Are zombies dying?
What are the new zombies?
Are zombies dying?
I don't get how zombies can rip though flesh with their bare hands
I think day of the dead is better than all of them.
You could probably lift a car, you'd tear all your muscles and be in incredible pain, but you could do it.
Zombies don't feel pain.
Most people don't know this, but when you die, your muscles get very strong.
I want the old resident evil slow moaning zombies back.
Im so sick of zombies being triathletes that hiss and growl and put up le epik scary faces. Theyre supposed to be corpses that happen to be reanimated. Theyre supposed to be slow and dumb barely even able to funcrion enough to walk.
RE zombies werent reanimated corpses
Some were.
You don't even require above-average strength to be able to rip through a person's flesh: you just have to be properly motivated. It also helps if you didn't just cut your nails.
How does that even work? I thought rigor mortis just stiffened the muscles after death?
Zombies can't die, user.
They're already dead.
I was expecting Kenshiro.
rigor mortis obviously doesn't settle in when they still move?
Go outside right now, kill a hobo, and shake him for hours and days. There will be no rigor mortis.
so go play dead rising then
Zombies can get a little more raw power out of the muscles since they don't pull back or anything, like retard strength to the nth degreee, and they don't feel pain, so they'll bring their muscles right to their breaking point trying to get at something.
The one problem some have is lack of coordination, because they're dead, they're all messed up. But that's how zombies tend to surprise and overpower people and tear them up is because they tap into 100% if that persons muscular strength. It won't be anything superhuman, but it does make them deceptively strong.
>Are zombies dying?
i fucking hope so
most played out, unoriginal, boring concept
Rigor is part of the chemical process of your muscle cells dying in a normal corpse, as the cells die the chemical reaction that makes them clench floods them, causing everything to stiffen.
In a zombie, who knows what's happening on a chemical level, so it might never really experience rigor or bloat or several of the other decay processes a corpse might go through .
The idea is that zombies don't have the mental limitations that humans have the forces us to use only 10% of our actual strength. The reason why the limit is there is so we don't tear our muscles.
Zombies beat out Pirates after Pirates beat out the Ninjas
Not fucking soon enough.
Overwatch clones are the new zombies
Zombies are the new zombies user
Normies are loving walking dead so dont expect this to fade for at least 2 more years
haha how can muscles be torn if the strutctures pulling and holding them in place are already broken and torn?
If zombies were real they'd just walk around aimlessly not even noticing you or other zombies and would eventually fall apart and stop moving for good, they'd make fopr good target practice and shit until they all get rounded up to be cremated so they don't become a minor nuisance again.
cyberpunk or anything with a 80's vibe
Interactive stories
zombies are impossible
max brooks is a faggot
Using max power is too much for our muscles.
Probably aliens
except for all the people who died and then reanimated, you are right.
They are UN-dead, meaning that they with 100% certainty are NOT dead.
Zombies that aren't really zombies. A la TLOU or Days Gone.
nails are worthless for tearing someones flesh, and longer nails will simply rip off sooner than cut ones.
they are simpy slight protection of the sensitive fingertips; if you want to tear something you´d need claws, which we do not have, no matter how long you refrain from cutting your nails.
Honest question here and no offense. Seriously I truly mean no offense here. This post is mainly directed at the guy who doesn't get it though.
Why even care about this shit enough to even discuss it? I mean seriously it's fucking fantasy. So the zombies can rip flesh with their bare hands. It doesn't have to make sense. Maybe it does maybe it doesn't. Point is that it is fantasy and you are meant to fear the zombies.
I understand suspension of disbelief is necessary to enjoy certain fiction/entertainment but I fail to see how you don't get how zombies can rip flesh. There is nothing to get about here. It doesn't have to make sense. I can suspend my belief enough to "buy into" that zombies can tear flesh easily from a person. Now if the zombies were casting magic spells or having pokemon battles that is one thing sure. But this is fantasy dude. I mean I'm scratching my head here even wondering why you can't comprehend this fact.
Now let me stop before one of you fags start memeing about autism or some shit.
> they're supposed to be slow and dumb
You know, the original night of the living dead had zombies walk at a very brisk pace at max speed. Some of them even had the intelligence to pick up a rock to help break down a barrier.
I don't like fast zombies either, but I can deal with them if they're done right. Like Crimson Heads for example in resident evil.