>its literally okay when Nintendo does it
>its literally okay when Nintendo does it
>only psp vita
>nobody owns a psp vita
>kickstarter for a pspvita game
>should've been released on pc
>they want us to fund a game for a handheld nobody owns
calm the fuc kdown you stupid ass virgin
>still jerking over the furphobia meme
Apparently """""""she""""""" doesn't want to have the Vita fanbase's already raped mentality feel any worse by adding other platforms.
Well ''''''''''''''''''''''she'''''''''''''''''''' is fucking stupid and I hope everything fails.
>Y-you can do it guys!
i dont see a connection other than furfag shit
>'hiring a game designer' is the final stretch goal
Fucking vitafags, man.
I think this actually looks pretty fun
Memeing aside, if she does reach her promises it'll be a comfy game
>unironically being a furfaggot
This board is so fucking bad.
>being tired of the same meme being posted over and over is being a furfaggot
You know what, I'd rather be one than a miserable pile of shit like you
Whomever the fuck that is, the premise isn't bad
>Some of the previous games I've worked are "Phineas and Ferb: Day of Doofenshmirtz", "Muppets Movie Adventures" and "Young Justice Legacy".
Ah, so now she is working on a Space-Furry-inator?
Oh look, another Kickstarter scam!
>hating furries is a meme
>used the word "furphobia" unironically
>referenced something awful, the irrelevant boogeyman for furries
>defending furries
Yeah man, you're totally not a furry. I definitely see your very valid points.
Someone ask if s/he could replace the stupid furfag characters with lolis
I would buy loli mercs in space
Wow you sure convinced me hard with that hot piece of internet badassery
>yfw Rouge Raiders has a platypus
>2016 and furries still don't get that they put people off with their colonizing behaviour
literally everything furries do has to revolve around furries or being furries
and if they like something that doesn't have furries, they'll shoehorn it in
>getting told this hard
The lack of a proper rebuttal tells all
>going out of your way to defend a group of obnoxious, annoying people
>being surprised when people think you belong to aforementioned shitty group
loli merc games fucking never
A psvita exclusive?!
Dead on arrival.
porn when ?
>animal characters and people who like them are always furry trash
Fuck off with your shit taste!
You just called people who like Crash, Banjo, Ratchet, Sonic, and Fucking Fox as Furries?
You're fucking gay. So there's a few odd fucktards who get off to furry porn, but who are you to judge an entire character style? I mean what the actual fuck? I guess liking a fat little gay plumber is somehow okay though right? Fuck off man
>he can't tell the difference between literal furbait and characters that happen to be anthropomorphic
You have severe autism if you can't just take characters at face value.
What the fuck happened to the millenial generation?
And so many more iconic characters, you're willing to write off because of a few faggots who dress in animal suits? You know what, don't even play videogames anymore, I bet you're a fun fucking person to be around.
not him but
>the millennials did it!
You're right though. Not everything is memes
because, like i said, those characters aren't literal furbait made by and for furries. they simply happen to be anthropomorphic. christ
>33k for a vita game
Ah yes, this will surely hit the goal and afterwards deliver the promised product
Found the furry
Enjoy your bald space muhreens
at least bald space marines aren't aimed at a fetish audience
I didn't know this game existed but thanks to this thread I'll be donating to the Kickstarter. If you meant to shill your game then it worked. Thanks for bringing it to our attention!
I threw a milkshake at a fursuiter while driving once and there is nothing you can do about it
At least they've mostly fucked off from here
proud of you tbch
You sure about that?
i'm sure about that
>Vita exclusive
>the beta tests are on PC
I don't understand. If you're making beta buds for PC, why not just release the final game on PC too?
Consoles are cancer for this very reason. You cannot code a console game without a PC. They simply don't release the damn games on PC to be ironic, snotty, special snowflakes. Fuck japan, fuck developers, i'm getting sick of this shit.