Shit Eater Thread
Post overpowered bullets that let you cheese the game to rank 15 so you can stop fighting the same 3 monsters over and over.
fucking sick of kongous, chiyous and yakshas
Shit Eater Thread
Post overpowered bullets that let you cheese the game to rank 15 so you can stop fighting the same 3 monsters over and over.
fucking sick of kongous, chiyous and yakshas
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Dead game, dead thread
Im not sick of Alisa though.
Post bullets, onegai.
Is there a way to go full ranged in resurrection?
which game senpai
assault only
Using OP recovery items, devour, and wear equipment that reduces OP use+increases devour recovery.
Unfortunately you cannot make infinite OP like you could in RB2.
Becoming a Gen 1 god eater
Rage Wurst 2
Why play an older inferior version.
>skipping the story
I bet you're a wowfugee
>caring about the shit story in a MH clone
>ignoring one of the key differences in the games
yup MH fags have turned into the wow fags of hunting games
Not even him, but you're a delusional polesmoker.
The "story" in these games is garbage and shouldnt be considered worth reading.
But Rage Burst 2 is the older and inferior game user.
2 has more Aragami and more areas sure, but Res has quality of Life changes, more/better area remixes and updated Aragami movesets.
>user count hasn't changed
you can same fag all you want but it doesn't excuse how wrong you are
>big bad monsters came to fuck shit up
>go kill them
>occasionally deal with teen angst
>boohoo the useless plebs cant live in the small barracks for fighters
Truly, this is a masterpiece
Nobody bought it for me when it was on sale.
- Man who skipped the story
nice way to prove your point
anyone know the sauce of pic related?
its not that hard to look for if you know the tags
he's right tho
please user google iqdb saucenao dont give th sauce
dude just search her tag and rape
its not hard
Come on man, I doubt there is much God Eater porn in the first place.
You can do it.
well i found it and somehow i feel dissapointed it about it
anal is not your thing eh? blame western artist, westerners seem to love anal a lot for some reason. ew
just fap that one earlier doujin
no its not anal is just the face is the only good loking thing there
Is it gay to fap to arda nova?
its bisexual at the same time if you fap to both parts
>not fapping to tsukiyomi/venus
>Release all the Alt characters and their outfits.
>After everyone has finished the game and moved on.
I have nothing to do with them in the game dammit.
It's gay if you're attracted to the back/God part of it, perfectly okay if it's the skinny/Goddess part.
Also Tsukiyomi is definitely gay.
Why is this image more hot than real pics of women?
just got to difficulty 4
when do i unlock the option to add those things to bullets(ultrarange, devour, etc.) and are those for blood bullets or any kind?
so far im raping all the monsters in under 5 or ten minutes unlike resurrection which took alot of damage
x-teal artist
The more you use your gun, the more your blood bullets level. Unlocked after doing Ciel's personal missions ofcourse, during Ch.3 or 4.
The higher rank the mission, the higher exp rate for BB.
in 2RB? when you unlock it by using your gun lots, your level will let you have access to blood bullet cosutmization after you get friendly enough with Ciel
>Can't side with Rachel.
Shit game, to be perfectly honest.
go back 2 DEAD kujo
think my bb lvl is 4 or 5 right now
all this side shit rpg lvling.....what a pain, its one thing to be locked behind story progression but this is torture for a game where i just want to kill, now im forced into doing specific things just for customisation
its just a way of balance so you don't obliterate things in seconds
and then you do it anyway in higher difficulties lol
only way i'd side with her is if im getting the succ on the side.
Fuck off mate.
Rachel didn't deserve her fate, it's not her fault some scientists stuck a bunch of Aragami cells in her. She did literally nothing wrong.
Looking at Aragami pictures and it has a mouth, what the hell.
Lewd, but it's better than murdering her I guess.
yeah thats where i aim my gun
im guessing theres no devour arts like in resurrection
being able to keep my devour topped off nearly an entire fight was great
im barely devouring in this, think theres only holding triangle and attack then r1+tri for a fast devour
you mean Rage burst 2
also there is shield devour where you can quick devour out of block
we are this close to electing the first female president so can we please stop posting sexist shit.
Yeah in Rage Burst you gotta get Mutual Burst, Devour Bullet QTY and then use Julius' Passive boost thing.
Should be able to maintain burst 3 easily with that and all your Newtype God Eaters (or whatever they're called.)
no i mean resurrection, i got it on vita some months back when it released
got rage burst 2 on ps4 when it released but havent played it till a couple days ago so theres alot of differences
I don't know but it reminds me of this
>Game about a bunch of assholes bullying a little girl who's been screwed over by life and the actual planet itself.
>Forced to watch as she slowly descends into insanity.
>Even the children she raised (Albeit in a little messed up way) turned against her.
>Then they make you kill her to save someone you've had like 5 conversations with.
>You can't help her at all.
It's bullshit I tell you, bullshit. Where's my happy ending?
ge2 sucks ass because of no devour arts, the sheer mobility and added functions devour arts gave you made GER the superior game in terms of fun imo, blood arts can go suck a dick
Rachel... she could've been a mother to me!
why does this game make me feel to take care of rachel?
Tell us about your mother, user.
One staircase wasn't enough.
>My one ally is a guy that wants Rachel to be his mother.
I don't even know anymore.
The rest of you suck.
Because she's a poor little girl with unfortunate circumstances.
There's only one cripple that I like and that's pic related
my mother is ok user i dont know why you ask me about her?
Can you not see user? Only way to solve this issue is by crashing a space colony, the ARK PROJECT, unto earth. How else can we force Fenrir to expand into space if not by killing off most of mankind and making earth uninhabitable for man.
I want to hate fuck Rachel!
Fuck off Julius, it doesn't matter what the crazy lady says, calling a woman who's only 6 or so years at most your senior, mother is inappropriate
Same you you Char
My solution removes the unwanted posters, your solution has you bitching about it on an anonymous message board. Should speak volumes about the kind of people we are.
When will this game go on sale? Holy fuck, I'm tired of waiting.
its been on sale already god.
It was JUST on sale for the entire weekend. We had threads going the entire time, even.
i regret nothing
That wasn't Johannes' plan, or even his reasoning behind it.
Where did you even get that idea from?
Damn. I have the game on my wishlist but Steam didn't notify me.
It's Charfag. Where do you think?
And yet no one gives a good counter-solution, only insults directed at me.
If only the posters here were New-Type God Eaters, only then would they be able to fully understand the brilliance of my plans.
What's a Charfag?
>Decide to get GE because it's 50% off
>Starts up with English voices
>Go to change to Japanese
>Not there
Fucking why?
The english is pretty good.
Also licensing too expansive.
They grow on you, it's really not that bad of a dub for the most part. I usually dislike English voices too since they tend to phone it in, but the VA did a decent job really. Especially in GER.
Something with the contracts with the Japanese VAs Either someone wouldn't allow it at all, or paying the idol they hired for 2 again would cost about as much as just dubbing it in english, nevermind the rest of the voices.
Someone keeps trying to apply the batshit logic of the villain of Gundam to God Eater, despite it not making any sense anywhere and the only relevancy being both series have things referred to as New Types.
>Someone keeps trying to apply the batshit logic of the villain of Gundam to God Eater, despite it not making any sense anywhere and the only relevancy being both series have things referred to as New Types.
It's just in good fun, friend.
Would you go?
It's not fun! Not fun at all! You're mad, you loon, MAD! BATSHIT MAD! COMPLETELY CRAZY! OFF YOUR ROCKER!
For Kanon and Haru? Anytime.
>Posting a webm of missing
dead anatomy
I don't even know if that means the hitboxes are good or shit.
Can you play this online with a pirated copy?
Is it worth playing online?
>pirated copy
Not cracked. Denuvo.
I've never even played these games but this Alisa girl has the hottest character design, surpasses tharja imo