>matthew and his girlfriend do a Resident Evil stream
>matthew literally never checks the chat once, nor does he check his twitter replies or youtube comments because he doesn't want persona 5 spoiled for him
I fucking loved this guy, but it's so hard to justify his actions to just not have a game spoiled
Matthew and his girlfriend do a Resident Evil stream
this wasn't worth making a thread over, OP.
It's pretty autistic to care about spoilers because spoilers can only ruin a poorly written story. In other words, they don't ruin anything at all.
Nice blog post, feg
>spoilers can only ruin a poorly written story.
who the fuck thought this up
What a boss. He's the king of autism I expect nothing less.
it's much more autistic to livestream a date of you playing video games with your girlfriend and not interact with the viewers. Why do you need to broadcast the game? shouldn't this be private fun?
all this to not get spoiled for some shitty weeb game with a bad story.
Well if the only thing worth knowing from a story is the plot twist/shockfactor, then it is pretty shitty
Abraham and Glenn died
People who know how to read. It only ruins it if revelations are arbitrary, otherwise the journey to those revelations are the interesting part, and knowing the end result can help you notice cues toward it. It's why repeat readings/playthoughs are better than the first so long as the product isn't shallow.
He gets paid for his shitty videos by making his hobby a full time job, then he bitches that "Being a reviewer should not cost him spoilers for a game" so he will ignore everyone and act like an autist.
Seriously? Just fuck off.
>Waaah he didn't talk to me
>quits job to make videos for a living
>still makes 3 videos a year now of games no one cares about
he's doomed
Who is matthew and why should i care
Joke's on you, I'm immune to spoilers
Wow, look, e-celebs!
vidya waifus
>Seriously? Just fuck off.
how did this autist even get a gf
That's fucking retarded.
Matthew still makes the best review content on youtube and there is NOTHING you can do about it
The man simply cannot be stopped
>implying that youtubers who do youtube for a living don't have to communicate with their viewers at all
P5 plot is not even that good
stop talking if he gets distracted he'll take another 6 months for a video
Can everybody hurry up and transition to Clemps already, so we can praise him for months and then hate him after some amount of time.
Who the fuck is this Charlie Brown icon'd faggot you guys keep posting?
Is he our guy then?
You are only immune to spoilers if you don't give a shit about anything. Even if it's some sort of minor spoiler like "oh there's that one part where he falls in a hole", your experience is ruined, because you will always be waiting for it. You will wonder "Is the hole like at the end? It hasn't happened yet did I miss it?". Every time you see a hole you will think "oh that's the hole I bet", and if it's not you'll be confused.
This only doesn't affect you if you spend your movie watching time texting and not paying attention, because you don't really care about what you're watching.
>implying that his charming autism isn't why people like him in the first place
>your experience is ruined, because you will always be waiting for it.
this is profoundly autistic.
Now this, children, is true autismo! Better take notes!
He also hasn't played dark souls 3 yet, said he won't play it until it gets finished edition like prepare to die or first sin edition.
I do understand but his souls shit made him popular, yet he won't do a video on 3 until god knows when. From a business point of view, it's fucking stupid.
>Get games spoiled for me all the fucking time on Sup Forums.
>Eventually just stop giving a shit.
>Now I forget almost everything that gets spoiled for me.
Actually you can be immune to spoilers by being dumb enough to forget said spoiler or being too ingrossed in whats happening in the movie at that given second to try to make connections.
>"Just turn your brain off xD"
You're a faggot if you dont know what this implies.
Your experience should be enhanced by it
It's like Romeo and Julio, the play starts out saying yeah they died, and the rest of the time is just build-up
The only time this is ruined is if the story is shit
Sorry, I don't subscribe to your faux-nihilism where its cool to not care about anything. If I watch a movie I'm invested in it like a regular human who has emotions and a brain.
>guy not being a complete sellout whore
I can respect that
FPBP does it again. It's like fucking science.
>holding onto spoiler information
Is this even possible, why would you hang on to an anonymous persons words for so long.
Autism is the answer.
>implying there aren't multiple ways to enjoy things
Yep, still autismo
It's not a "spoiler" if the author specifically constructed the story around the reader having knowledge of end events.
What if you were told at the beginning of Final Fantasy 7 that Aris was going to die? Would you have used Tefa the whole time?
Sure, you can be a brain-dead normie who views movies as just an excuse to talk to people and get enjoyment out of that I guess.
If someone told you Frodo was going to throw the ring in the fire at the end of the book, would that have spoiled it? No, unless you're impossibly autistic.
>The game doesn't even trust you to throw a baseball at a nigger and her race-traitor fuck boy
What did he mean by this?
Probably, yes. From a gameplay standpoint that's the best option, and from a story standpoint it's shit because there's no reason to form an emotional connection to someone you know will die
>still doesn't get it
Sorry, user. Autism can't be cured by retarded comments. Nothing can cure autism.
Why is it autistic to care about narrative structure? Why watch movies, why not just read summaries?
>itt, that moment when "review" becomes a "critique".
Saying "autism" over and over again only proves my point that you're stupid. This is what stupid people do, just say the same words over and over again
Don't change the subject, fag. The fact that you're a brain-dead bigot is the most entertaining thing for me to kill time on right now
>Frankly, Bioshock Infinite would have been a better game if there were more nigger lynchings t. Matthew "Black Lives Don't Matter" Matosis
>I can’t say I’m thrilled about the prospect of doing another commentary on this series right now but I’m not ruling it out for future either. I’m glad so many people seem eager for this even after 9 hours of DeS/DaS commentary but I feel I’ve covered enough Souls related stuff for now.
>Dark Souls 3
>I haven’t played this one yet, I’m waiting for the GOTY edition before I jump into it. Once I play it I might feel compelled to do a video but at the moment that doesn’t seem likely to me. I’ve talked about the Souls games so much already.
Sounds to me like he's just bored and burnt out on doing souls videos. Maybe he'll do a nioh analysis since it's like souls but not souls.
So you're upset you're pretend friend didnt talk to you?
Alright, nice argument, hope you feel smug
Next """"review"""" will be another mobile game shit or kula world 2.
What's the matter child? Did you leave an "ebin" comment and he didn't acknowledge you?
Now you feel somehow maligned?
Is that why you kids watch streams, because you want to be noticed? Aren't you there to see a game and a person's view, take, analysis on it?
Is that why you retards give say girl streamers money for nothing, because it's a guaranteed acknowledgement?
Chats are always shit anyways and the people that are drawn to them are children or at the very least behave as such and no one gives a shit what a child has to say, because it has no value.
>implying anyone gives a shit about what anyone here says
unless autismo
Providing my point again, useless normie who doesn't know how to give a shit and thinks this makes him smart. Pathetic, truly.
That's just it; a reasonable person can be spoiled about a plot twist, watch a movie and still get invested into it without the spoiler really subtracting from the entirety of the film or it's experience.
Only a shitty work is wrecked by a few spoilers and/or only a total sperg that needs to experience every piece of media to it's maximum potential cares. These are the same retards that take time off work for a sporting event or a new video/movie/book release, or people that "buckle in" for lengthy sessions of binge watching/playing buy buying a cauldron of food and drinks to support their behavior. Inexcusable.
Yes, keep digging that truly deep whole you're digging. It makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside
Use his name as if anathema.
Is everything designated to /trash/ nowadays? It's going to get crowded over there.
Being a reviewer gives him even more reason not to want to be spoiled so he can give the most honest and accurate opinion
Super bunny hop>Matthew
No this is true autism
This is seriously one of the dumbest things I've ever read in my entire life.
That's the exact opposite really. Someone spoiled is more likely to give a reasonable review of the gameplay.
Someone not spoiled might give a rose-tinted view of the game due to being novel to a twist. There is no greater representation of this than BioShock Infinite.
"if this reviewer job comes with the caveat that I have to let myself get spoiled on one of the few games I’m anticipating then I’m not sure I can live with that."
It is about his attitude where he believes that his now full-time "job" is still just a hobby.
This. Persona is overrated.
I wonder if he knows the guy he's sperging over isn't even the same person lol.
>tfw you will never be so autistic knowing ANYTHING about a movie doesn't ruin the experience because you can't help but ignore everything else and only think about when the thing that was "spoiled" will happen
Can be bothered reading the whole thing, Sup Forums. To tired. Summarize it for me, please?
It has never been shown in a scientific capacity that spoilers have any effect on enjoyment or appreciation for a narrative.
I got a brain hemorrhage while trying to read that greentext, user
fuck off with your cringy e celeb threads
Well obviously he wants to find out for himself if it's good, geniuses.
Guy screen capped a post and waited 4 years just to tell him how wrong he was
>being mad
>Everytime I encounter a stream on twitch with "No Spoilers" I automatically am inclined to go in and spoil
Honestly, they can fuck themselves. Saying "no spoilers" is like throwing chum to a shark.
Man when Trump loses I hope all boards give Sup Forums what they deserve for leaking fucking everywhere in this shitheap of a site
anger fades but autism is forever
Sure they're stupid for thinking it would work but
>I automatically am inclined to go in and spoil
>they can fuck themselves
you're autistic as fuck
Hoping, but plot sucks. Arcs of characters are good
Anyone who thinks spoilers actually matter are shallow children who think the only way to enjoy a plot is through being surprised.
Mind you i'm talking about actual autism not meme autism
Giving this big of a shit over a shitpost on Sup Forums to the point of waiting 4 years just to say they are wrong is about as autistic as one can get
I wish him the best for his treatment
PS3 games
Well the Philmarillion was up there too.
i sure hope this guy kills himself after hillary wins
You got a point there
>Tfw you'll never play Demon's Souls with Matts gf
>Tfw Matts gf will never be your gf
sbh hast some good videos here and there but his pathetic sad boi general demeanor makes everything he says come off sounding like he's bitching about it.
Even when he's praising a game he still sounds like he's just whining.
>People saying spoilers can ruin anything that wasn't already shit
Fucks, post what's been ruined for you by spoilers so we can judge if those things are fine with it.
Also this kind of dedication to being an autismo by Matt makes me want to go to his house and spray paint who the traitor and final boss of P5 is.
Someone's mad.
If you're livestreaming, you're asking for it. Period.
If you want to not be spoiled, play the game offline.
People are just too greedy to do that.