Have you ever fallen in love with a videogame character?
Have you ever fallen in love with a videogame character?
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Yes, and I was also able to save her, unlike many of you faggots.
I am in love with Youmu, but she'll never love me back. Even if she was real, she'd value her Lady Yuyuko over me. It hurts.
they're fictional come on
I love Kat from Gravity Rush.
No. Love is a thing you can't feel for a fictional object.
It's a chemical reaction that fucks your brain up, and leads to bad decisions.
I wouldn't say love, but she made me waste buckets of semen, and I'm still trying to find a girl with her personality in bed.
I really like jill, but a dorothy is fine too.
You're wrong. Love transcends all boundaries. It's the most beautiful and powerful of all emotions.
When I was in my teenager years, at the peak of my horndog years, I got a massive crush on Ashley of RE4.
Love is great if both parties feel the same way. Can't imagine your non-existant waifu feels anything about you.
at least it's better than the real life equivalent
I'm going to marry Ashley!
>Have you ever fallen in love with a videogame character?
I fell in love with Mario I like his spicy meatballs.
Love is the rarest substance on earth. It is also the death of beauty.
I don't know if i'd call it rare, it's pretty common.
She warms my heart, whenever I see her beautiful smiling face. I know it's absurd, but I really care about her.
>It's common
It's not. Not real love.
Not if I take her hand in marriage first asshole!
All the time. A lot of the time I just like the characters platonically, I enjoy interacting with them and I miss them when I stop playing the game.
I've got problems
I'm in love with Marisa!
you can't love something that doesn't exist tho
and you barely even know most of these characters how can you love them?
True, unconditional love is fairly uncommon.
It's an ideal we see all the time in fiction, something that we are told we should aspire to, but very few people are good enough to live up to something like that.
True love.
Nigga fuck you Donkey Kong can expand dong.
He is the greatest ape of all time.
10/10 taste.
Actually, people say that they love such immaterial things as concepts and ideals all the time. Loving something that doesn't exist isn't a new thing.
Hell, the idea of loving a fictional character dates back to at least the time of the ancient Greeks, if not earlier. Just look at the tale of Pygmalion, the original waifufag.
It's enough to make one wish that that gods would step in like they did for Pygmalion, but that's but a dream.
You can feel a chemical reaction when looking at images of things from a video game and touching yourself, and you can make plenty of bad decisions when it comes to games. Look at how many people bought No Man's Sky
oh fuck I recognize that game
ok i can get that
but since i am a married man i don't like the word love getting thrown around like that
Jill a cute! CUTE!
Did someone jerk off to the tetrahedron?
More like I want her to be relevant again and adored by all and not just a few like me than me being in love with her
Lyn is that character
that shit you commonly see isn't love, user
Many people did.
Yeah, a lot of people throw the word waifu and love around a lot, it's a bit disheartening.
Did you know there are people who claim to have multiple waifu? That's simply disgusting.
But good on you, user, for finding something that most people here probably won't.
Every human being deserves love user, however, few think they deserve it, that's why it is so uncommon
And also because it might not reciprocated.
Why did you feel the need to make this post? Do you think it makes you special? A piece of advice; don't post anytime again soon.
i am not really that happy desu,that's why i am here
I think he was more so just saying "oh fuck" because he knows what happens to the little girl and does not like it. A perfectly reasonable response he wanted to express.
*puts out THREE cigarettes on your forehead*
Did I f*ck*n* say you could talk to me?
Ya know, you could just ask for source if you want it that badly
You get to know more about these characters than you get to know a real person
With a real person, you don't know what they are really thinking or feeling most of the time. You can't get into their thoughts. They can pretend that they like you or care about you and be actually having nasty, hateful thoughts about you in their mind, and you'll never know
You also almost never know what real people do in private
Characters are usually given all these internal monologues in their story and you also get to see what they do when they're alone
inb4 I love raisins
>Thinking love is something that has to be reciprocated
feeling the need to be requited isn't love user, on the contrary, that feel is the manifestation of how little a person believes he/she deserves love
Nobody is "that" happy.
Being perfectly happy is even harder than finding love, for some people. That's just the modern human condition, I suppose.
oh fuck user
>i am not really that happy
Of course, you married 3DPD
2D truly is better than 3DPD
Happiness is directly related with how much you love yourself.
>Every human being deserves love user
Humans are nasty, horrible creatures though, how can they be deserving of love? Let alone EVERY human being, which means you're counting those who commits actual atrocities
And she was played by a human.