What would New Vegas have been like under his command with Yes Man?
also New Vegas thread I guess
What would New Vegas have been like under his command with Yes Man?
also New Vegas thread I guess
He just would have been a shittier House. He knows nothing about the actual behind the scenes shit, he'd fuck up all of Houses work and it'd get taken by the NCR, Legion, or just Raiders
Nah m8 Benny was smart
>tries walking into The Fort like he owns the place
Smart enough to get captured by the Legion
One fuck up doesn't make a person a retard
>getting captured by fucking Roman cosplayers that don't even use guns
He was fucking scared a shit. Person that he fucking shoot to the head twice and buried her/him just meet him again and is ready to fuck up his shit into darkness realm.
That was a bit retarded though.
You're talking about a guy literally running one of the most advanced cities in the world
Oh boy here we go
>picks a fight with house that he's not sure he can win for no clear reason
>personally steals the platinum chip from the courier instead of hiring someone else to do it, directly tying himself to the theft
>hires rando mercenaries from a criminal gang to help him instead of asking his friends or loyal lackies
>leaves evidence directly tying himself to these mercenaries with the mercenaries
>runs to the fort if he manages to escape, when literally anywhere else might be preferable
Question, how do people bring themselves to play the Legion path knowing it's unfinished and you're gimping yourself on content?
>implying it wasn't on purpose
it wasn't retard
It wasn't, retard
>has never ran into a legion assassination squad
Oh they use guns alright
only this fuckup was caused solely by his vanity when he refused to fix his hair to look like a legionary
Now kiss
With mods to barely increase the amount of content and a strong sense of roleplaying.
It's the most appropriate melee/unarmed run.
Roll for initiative
fuck my shit up
I've never actually completed one of these
Why can't I download mods from Nexus right now?
Is it because of the normies trying to mod Skryim remastered?
>"this Platinum Chip is super important to House's schemes"
>"better steal it without know what it does"
>when he gets caught he runs right to the vault to use it
>where he would have just activated House's robots for him or blown the place up, ruining his own chances of ever ruling Vegas
Vault Boy. You'd be a fool to not give yourself Archimedes II.
Why DID Benny go to the fort?
Im not saying you are wrong. Still couldnt it be argued that Benny could be thinking of the old adage that "if you want something done right you have to do it yourself"? Along those lines of thinking wouldnt he not want to bring any lieutenants because of possible betrayals caused by ambition? I mean they were a tribe not too long before the events of New Vegas so betrayal might be still rampant in the organization. In regards to your other points I dont understand why he wouldnt just stealth boy at night into the underground bunker or send Yes man in as a distraction if he got away from you on the Strip that is. Still I dint consider those deus ex autism poor writing, do you?
To use the Chip on the only computer that had a slot to take it outside the Lucky 38
That's all he knew. The Chip could be used in one of two places and the Fort was the slightly more reasonable option to break into. You turning up forced his hand and made him act too early
Fuck you.
God Benny was retarded
>were a tribe
They still are. The game is 90% tribals
He used a Stealthboy to approach the Fort but disguised himself to get inside. It's full of dogs and people who don't approve of using old world technology, getting caught while invisible would be instant crucifixion
House might be completely out of touch but at least he plans ahead and looks at the big picture