plug and play. Have to configure bullshit and download third party trash to play
Also for many people Campaign skins aren't appearing in multiplayer after you unlock them. I asked @EASupport and they aren't responding.
I spent the whole time the servers were down unlocking Straight flush they better give it to me.
>inb4 EA drone
Now hold on, if we were talking about bf4 or hardline I'd get it. I got bf4 for free and only tried hardline at a buddies house. RRALLY wasn't impressed with those. I havent bought a battlefield since 3. I wouldn't bother buying the other expensive versions of bf1, the standard one is good enough. Origin has gone down only once for me and I'm not constantly playing to get these server drops that apprently been happening. I got a 960 4gb and can play this game on high with a constant 80 frames with hardly any dips. This is just from a personal experience too, but I've been actualy having a blast with this game, I always have a positive kd, and fuck around in vehicles time to time.
I don't get what everyone's issue is? I get EA can be money grubin whores, but is it people just playing all the time and expecting something better or what?
I honestly don't have any complaint about this game, other than stupid teammates which goes for any online games at times, and fairly impressed from the last battlefield I played.
>there is a repair tool for the support class user
no shit. haven't really done much dealing in vehicles. theres always some autist on the map who only plays with the tank anyway so i don't even bother.
>living in a 3rd world country
>he runs the game at 0p because of shit drivers