What does Sup Forums think about this game?
Personally, it's Bloodborne with useless shields and magic. Which isn't a bad thing. At least it's better than DaS2
What does Sup Forums think about this game?
Other urls found in this thread:
>armor doesnt matter
>shields are gay
>no poise
>sword art barely matters
>every play style reduced to having best roll weight
It makes me sad i cant be a fat tank like in dark souls 1, but its kind of nice that i can be more liberal with wearing retarded armors since its all cosmetic
I agree with everything except for
>armor doesn't matter
It still matters a lot. For one, you need it, and for two, you have to be super picky so you get the right armour for your playstyle. If your armour is too heavy, you can't roll and dodge.
What the fuck do you guys have against sheilds?
Why use a shield when you can roll
Does it bother anyone else how the term negative nancy is hateful towards women?
I loved DS2 and think it's aon par with BB and DeS...if not better.
Fuck y'all
Bloodborne was a tighter game. DaS3 is a DaS1 rehash that feels rushed.
They think blocking is for scrubs and would rather edgelord their way through the game with a katana and a gun.
>I should have pirated it and probably bought goty on sale - the game
that´s it. It´s lackluster and boring after you beat it the first time. NG+ doesn´t offer you something new. Now real build variation, magic is shit. No ice-magic, no ice element scaling, no actual element weapons and variety just "hey member dark souls 1".
It´s like a movie about where you were in dark souls 1 instead of a game where you need to explore something.
yes, the dragon thing was kinda like painted world but not as good. But I needed the internet to know where it is
I want to like the game but the pvp is so inconsistent.
It really ruins it for me.
Magic is good but it only shines at higher levels.
Shields are good, but not a mechanic intended to completely mitigate damage received 100% of the time. This means that you have to learn to both roll and use a shield, instead of completely depending on it
>Armor doesn't matter.
Dingus. It's precisely because armor matters that my naked + l/s club build that I did as my first character for every single DaS game was so infuriating difficult.
DaS1 naked club was best. VIT was my armour and my enemies were pancakes.
DaS2 was much the same although no poise and the whole "ADP is useless!!" meme made is considerably harder.
DaS3 on the other hand has some bullshit mechanic where having an empty armour slot means you take a bubillion extra damage and being entirely naked will get you two-banged by every enemy in the game.
After Bloodborne everything else just feels like a downgrade imo.
I thought Dark Souls 1 would be the peak for the franchise and Bloodborne nothing more than a "but with a twist!" game; how wrong I was. Everything that made Souls great was just turned up to eleven, the dreadful tone, the amazing sense of place, just a total knockout.
Dark Souls 3 sadly just feels like more of the same, which isn't surprising, there have been a few games now. But I sort of feel it would all just end now, I don't even think I want a Bloodborne 2.
>DaS3 on the other hand has some bullshit mechanic where having an empty armour slot means you take a bubillion extra damage and being entirely naked will get you two-banged by every enemy in the game.
From wanted to troll the waifushitters who always leave the head slot empty.
Rides way too hard on nostalgia, and PvP is fucking broken and unbalanced and will never be fixed. Only reason I played it for so long is because it has the most active online. Played the DLC and it was fun, but overall there's not much to it. I think I'm done with this game, at least until the next DLC (since I bought the season pass like a good goy).
>my gimped challenge run suddenly got more challenging? FUCK YOU DEVS
I think it's better than dark souls 2 but not as good as dark souls 1 or bloodborne
I'm in the minority that I think dark souls 2 isn't a good game tho, at all, it has hardly any redeeming feature imo
Pvp is a bit better now after the patch. Ive noticed i am able to actually use greatswords now, but straight swords still dominate
>Personally, it's Bloodborne with useless shields and magic. Which isn't a bad thing
I think that's a bad thing.
Bloodborne didn't have an inherently bad idea with making the combat fast, but its problem is that there is no difference between playing fast or just mindlessly spamming R1 in souls games.
You can win a lot of PvP matches by simply spamming R1 and doing literally nothing else because that is somehow hard to read and predict if you don't know that's what your opponent is doing.
I wanted DaS3 to be the best of what was learned from DaS2 and Bloodborne, but instead From just jerked off DaS1 faggots.
Dark souls 2 had by far the best pvp, every weapon was viable. Shields sucked in that game though
It wasn't a gimped challenge run until DaS3 because DaS3 is a real challenge to actually enjoy LMAO.
There was a lot of reason to not fill every armor slot in DaS1. Fastrolling is nice and having both havels and dwgr is a bad idea even if you want to ninja flip.
I was never a big fan of pvp. I thought every level was terribly dull and the gameplay was the most mediocre out of the series. The graphics were the ugliest they've ever been as well.
Dark souls 3 isn't an amazing game but I'll never understand the love for dark souls 2. It's just a bad game in my opinion
It's the sequel to DS1 that I've always wanted and without the after Londo part.
>Personally, it's Bloodborne with useless shields and magic
Except Bloodborne is better designed around it's own concepts
Dark Souls 3 has things like Faith that are so poorly balanced that you are better off doing nothing than using 90% of faith based spells. It also has poorly balanced weapons and spells that make exploration worse because you will never find anything as good as the weapon you start out with. Dark Souls 3 is by far the worst Souls game.
Still had fun for one playthough, but I normally play through the Souls games at least 6 times.
Daggers were useless. Hyper weapons were useful if your enemy didn't know about hyper armor. Shields are useless. Greatswords are useless against people with long rolling distance.
Lonsword, Estoc, Fume Sword, Rapier. Magic means hexes and physical means RoBFlynn.
The only "diversity" das2 had in PvP was due to idiots not knowing what they were doing or a new FotM broken build that got patched sooner or later.
Want to add to this about the amount of playthroughs. I played through dark souls no less than 10 times. Dark souls 2 i put in about 300 hours into dark souls 2 because im one of the weird ones who thinks ds2 amazing.
For dark souls 3 i havent managed to complete a 3rd playthrough. Something about the game just does not make me want to replay it
>without the after Londo part.
I agree that the pacing was much better, but it was a disappointment as a sequel. The bosses especially were very underwhelming.
people that prefer ds2 tend to value pvp and/or non-linearity above anything else
DS3 is the worst game in the series, or at least ties with Demon's Souls for being simply as uninteresting as the first game that is then later iterated on four or five times; except DS3 is the 6th in a series and is just boring and safe...
DS2 is way better, but BB is the best.
Weapon arts are an excuse for copypasted movesets everywhere and aren't even good
No replay value, actually less than Demon's Souls
Goes completely backwards in MANY aspects from Dark Souls 2
Unnecessary limits on slabs + respecs
Extremely linear
The worst invasion mechanics
Terrible fucking covenants with dead leaders and shit rewards
Blatantly designed for one-playthrough chumps who spam r1 with a longsword and three passworded phantoms and never touch it again
I hate this game.
Yeah, the nonlinearity of dark souls 3 didn't bother me really. A draw of the souls series for me was never the idea of breaking from the ascribed path. I loved experiencing each beautifully designed level with fun, strategic gameplay and dark souls 2 didn't provide me with that. I still don't think dark souls 3 was a great game but it's way more memorable for me than dark souls 2 ever was, including some of my favorite boss fights in the series. Bloodborne is probably my favorite but even I'll admit there were way too many mediocre boss fights.
If they took out the arena or added a full red eye orb, then yes, I hated having to farm cracked red eyes. In the end I just used CE
For my build i powerstanced 2 greatswords and wore the fume set. Everything was more viable than in other souls games, but i guess it also has to do with being good at pvp
The PvP itself in DaS2 wasn't good, but it was better organized. It was easy to find duels in arenas, you could invade hollow people, you could invade people in areas where boss had already been defeated. Most people played DaS2 pvp for the ease of access rather than the core PvP itself. Naturally that also means that a lot of people got a better understanding of the PvP and erroneously thought it was better.
That's why we now have plenty of "DaS2 had best PvP" people.
I dunno dude, DS2 has the best PVP out of all of these games and you trying to fit it into or out of your criteria for "good PVP" doesn't much matter don't you think...?
Why did they nerf the rings so hard?
The PvP is very flat and the skill ceiling very low. Both demon's souls and dark souls offer more depth and are therefore better. It doesn't matter that you don't understand why.
>"good PvP"
Who are you quoting, btw?
Why is it always DaS2fags that pull the "Dark Souls never had good PvP" excuse card even when no one has said that?
>The PvP is very flat and the skill ceiling very low.
Not even. Dark Souls 2 pvp requires a lot of precise input for things like quickrolls and the many cancels you can pull off.
At high levels you can pull off insane bullshit like instantly switching from a 2hr1 to a left handed parry.
Everything is viable only in fights where neither side is very skilled. Good players can consistently counter less viable weapons and strategies, making them unviable.
Demon's, yes
Dark, god no
>The PvP itself in DaS2 wasn't good
no one is interested in what you think "good PVP" is, DS2 is considered and agreed upon to have the best and most interesting PVP on a communal level. You can't argue it.
>no remarkable areas
>Most bosses are gimmicks and you don't even need to fight them
>Longswords are broken op
>Poise doesn't work
>Pyro wipes everything in PvP Arena
>90% of the weapons have quality scaling
>most of the weapons are copy and paste with a different look but same moveset
>tried to copy Bloodborne so hard they ditched the whole Dark Souls art design
>worst dlc ever released from FromSoft
>online laggy as hell
>you sometimes see and hear that you hit the enemy but it deals no damage
>rolls take almost no stamina making them spammable
>Not even. Dark Souls 2 pvp requires a lot of precise input for things like quickrolls and the many cancels you can pull off.
But that's also the case for all the other souls games. Why were you under the false impression that this was something unique to Dark Souls 2?
Mashing dodge and getting away with it since the rolls are far better isn't the same
You're wrong. It doesn't matter that you don't understand why.
My +95% win rate at arena with single weapon disagrees. I didn't put more than few hundred hours into the PvP but already mastered it.
>Mashing dodge and getting away with it since the rolls are far better isn't the same
Why did you think Dark Souls and Demon's Souls had Bloodborne/DaS3 stamina management?
It is very clear you have no experience in enough of the games and your opinion is therefore obviously biased and should be ignored.
Sorry, maybe it didn't come through:
>no one is interested in what you think "good PVP" is
>DS2 is considered and agreed upon to have the best and most interesting PVP on a communal level.
>You can't argue it.
and the main crux, again
>no one is interested in what you think
Your opinion is obviously wrong. Why would you think the game with less skill ceiling is better?
Don't even argue this retarded line.
All they need to do is bump up the stability for shields a bit and they'll be fine.
Poise really needs to fucking be turned on though. Perhaps tie it in to one of the character stats and make it less based off armor.
It doesn't matter if it is my opinion or not, the community disagrees with you and Dark Souls 2 PVP is considered the best of the series.
>Shields sucked in that game though
Sir Alonne is literally a joke with a shield though
>DS2 is considered and agreed upon to have the best and most interesting PVP
But it has the least interesting PvP of all the games. All you do is stand still or dodge until you can punish your opponent's mistakes to win.
It is very clear you're trying to escape defending it. Of course stamina management is key. But it does not excuse just how good they were.
It's little more than a casual's panic button in comparison.
>the community disagrees with you
[citation needed]
The truth is most people complained about DaS2 a lot, both for PvE as well as PvP. It doesn't matter if you ignore it, it's still true.
>The truth is most people complained about DaS2 a lot, both for PvE as well as PvP. It doesn't matter if you ignore it, it's still true.
[citation needed]
>It's little more than a casual's panic button in comparison.
It's still not how DaS/DeS PvP works. You can't escape stuns by rolling.
Why did you not know this?
Well I'll see you in 5 years when people continue to look down on DS3 and praise DS2s PVP.
stop with this bait already
What kind of point are you even trying to make? Who brought up hit-stun? We're talking about flat rolls, moron.
And if I'm not mistaken, that's a sure fire thing in DaS3.
No. It's not Bloodborne. It will never be Bloodborne. Bloodborne is a fucking masterwork of what a videogame can be while DkS3 is a symbol of what modern gaming has become.
Is there even anyone who thinks that DS3 PvP is better than DS2, or even good at all?
>Demon's Souls
>beat tutorial and 1-1
>have 5 paths available
>Dark Souls
>beat tutorial
>have a billion paths available, and they all cross over with each other
>Dark Souls 2
>beat tutorial
>have 2 paths available
>kill any boss and buy a branch or the cat ring
>have 5 paths available
>beat Central Yharnam
>have 3 paths available, with more opening up after every boss kill, and chalice dungeons as a completely separate progression
>Dark Souls 3
>have to do every mandatory level in the same order
>you can do Carthus before COTD, but the game just throws up a locked door
>you can do Dancer skip and go to Upper Lothric early, but again the game just gives you a locked door
>only choice you make in the whole game is whether to kill Yhorm or Aldrich first
It may not be the worst Souls game, but it is the least replayable.
>Who brought up hit-stun?
did and is now simply pretending that the game doesn't work the way it does.
Other than that, rolling in das2 is still the panic button you can press at any time to escape any incoming attack. With low equipweight rollcatching is also impossible.
[citation needed]
Sup Forums circa 2014
Why did you bring up Dark Souls III? The game is obviously as flat as Dark Souls 2 is in terms of PvP.
>With low equipweight rollcatching is also impossible.
Zweihander and FUGS, two of the best pvp weapons, can both rollcatch low equip load fellas with ease.
Only if the player was touching you as they started rolling.
They're also slow enough to be reaction rolled, meaning you only catch people new to PvP with them. Kinda irrelevant.
>Zweihander and FUGS
>two of the best pvp weapons
How to spot a top scrub. You're not gonna do anything against the metafags with these.
>they didn't break the rolling into light, medium, and fat roll
Was this the biggest fuck up next to the poiseless 1-2 combo system?
I think it's more that in 100% of scenarios you can use less stamina by just dodge rolling while keeping weight down and a weapon slot free/two handing
You underestimate the range of the 2hr2.
You don't know anything about anything bub
Zweihander can be swung in a way that makes damage frames come out as fast as a katana with twice the damage
FUGS is absolute meta and denies all fast meta weapons with carried block+deflect frames, animation skipping, the works
It's like Valorheart if Valorheart could block as well as a greatshield while deflecting 2h katanas while rolling
Is this autism?
Dark Souls 3 has fast roll, midroll, and fatroll
Fast roll is sub 30%
Have you never made a deprived character?
>You underestimate the range of the 2hr2.
Works if your opponent rolled directly backwards maybe. Anything with such easy hard counter isn't actually good.
I guess because you can have 4 now and they wanted there to be options rather than "you will use x+y rings.
There's no hard midroll-fastroll differentiation system. It uses similar system as ds2, below 70% is fastroll and the lower your weight the further you roll.
>armor doesnt matter
wearing armour matters, but it doesn't matter what armour you wear
>shields are gay
Low shields are useless but two handed greatshield is absolutely impenetrable
>no poise
>sword art barely matters
Some are really cool like Perseverance, some are cool and powerful like Gundyr's charge and some are broken OP like Follower Sabre bullshit swing.
But yeah, most are either identical or useless.
>every play style reduced to having best roll weight
not so much play style, but everyone has 30% - 70% if you don't you're retarded
I played every souls game naked because I though having to invest that many points in carry weight was stupid.
Is there really a big difference when you go from no armor to armor?
>if your opponent rolled directly backwards maybe
Why would they be rolling towards or to your side with low equip load?
Rolling into people is a bad idea in Dark Souls 2
No, there is no difference between 30.1% and 70%
There's no stamina penalty either
You could at least try it yourself
Better than DaS and DaS2, slightly weaker than BB.
Literally, EVERYTHING is better than in previous games except the linear progression. And linear=/=bad.
It's literally the same roll speed sub 70%, except you gain distance the lighter you are, ie you roll really far at 0 and like 3/5 that at
The game's okay. Just as soulless as DaS2, but feels slightly better to play. The Ashes of Ariandel DLC was fucking disgusting.
I just hope From can finally start making non-Souls related games now.
I like the souls games because it's pretty much the one series where I can be a badass romanticized knight doing badass knight stuff.
I also enjoy the Git Gud and Dank Souls memes
>Why would they be rolling towards or to your side with low equip load?
Because you weren't expecting that. It's how I managed to land tons of damage to ugs users.
>Rolling into people is a bad idea in Dark Souls 2
I consider it safe to do this against great weapon players under stable connection because I know I can time my rolls well enough and those weapons are way slower than mine.
Others even prefer to just trade with them using GS and estoc which they win every time.
>people unironically like DaS3
Kill me right now.
>but feels slightly better to play
This is why I prefer ds3 to ds2.
it's not mechanically much better or worse, but it is more fun and satisfying to play.
In DS1, not that much compared to light armor, in DS2 a little bit more significant but still not a huge issue.
In DS3 however it's a massive difference. Just wearing tatters you take almost half damage compared to naked.
as far as I know, in ds3, every piece of armor adds a flat amount of damage reduction just by wearing it, in addition to the actual armor stats. So for example, not hearing head armor at all would make you take something like 15% more damage. Not wearing any piece of armor would make you receive somehting like 40-50% more damage
DS1 going naked lets you fastroll with heavy weapons, DS2 naked lets you get massive damage from Flynn's Ring, DS3 is the only one it fucks you over
too bad everything is ridiculously heavy and vit is better spent elsewhere
Defense has a funny curve in DS1. IIRC, if you have equal amount of defense to AR you take from hit, you take roughly half the AR in damage. Go over it and the damage starts to drop sharper the further you go, go lower and the damage starts to raise sharper the further you go.
In DaS2 and 3 it's more linear, meaning defense stacking is less useful but still a good idea. DaS3 also has the thing where for every empty armor slot, your absorption drops by 10%, meaning it's good idea to wear at least something even if it gives you barely any defense.
DS3 is the best Dark Souls game.
It's OK you can't time a parry lel