>game requires Origin or Uplay
Game requires Origin or Uplay
There is l i t e r a l l y nothing wrong with Origin. In my experience it even has better customer service than steam.
Uplay sucks though.
Uplay I'll give you as clunky shit, but how is Origin any worse than Steam? Besides Origin is pretty much exclusively EA games, which is like 4 or 5 franchises on PC.
Steamdrones are killing PC gaming
Go home, EA. Nobody with half a brain would use your data-mining malware.
Origin is fine though. It works well, at least as well as anything steam does and frankly has better customer support. Only problem is that it's exclusive to EA games but it's not really a problem for one or two games.
Uplay is fucking shit though.
>Anyone who disagrees is a shill meme
I never said Origin had good service, it's just that Steam has particularly shit service. Honestly I'd rather all games were on GoG so we didn't have to deal with shitty DRM at all.
are we ignoring that it's a clunky piece of shit that has an overlay that breaks 80% of the time?
>Buy Origin games
>Play for 19.5 hours and return for a full refund every time
Could be worse.
Honestly, I'd like Origin to get some more high profile games in its library, maybe even a Greenlight-ish system.
No that I like EA but I'd give steam some competition and would force Valve to get their fucking shit together for once.
Hopefully Uplay burns and dies.
>how is Origin any worse than Steam?
>Besides Origin is pretty much exclusively EA games, which is like 4 or 5 franchises on PC.
One of these sentences answers the other.
t. buttblasted valve shill
I never use the overlay. It seems pointless to me.
>playing origin games only at all
Only Battlefield 3 or 4 are half decent, and 20 hours is kinda worthless for them
>No that I like EA but I'd give steam some competition
I really like Steam, but I absolutely agree. I wish there were more viable alternatives.
>Already have to deal with steam
>Game also requires Uplay, Origin or Rockstar social club
yeah no fuck that
>Implying Valve needs to shill at all.
They too busy bathing in money.
Considering Origin and Uplay really aren't that bad anymore.
where's the problem?
>main menu has a Social option
See threads like these made sense 5 years ago, but the Steam client hasn't progressed at all in this time, and honestly Origin is at least actually competently developed in comparison.
Fuck Uplay though
>gets 10 dollars
The worse part is that Uplay actually has an interesting aspect (use points earned from achievements to unlock stuff) but apart from that it's garbage.
>Considering Origin and Uplay really aren't that bad anymore.
>not terrible
>invite friend to lobby
>Try to join him
>We both have to restart uplay just to connect
>One round later another friend wants to join
And guess the fuck what.
>main menu has an Extras option
>it *is* the Social option
Currently playing a lot of Titanfall 2 and the Origin experience is no worse than Steam so far. People need to stop hopping on the hate bandwagon because they want to fit in on Sup Forums and get lots of (you)s
That's a good thing. I would have pulled the trigger on Battlefront if it was on Steam.
>where's the problem
Do you miss this part? Like I fucking said, no explain why it's bad.
>if a game isn't through origin or uplay it's through steam
>all games require muh special distributors/launchers and shouldn't just be bought, downloaded, then logged into
>You're all cancer!
Same, also on ME3 but alas, it is not to be.
Here's a question.
Who's going to pay for hosting those game downloads?
>installing new game
>getting hyped
>launch it
>get to title screen
>press start
>games for windows live pops up
Eh the Uplay launcher that just turns on when you launch a game through steam, starts the game and remains closed really aint too bad
Your math is way off
UPlay ask for administrator password on every fucking game launch.
10 per 20,000 is pretty dang good for smaller youtubers
Are you retarded? It's usually the people paying for the games who are also supporting the distribution platform.
It sucks shit for really small companies or 1 man indie teams, but half the games on steam are made by those anyways.
I'm not saying that NO games should have distributors. It's just dumb to assume that if a game isn't through Origin or Uplay that you absolutely have to get it through steam.
20,000 views would be $200
>game requires Steam, Origin or Uplay
Thank god consoles are free of this malware.
When I played Black Flag I entered my password once and then it just launched and closed by itself
>tfw Steam is a fucking mess now but I can't break away from it because thats where all my games are
Origin > Battlenet >>>>>> Steam > shit >>>>>>> Uplay
Any kind of client that doesn't have pseudo gamer facebook shit is good.
>its one time only and it just unlocks a song and leaderboards.
I'm ok with that.
>t's usually the people paying for the games who are also supporting the distribution platform.
Really, I don't recall steam ever forcing me to have my desktop upload game files so someone else can download them.
Nor do I recall that happening on any PC game where I've been forced to be a host server for other players to download off of.
Now consoles. well those guys are just cucks.
No dev has that hardware, That would be a distributor who would be forced into doing that.
Do you have any idea the the costs behind running a host server? The amount of money you have to pay to power/hardware/upkeep/networks.
>Steam is a fucking mess
Excuse me but Steam is great, whats your problem with it?
well that's better. But at the same time, in order to even get that sort of money it would take days for it to roll in. You could make more fucking money at an actual job then spending 100+ hours a week recording, editing, uploading and sharing.
got a source on that rule? I have a video I uploaded in 2006 and since then it has got 20,000 views.
does it make a difference how long it takes to get the views?
$10 CPM
Not for youtube m8. That particular paid promo
>being this retarded
>this DRM is ok
>these two aren't
talk about being a fucking hypocrite
Please explain how Steam is currently any better than Origin, except for your game library being tied to Steam.
Steam hasn't progressed at all in over 5 years, and I put up with the clunkiness back then because thats all we had
>Please explain how Steam is currently any better than Origin
Nuh uh, this conversation is about how Steam is or isn't a mess
>literally can't answer the question
>has to move the goalpost
>resorts to anime reaction images
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand you lost
>Game requires Microsoft LIVE
i dont use origin because it has no games i want and EA are too fucking stubborn to sell me mass effect series with all dlc in one package (tough maybe this bioware's fault) and more and more of their actually good games are going drm free.
uplay was dumpster fire when ac2 came out. this is the only memory people have of it and their basis for saying its shit when they haven't used it for 6 years.
uplay now is literally a 1:1 steam clone complete with overlay and all the facebook garbage.
No, I don't.
I honestly believed there were a lot more games that currently can be bought DRM free, but also offer them through steam. Upon looking for examples of it I realized it's just a small handful of very large companies that do this.
>playing origin games only
Never said I did that m8
why isnt vr and fucking ar this... instead its a bunch of shit demos
No worthwhile new features in years
Terrible cluttered UI
The Client version of the store is rubbish
They let anyone put up their shitty unfinished games which clogs the store even further
Customer service is a absolute shitshow, and I doubt you can find anyone who disagrees with that
That aside though there are literally no issues with steam
Is battlefield 1 worth getting origin for?
I really want to see EA and Ubi step up their game and have origin/uplay become better and more widespread. This would finally end the goddamn valve monopoly on digital distribution and in the end we all as consumers would benefit from it. Fuck all the people hating on origin and uplay but still using steam
>who's going to pay
gee i don't know, I just gave the devs 60 dollaridoos, I'm sure they can atleast afford to let me download the game
>I just gave the dev 60 bucks I'm sure they can give me the game
Cool, that only took 60 bucks away from the 35 million they spent making the game. Now then to add that to bills for running the server to host your game.
Downloading the game is cheaper than buying a retail copy because they aren't paying for manufacturing and shipping of the discs and cases.
Why do you think STEAM can get away with its sales?
How long have you been using Steam? I'm going to guess only a couple of years at most. If you'd used Steam for any significant amount of time, you'd know why people are calling it a mess and why people aren't satisfied with it yet are stuck with it.
I see you just got off the boat from Reddit. Maybe you should go back there.
>pay for game
>have to launch game everytime with that launcher
>if the service is down, can't even play the game
>if the distribution software company thinks it's okay to ban you forever you can't access the games you've paid for
>if the distribution software company thinks it's okay to rangeban everyone from your country you can't access your games anymore
>No worthwhile new features in years
Steam Broadcasting
>Terrible cluttered UI
Subjective, but even if it is, that doesn't make the whole platform a mess
>The Client version of the store is great
>They let anyone put up their shitty unfinished games which clogs the store even further
>what is Greenlight
>what is Steam approval
>doesn't have to make disks or cases
>has to have hosted severs or personal hardware servers
>has to have network
>has to have personnel who keep an eye on the server
>has to pay for power
You sure got me there buddy, only the highest quality games ever make it through Greenlight.
>why do you think steam can get away with its sales
Because steam buys a set number of sales from the dev/ parent company. Once it nears them if they have made profit they sell their games cheap as fuck.
>what is Greenlight
>what is Steam approval
What are those things indeed? Because the last time I checked the steam front page was filled with early access garbage and furry VNs.
Bad wording, I meant "origin only", exclusive games
>you'd know why people are calling it a mess
>I have no argument
>he didn't read the binding contracts
Your fault.
Steam is like Facebook (at least in my generation, I guess the more accurate comparison for you young people would be instasnaps or whatever)
Sure there's better services around but what's the point of using them if I'm already used to this one and have everyone added there
>game requires steam
the real steam 'monopoly' has is everyone is used to it, has all their friends there, and steam let them set up mini communities; everyone is ensconced. this is why nobody leaves, they don't want to start or maintain another friends list or start another redundant community on another platform where only people on that platform can play each other. uplay realized this and just forced themselves into steam and made account linking so people from both can play each other. if you can't beat em join em.
whenever I think valvedrones couldn't be dumber, they manage to prove me wrong
>steam approval
are we talking about the same steam? the one that has almost 0 quality control? where any retard can get his shitty unfinished asset flip greenlighted?
go back to r/gaming and suck more gaben cock
>he thinks data is free and is some floating magical thing in the air
There is a reason Australians pay so much for data.
>digital content + cable length = +cost
The further data has the travel the more power it takes for that data to reach, stop pumping a water hose with water and the water will not exit it anymore.
uplay been giving out free gaymes
You can say you don't like the games Steam picks, but thats a different argument from Steam letting anyone put any game up
>Heard good things about Battlefield 1.
>Decide I'm going to buy it.
>Remember Origin.
Isn't it based on community votes?
Disclaimer: I never cared too much about Greenlight and how exactly it works
All it takes is votes from steam users to get any game up on steam. That is not good quality control.
So because Steam has the bare minimum QA processes we should suck Gabes dick? Even though the end result is still a store full of terrible unfinished games?
just ignore em
Steam still picks which games to add. Its not automatic "every game in the top 10% of votes gets added". Also some games get greenlit without enough votes because someone at Steam decided they liked the game
>So because Steam has the bare minimum QA processes we should suck Gabes dick
Theres a lot of middle ground between sucking Gabes dick and saying Steam is a mess
>the autism
The end result is the same, its really not a different argument
>Actually purchasing a game from either ubishit or EA
Not only is producing physical copies more expensive per unit in almost every case, but a digital network also allows for instantaneous distribution and advertisement almost anywhere in the world with a connection. So basically they pay less and sell more, and so do the developers of the games
Although if games get on steam through publisher contracts it might make it worse for the devs since instead of doing like a 70/30 split, dev studio would get the 10 or 20 in the 50/30/20 steam split
That still costs far less than paying for the production and shipping of games.
Wrong, since there's pre-release sales. Sure, they do that, but that's identical to what ACTUAL retailers do as well, and not the primary contributing factor.
>doesn't understand that it costs more for data to go further
Meanwhile, you can mass ship 1000lbs of game disks cheaper then the data it could cost in power to travel the same distance.
>a digital network also allows for instantaneous distribution and advertisement almost anywhere in the world with a connection
|anywhere in the world with a connection
In practice "digital networks" are used to enforce region locking, regional prices and killing the used market.