Is there an unarmed class in skyrim? I wanna get back into it.
Is there an unarmed class in skyrim? I wanna get back into it
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Stealth archer.
I don't wan to use weapons. Just hand to hand. Maybe some magic on top.
you'll need the ordinator mod
No mods.
There are some perks in some trees but nothing else
Ok which ones?
Why not?
No. The closest (not close at all) is being a werewolf and using destruction magic.
Don't wanna.
Oh, then no.
You're stuck with an absolute shitfest of a game.
THERES ONE GLOVE ENCHANTMENT IN RIFTEN. get it and enchant urself as cat man in all clothes and there you go. Another stealth archer class
Heavy Armor has one that adds 25% of your armor to your unarmed punches. I think that's the percentage. If you are a Kajit as well you get an added bonus to unarmed attacks naturally because of your claws.
>Heavy Armor skill tree
Best is
Glovs of the pugilist
Fists of Steel perk
and the Khajiit racial bonus
It's pretty decent early game but becomes shit once everyone and their mom are wearing endgame armor.
>a get back into it.
you've never played Skirim before, right ?
Fuuuck. Oblivion had it, why take it out? Fucking fallout 4 had hand to hand perks.
>he plays on console
Why can't you go true berserker, legs and feet only, chest out, dual wield axes, berserker rage
There are no perks to promote this style, to be honest I forgot your shit the perks actually were
Be a furry, get Fists of Steel from the Heavy Armor Perk Tree and disenchant the Gloves of the Pugilist. It's really not worth it though.
There is also an unique fortify unhanded item too.
This though, use mods if you want a better experience like anything bethesda makes.
get your smithing and enchantment really high, get the gloves of the pugilist, break the item to gain the enchantment, get dragobone gauntlets, enchant them with gloves of the pugilist enchantment, use the perks that help your melee and hand to hand, make sure your gauntlets are smithed as high quality as they can be and there you go
Yeah in the thieves guild sewers there's a guy with gloves that give you better unarmed damage, I think you can disenchanted those to learn the enchant and then get really good in enchanting so that you can apply it to your armors
You're playing on console, aren't you?
When it first came out on ps3. Played it through then I simply forgetten it.
Ask Todd.
If you MUST play without mods (for whatever reason), there's like only two/three ways to increase unarmed damage.
An enchantment, a heavy armor perk, and being a vampire/wearing some vampire ring.
>Heavy armor gives you attack based on your gloves armor
that's it afaik.
This image is hilarious.
Yeah, and fuckall weapons for it.
There's like 2 vs New vegas' 2000
Yes enchanter/alchemist
Yes. I'm thinking of getting the remastered for ps4.
Unarmed in Skyrim is difficult because there is no dedicated unarmed skill but it's possible
Khajitt have bonus on unarmed damage
heavy armor has a perk for more unarmed damage depending on glove armor, can be combined with smithing to increase armor
Enchantment has an effect that increases unarmed damage
thank you for actually typing that all out so I didn't have to
Get the xbone/PC version instead, PS4's mods are totally neutered.
What I'm planning is to make a dragon slayer character with fighting and fire magic. I know it's lame but it might be fun.
captcha: NORD WATER
I knew it.
absolute cancer
kill yourself
roll i guess
Ps4 is all I got. I'm not in a position on getting a gaming PC or an Xbox. It's fine to judge, I just had honest answers.
Thank you. You've been very informative.
rolling games
You mean Stealth Archer?
Unarmed? What?
>dat pic
>faggots saying it's impossible to make an unarmed character and be any good
I've done it senpai. Wasnt even Khajiit
There are enchantments and perks that base unarmed damage on glove armor rating. Basically I set it up that the better armor rating I had (bonus for a full set of heavy armor for example) it buffed my unarmed. Was taking out dragons with relative ease
Sorry for being a little confusing. But it's alright, I got the answers I needed. This thread can die happy.
I just started a mage and already have gotten bored. Rolling.
Also, what school of magic is the best to invest in? Conjuration is interesting but I feel like Destruction is more effective if not much more boring.
There's a guy in the Riften sewers with enchanted gloves that do more unarmed damage the better the gloves are. So if you disenchant them and put the enchantment on Daedric gloves you win.
Conjuration is the only one worth a damn. Destruction is hilariously awful, and the others are supplemental and don't work as a main skill.
Something else than a paladin thing, jesus
Anything is possible with the right mods user.
Go for it. Pic is Enderal btw
I really need to finish Skyrim instead of just picking some gay flowers.
I'll have to learn....
Pretty much this.
Heavy Armor for Fists of Steel perk.
Enchanting to disenchant a pair of Gloves of the Pugilist and enchant a pair of Heavy Gloves.
Smithing for improving your gloves to increase the percent damage Fists of Steel does
Alchemy for recursive Fortify potions to get maximum smithing enhancement.
And play a Khajiit.
That's about all you can do for Unarmed.
how dare you buy this thing I don't like
I want something fun
I know, I'm terrible.
What do you guys want in the new Elder Scrolls? I know the basic answers: Fun/a good game. I'm asking for specific mechanics and features.
You mean just magic? Or hand to hand combat? Because if it's hand to hand combat there is none, maybe there's a mod that makes fist weapons but nothing oficial.
Now that I think about there is one skill that increases the damage you do attacking with your fists while wearing heavy gauntlets, but I don't remember it being any useful.
what body is that, user?
what armor is that, user?
what mod is that, user?
Conjuration, definitely.
Is there a mod that let's you map certain spells to weapon attacks? I wanna cast an Ice Storm every time I do a power attack with my hammer.
>playing on console
Yeah I know right? But it's all I got.
is there content in Skyrim that doesn't exclusively deal in killing half the population?
I want to do the Bard's College, but I imagine it's 2 quests long and eventually has me killing somebody to excuse the fact that this game has no proper writers.
Is there a way to make a melee build that isnt boring?
Everything just comes down to "mash left mouse button until thing stops moving". At least with stealth you can pretend the game is hard and plan your moves, use poisons, traps, etc
Dont forget about the part where you go into the dungeon filled with Daugr.
>At least with stealth you can pretend the game is hard and have to navigate the shitty level design by turning a corner, getting spotted, and Sands of Timing back 10 seconds every 30 seconds
It's a terrible game. The only purpose the Elder Scrolls series fits is giving you a generic fantasy land to fill in with your own imagination, and even then I had an easier time writing headcanon for Fire Emblem: Awakening than I did this crap.
In the end it reminds me most of Runescape, except without the multiplayer, which is why ESO could've been good, except it was somehow 1000x less inspired and played like a MOBA instead of Elder Scrolls.
tl;dr Shit series is shit. Jeremy Soule is a legend. Dragon's Dogma 2 when?
In that case the honest answer is that the game is shit, there are no classes and HtH isn't fun, or viable for that matter.
Unarmed Badass Viking
No problem man. I had fun.
What's funny man?
Is that jojos bizzare adventure. I couldn't get into it though I like it's style.
Where the fuck is the dick?
The only possible way to play a melee build is the following
>Khajiit (hidden extra unarmed damage stat)
>Get the Pugilist gloves in the Ratway under Riften and disenchant them
>Get the Heavy Armor perk which makes heavy gauntlets deal more damage
>Focus on Enchanting and Alchemy
>Do the loophole to make better Enchanting gear through Alchemy and vice versa
>Make gauntlets that do several hundred damage
Bethesda games are absolute garbage and not worth playing without mods
Kahjiit with the Fists of Steel perk will carry you through the game pretty well. Since the downside is that your one handed perk bonuses don't effect unarmed even though punching things levels it up. I focused on the craft skills as well as heavy armor to make up for the lack of blocking. Also, gloves of the pugalist enchantment can really help so I recommend leveling enchanting
I had fun.
>ALL these idiots that play with vanilla perks
What the HECK is wrong with you idiots
Unarmed is perfectly viable on basically any modded perk tree
Rolling, about to try Skyrim with mods
>inb4 khajiit with pugilist enchanted dragonbone gauntlets with some bullshit potion that all requires level 100 in like 13 stats
Skyrim with the Ordinator perk tree is so much fucking better than vanilla. Speech tree branches off into Shouts and their damage/cooldowns/giving XP, being a bard and general persuasion. Magic actually gets scaling perks etc.
People that are modding the SE are retarded as fuck, as of right now.
That will change when the creation kit comes out, but right this moment most mods are just poorly ported buggy pieces of shit. Even the Unofficial Patch fuck's up your game more than it fixes it.
CK is already out and we're already getting most of the good gameplay mods.
Is there any way to switch it so left and right click are for left and right hand, respectively? It feels really weird to left click and have the right hand activate. Is it just a rebind in the options menu?
Conjuration is literally the only magic skill that stands as useful on its own.
Restoration sucks and is nullified by potions, but it can be used because the perk tree where you unlock the full heal if you drop below 10% health once a day can save your ass.
Illusion makes stealth OP without you having to spend many perks, though it's ultimately useless because Stealth is already easy-mode.
Alteration sucks SHIT, except for that one set of perks that increases your magic resist up to 30%.
Destruction also sucks SHIT, it's only good for abusing stagger on with the lowest tier noob spells, and being good at low levels in general. Destruction spells do not scale well at all with level.
Enchanting is god-tier and necessary for all characters.
Also, when are we getting SkyUI? I can't stand the vanilla inventory.