What made Doom so good?
What made Doom so good?
Other urls found in this thread:
Great level design
Tight gameplay
Fun weapons
It wasn't made after 2008.
>3d floors
The storytelling in Doom 3 and interactivity of all the panels and computers.
wanting to make a game instead wanting to appease shareholders and earn a quick buck
ITT: Nostalgia
why do white people think Doom 1 & 2 love is nostalgia?
do they not get that it's a genuinely good game or what?
if those games were released today they would not be good
they are outdated, but WERE good
is it nostalgia if I still play the game today? Sure, different wads n shit, but it' still Doom. I used to play a lot online in ZDaemon.
...Is that the set of Seinfeld?
>everything looks like it's made out of foam
dynamic lighting was a mistake
go play a wad made recently and say that, the game is still good
if you don't care that's fine but you can't call a game bad for being old when it's still fun as hell
wtf i hate doom now!
>The entire bottom half of the screen is your forearm
Does a game that uses #2 exist?
no, because
Someone should update the "how to play DOOM" image because the dropbox link for the wads is dead
>fun gameplay
>fast action
>being able to get into game with a few keystrokes
>minimal story
>no interruptions to tell the "story"
they do if you crank the FOV to 120
Nostalgiafaggotry and its ports that made this steaming pile of shit SOMEWHAT bearable. I have never played a more booooring, bland and repetitive game such as vanilla Doom. It is worshiped by fedora neckbeards and le wrong generation kiddies as the greatest thing since sliced bread. Its meme-ridden too(le HUGE GUTS XD, SHOOT IT TILL IT DIES LOL etc).
>inb4 triggered nostalgiafags
you need to use more memes and buzzwords
More like Fuzzwords.
i thought this was a real room in the thumbnail
You're actually kinda right, it looks real
>memes and buzzwords
More like the truth
No, YOU kill yourself doombaby
figure it out yourself
>Good weapons
>Nice levels which feature things aside from combat, like exploration and secret hunting
>Good and suiting soundtrack
>It didn't try to do more than just being a more or less barebones shooter.
I think especially the last point is very important. Duke Nukem 3D, in my opinion, fell victim to it, which is why I don't like it as much as I do Doom
Never go full homo.
It's there to establish the outer realms of hell.
>visceral combat
>glory kills
>no long bullshit cutscenes
>powerful weapons
These are some of the many things that made DOOM (2016) so good.
The game was popular as fuck back then because it was good.
>Installed more times than windows
You can't have nostalgia when the game was just released. It's always been good.
It was popular because there was nothing else back then and people had VERY low standards back then
I honestly don't get people who enjoy single-player FPS. It's such a simplistic and boring genre.
So are fighting games and you people fight about it
But that's like saying swords and spears are shit and the only reason people had used them is because we didn't have guns yet
It's a waste of time to even have that opinion never mind state it, what you said means absolutely fucking nothing.
level design is completely different and game as a beginning and end
I can't stand multiplayer games or post-game grinding in arpgs
She probably hold it with two hands for increased accuracy.
agreed, i enjoy running in circles like the retard i am.
red steel
fuck off retard
He stated that Doom was popular because of its "quality", but the truth is it was popular because there was no quality back then to begin with
its still a good game today, fuck off
Can't handle someone saying the truth about your meme game, eh?
It was never a good game to begin with, you fuck off
>tfw you'll never be a doombabby and actually enjoy most of the superior 90's fps
best map ever
And what's crazy is I didn't know the creator of this map died 5 years ago.
No way, fuck.
Anyway, rest in peace