Wii U is still alive and well.
What are you playing now, anons?
Wii U is still alive and well.
What are you playing now, anons?
Other urls found in this thread:
I'm about to play some XCX
How is pirating for this console?
I've played every Wii U game worth playing, and several that weren't worth playing.
Don't feel like grinding through the stupid Adventure maps in HW or grinding for dozens of hours to craft augments in XCX. Don't know what to play now since 3DS games this year have been garbage just like Wii U.
That one guy who still wants a WiiU will be super happy to hear this.
excellent' although I haven't done it yet myself, as far as I've heard it's recently become possible to install CFW onto the system and pirate basically anything you like.
Mostly been playing World of Final Fantasy. Delightful game, even if I'm a bit overwhelmed by the sheer number of mirages you can catch.
those news are so weird.
>Wii U is still alive and well.
>tfw there are people who genuinely thinks this
Oh look, finally an article that has gotten confirmation from the source itself.
>Wii U is still alive and well.
I bought my Wii U earlier this year. So far I own 8 games but I'm addicted to Mario Maker and hardly play anything else. Two of my games are even still wrapped up because I can't get enough of SMM.
Me too, I started a new run on a new profile to try out a different build, it's crazy how fast you can blaze through the game when you skip every cutscenes and already know where everything is and how to optimize combat and how to use auras to skip past enemies or lava to reach mine sites early.
>believing Nintendo's lies
are we really doing this
Easier than hacking the 3.61 vita
I tried to like Mario Maker but man, it is just so difficult to find good levels. Nintendo really needs some better curation.
And entering tons of codes is just tedious. There needs to be a better system. Oh well, its not like its getting any more updates.
You could check out TMS I guess
Nintenyearolds are the laughing stock of the internet.
>n-no were not stopping production
>p-p-please buy a wii u for all those new games that we have planned like.........
anyone who believes this is a genuine rube
>And entering tons of codes is just tedious
You just need to find a good online community (v and reddit both have good makers). Then use the bookmark site on your PC or phone to bookmark as many levels as you want to try. Then sit down and play. At least that's what I do.
I'm not paying for the butchered NA version
Anyone got a link to a loadiine version? None of the sites I use have it
Would you be interested in playing my levels? :3
I can't play now. Post them in the (semi-)regular SMM shill & chill threads, and I'll give them a try sooner or later.
>What are you playing now, anons?
Mostly Dragon Quest Builders and King of Figthers 14 but I have Titanfall 2, World of Final Fantasy, Shadow of the Beast, Tearaway Unfolded, Until Dawn, Digimon World, Yakuza Zero and Yakuza Isshin in my backlog
How about you OP, are you enjoying Sticker Star 2?
Sure, I'll bookmark them and play them in a bit.
I'll only play my dick in your boypucci
Haha, I've posted enough in these threads in my prime, but now I don't make anything and most of the levels I see posted I've already played... So I stopped contributing there.
Nice! Here's a link to the first level, hope you like it. It's a complete campaign of 8 worlds... Which used to have a bonus level, but that was deleted by Nintendo.
World of Final Fantasy is so good. What's your team like?
My local walmart doesn't even carry them anymore
I asked why they weren't on the shelf and they said you could get one ordered and pick it up in store in 2 days
This is just PR bullshit, they don't want people thinking the system is discontinued so that they can sell out the surplus units, otherwise they'd lose millions
why was your bonus level deleted?
couldn't you reupload it?
> (OP)
>Don't know what to play now since 3DS games this year have been garbage just like Wii U.
SMT4A just came out a month ago, user.
"Inappropriate content"... Maybe due to the title, it was called "Let's Play Cave Explorers".
No, it's not possible to reupload it unless I remake it from scratch.
>No, it's not possible to reupload it
huh? Did they delete it from your Wii U or something?
I didn't think they could do that
exactly, especially right before christmas
That's fucking retarded. Why is Nintendo moderation so incompetent?
>Let's play cave explorer
You are fucking retarded for naming it like that with nintendo being afraid of pedos.
Ladies and Gentleman! This is called confirmation by denial.
Wii U death confirmed!
They don't delete it from your Wii U, but they do disable uploads on that level's save spot.
Nintendo excecs should go to jail for not putting Old Yeller down
can you not re-save it under a new slot/name as a workaround or does it even prevent that?
I don't mind the deletion, but disabling re-uploads is silly at best.
I played 4 a few years ago but for some reason I can't remember I stopped playing in the last dungeon on the chaos route. If I tried to start there again I'd get fucked because I forgot everything and it would take me forever to do another playthrough. And I don't really want to start it without ever finishing the first one.
4A looks cool though, might get around to it eventually.
>World of Final Fantasy is so good. What's your team like?
I still don't play it user, first I want to finish Builders (chp 3 now and it's pretty fun)
Is really that good? the game was a gift so I don't know what to expect, I hope Bartz and Boco are in the game though
It's been months now, I'll open the game to test and tell you in a bit.
Yeah, it's like Pokémon with a lot of quality of life improvements like early false swipe, unrestrictive HMs etc... On top of not having zubat fatigue and the like. Very good stuff.
>Wii U Master Race
>someone actually took their time to make that pic
As I thought, it carries over.
it's not about buying future games at this point since we know its pretty much dead, Nintendo needs to take the initiative and start dropping price and bundling more titles.
Games like smash and mk8 should bundle all the dlc and more amiibo bundles for shit like splatoon while others could join the select line. It wouldn't be a bad idea to put more games on the Wii vc
damn that sucks man, do you think you could contact nintendo about it?
It's really not that big of a deal user. At least it wasn't a campaign level.
yeah, I just find it really weird - even by nintendo standards it seems incredibly dumb to block it for a name as innocuous as that
>someone actually took their time to make that pic
You have a lot of time in your hands when you have nothing to play
W-wait, why is PC in the peasant section?!?
>master race
Fuck you
But what was that big news headline yesterday saying that it's stopping?
Is Mario Maker worth buying?
I remember playing NES Remix and all of the games pretty much had input lag. Is it like this for the older style levels in SMM?
By the way, please don't bother answering if you can't tell or don't know anything about input lag.
Another fake leak by Eurogamer.
People forget they've been doing this for years now.
I wish Nintendo came out and shot down tamaki and Rogers more often
It's great. Just installed Color Splash, Pokken, Mario Kart 8, Splatoon, and Minecraft in under an hour
You have plenty of free time when you're system has no games.
>Color Splash
WiiU doesn't offer a lot of options.
They don't really have to, usually. They never give away any really sensitive information because... well, they don't actually know anything. They're just nobodies with twitter accounts.
Damn, I wish is was dead.
Why would it? Nintendo is dependent on video games to keep them alive. It's not like they can just rely on their camera or TV business to keep them afloat.
You sell what you have.
>there are people in this thread RIGHT NOW who don't believe the Wii U is the greatest console ever made
Please get the fuck off my board~
>nes,snes,n64,gamecube,wii and wiiu in all one console
>easy like fuck to pirate
Feels good