so whats your goty so far Sup Forums
So whats your goty so far Sup Forums
There hasn't been anything actually worthy of the GOTY title yet.
The least shit game was Shenzhen I/O though
no game.
For Honor beta
$0.01 in to my account etc
Xcom 2
Blood & Gold:Carribean!
The Witness, Severed or Rise of the Tomb Raider
Zero Time Dilemma disappointed me greatly. Should've been my GOTY
Witcher 3
Shit AAA year, Furi.
Also Owlboy is pretty fucking good so far, I hope it doesn't overstay its welcome.
Doesn't matter
Either SMTIV Apocalypse or #FE
When did Nuclear Throne come out?
Our CD Projekt Redâ„¢ automated transfer service reads that we have already compensated you for the advertisement of:
The Witcher 3
We thank you for your continued support, but unfortunately can no longer pay you after the end of the fiscal year of 2015 for such advertsement. Have a great day!
Rabi Ribi
Nothing came even close this year so far.
One post above yours surpassed it.
Odin Sphere Leifthrasir
I have it on my wishlist, but I'm not a fan of 2d platformers.
is she the girl that pukes like 15 seconds later?
Well yes
Va-11 Ha11a.
Nothing else I've played this year seems worthy of GOTY. So I guess Valhalla gets it because it was ar least something new and refreshing
I honestly dont know.
>people like different games than I do
>I better make fun of them
>posts a 2015 game
>for a 2016 goty thread
Either DOOM, Owlboy, or Furi
Google Cat Game
played a ton of good shit this year but GOTY is easily this
Overwatch. Duh.
Blood and Wine came out this year though.
This. Blood and Wine was GOAT expansion and had more content in it then most games do all for the price of 20 dollars.
I guess Warhammer or Stellaris
I have to admit this year has been pretty god damn shit. Honestly just waiting for M&B butterlord.
Titanfall 2
Grim Dawn or Kirby Robobot
GD is great, Robobot was a return to form for Kirby for me. Both are so jolly.
Ni-Oh beta.
If betas don't count then Furi
Grim Dawn been playing it with some friends having a blast most fun I had all year
Been a pretty sparse year for good games. Overwatch is the best so far.
my summer car
Seconded. I hope they make a sequel.
Didn't mean to reply fammy Lammy
Sun and moon will be
I want a phone game with an endless mode or some shit
Best game i have played this year was last of us remastered.
oh wait i should say Morrowind
Since 2015/2016 sucked dick in terms of releases i'll say XCOM 2
witcher 3: blood and wine
the story is great
the gameplay is still the best in gaming if you crank it up to the hardest difficulty
the world is so much fun to explore
its very light hearted and fun with winks and nods to long time fans
bloodborne fans going to get BTFO for the second year in a row when their shit game still doesnt get GOTY and witcher 3 gets it again for the second year running
This desu, I haven't experienced this much fun and polish in an AAA game since Xcom.
it's a fucking dlc.
you don't see people saying Bayonetta dlc in smash 4 is goty
Furi or Shiren.
Owlboy is pretty fucking great as well but I don't see it overtaking either of them, and besides that only Tyranny/Dishonored 2/Pokemon Sun/Final Fantasy XV interest me for the rest of the year.
Dragon Quest Builders
SFV, if it was released with everything.
Skyrim special edition on xbox
Final fantasy XV. Only mad pkeks disagree.
Dragon Quest Builders
The game is not even out
Mad pkek
Stay buttmad cuck :^)
Ace Attorney 6
Either XCOM 2 or Shadow Warrior 2
Street Fighter 5. Fuck the haters, it's miles better than shitshow that was Sleep Fighter 4.
This, easily
This or DaS 3 so far.
I mean when those two are in my running it tells you how bad the year's been. Fuck.
Legitimately better than 75% of the games that came out this year.
The year was fucking terrible, but there were some good games.
Va-11 Hall-A
Dark Souls 3
>people saying Rabi-Ribi
>pretty much a VN disguised as an average doujin game platformer
The bar is low here.
Dead Rising re-release on PC. This year has been abysmal.
No Man's Sky
googles cat logo game
would buy the full version no doubt
Odin Sphere Leifwhatever
I wonder why people want to fuck this cat
why not?
Persona 5
People are also saying VA-11 Hall-A which is a VN not disguised as anything
The Witcher 3 don't care it's not 2015 anymore
Tons of great stuff this year so far.
Contenders are,
Another Metroid 2 Remake
Titanfall 2
XCom 2
Uncharted 4
I didn't play any new games this year. Only replayed old shit I've already completed N times.
Uncharted 4.
This year has sucked dick
racests from pol will disagree but its' honestly one of the best battlefield games weve had in years
Mankind Divided or DOOM
Its the only game I played from this year other than Street Fighter 5
Dark Souls 3
Stardew Valley
Rabi Ribi
Street Fighter V
Those are the only new ones that I enjoyed this year. Pretty shitty year, somehow worse than the last one. Though I'm hoping a special something releasing in December 22 doesn't disappoint me.
>Pretty shitty year, somehow worse than the last one.
Seems to me like I have been saying that every year recently
Don't really have a concrete favorite so far, but the ones I've enjoyed the most have been XCOM 2, D44M and Redout
Dishonored 2 will probably be another contender if I enjoy it as much (or more so) than the first game
would have put Deadly Premonition, but I played most of it last year and only finished it in January
fuck modern games
>Inb4 it's 2016
I'd say Witcher 3 or battlefield one
Earth Defense Force 4.1 for PC
300 hours and no end in sight
This gets my vote as well.
I've run into 1 (one) group that earnestly disliked it and they spend literally all day playing MOBAs
Blood and Wine or D44M
XCOM2 and Rise of the Tomb Raider would be in the running but the former was plagued by performance issues and the latter was too much sandbox for a story focused game and not enough survival focused for an open world stealth game.
Guilty Gear Xrd Revelator
Monster Hunter Gen
Dark Souls 3
The Witcher 3
Dragon's Dogma on PC