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Just make the game a PC exclusive, it's not that hard.
>because of consoles
More like because they design team were a bunch of chucklefucks. They could have waited and put infinite out on ps4 and xbone but they chose to revise it and rush out a shit product.
>muh vaporware potential
>muh console gimping
Shut the fuck up and stop shilling this video so much.
*sigh*What is streamlining?
Also, it is the best game ever made as it is already. So tough.
So where are the PC games which do all this cool shit?
The problem is the company that controls the majority of the PC platform is also a console company with very deep pockets.
I dont think making it pc exclusive would've suddenly improved the godawful story
most of the problems with the game wasnt even console related
it was the gameplay mechanics and the story
sure the graphics were shit but thats not what made the game bad
it was the stupid shit like levine rewriting the script six months before release
Developer being a cuck
>Lol consoles
I doubt PC exclusive would have made it any better, like, how many times would we really be pointing a pistol at a dude to ward him off? Not likely.
Gimped or not it's still would've been shit, just a prettier looking shit
10 weapon keys as assumed standard probably would have prevented the 2 weapon BS, we might have even gotten the good old SS grid inventory back if they went full tilt PC exclusive.
did it really take crowbcat to make a video for you people to realize this
>Make game for consoles
>Gets gimped
>make game PC exclusive
>Doesnt earn enough money
>What is streamlining?
A smokescreen employed to befuddle people who donĀ“t understand the subject matter, or alternatively a go-to argument for people defending downgrading of various aspects without any idea how to facilitate that.
In gaming related use, that is.
>would have prevented the 2 weapon BS
no it wouldnt have
bioshock 1 and 2 had the ability to hold more then 2 weapons
it being on console is not an excuse for this
If it meant we still got E3 2011's crazy skylines, multi-level city battlefields and larger dynamic choice effects, I would've been happy enough.
Also maybe Levine not changing the entire plot before release.
>giving a fuck about anything Ken Levine has to say
They had to scale down because they had fucking nothing except the shit they've shown on E3. If I had to choose between consoles being bad or irrational games fucking something up along with dumbass Levine I'd choose second answer every day
Stay mad.
>you will never protect Elizabeth from rapists
I'm pretty sure the gameplay could have been salvaged from the boring shitheap it was if it was developed for consoles by people who weren't fucking terrible at their jobs
more like it was gimped because it was bioshock. stop pretending like this series was good
Games that got straight downgraded thread?
Untrustworthy devs thread?
>le console fault argument
No, it was a clusterfuck because the design team are a bunch of hacks and 2K apparently wanted to make it a CoD killer like every fucking game from 2013.
If it had reached the "full potential" we still would have got a fucking sorry excuse of a sequel but with prettier graphics. Woo fucking hoo.
11/10 made me reply
As someone who never played the original, what differences does this video show that the actual game does not? I'm assuming almost everything?
I'm asking because this video made me want to get the game. Which I know is silly because this video is supposedly pointing out "what could have been."
So what is different? Is it still worth getting for like $5-7 on a sale?
But who will protect her from me?
it would have been the same thing
but prettier
there is literally no reason to believe that its consoles fault for the gameplay
>Internet scholars declaring quantum physics being easy.
Not an Levine fan personally, but this has to be an bait image.
>being this autistic and ignorant
>implying she won't be willing to take Booker's D
nobody really said quantum physics are easy
just that the quote in itself kind of explains why bioshock's story was so fucking bad
kevin levine is an idiot
and he admits it
>$5-7 on a sale?
dude yes.
if you have never played its easily worth 25-30
Who do you think "you people" is exactly?
All I see right now are people coming to this thread to either impotently defend this "best game ever", or to cheer each other on how smart we all were instantly seeing how bad the game was.
There is probably nobody on the internet who is interested in gaming that does not already have a fortified opinion on the game, and the video does not try to elucidate, but rather reiterate what people like to hear.
Is the choice of subject relevant or original?
But just as americans always like to remember that they did some actual good for a change in WW2, people like to see that they were right all along, this time for some new(ish) reasons.
>Also, it is the best game ever made as it is already. So tough.
He claims the world is much more open-world and diverse and presentation clearly shows advanced interactions with NPCs. In the end the game was just a giant corridor, the tears weren't that different from each other and there's no interaction between NPCs, they are either friendly or they are not, you cannot point to someone and make him go away or something.
but even fucking console shooters have weapon wheels or other sort of radial menus for equipment
there's NO REASON for this
Bioshock has ALWAYS been shit.
it's a decent modern shooter but it's a diluted, simplified formula of Bioshock which already simplified System Shock
play them in order
personally I rate them
there is no reason to believe the game would have been better outside of graphics
It made me give up AAA gaming altogether. I didn't even care about Bioshock, mind you.
Im sick of these fucking idiots whining about "muh consoles hold gaming back"
If there were no consoles and the devs were free to make the game as best as possbile performance wise, you dumb niggers would have to upgrade your GPU every year.
Competition is good. Its basic economics
>All I see right now are people coming to this thread to either impotently defend this "best game ever", or to cheer each other on how smart we all were instantly seeing how bad the game was.
Are you a goddamn newfag? When the game came out there were hundreds and hundreds of threads with people shitting on it or trying to understand different plot holes. Some people really praised it, but it was mostly a waifu bait ones.
>consoles now results in devs making shit stories
>but never "nigger."
>those comments on tlou video
It's like actual cancer
Ah, so tears as a concept still exist. And the NPC interactions are removed. And the game is not really as open world as some of the segments in the Crowbcat video might make you think?
I suppose I will try it out. If I get it on sale it might be a decent experience.
Is there anything else to note? Is the DLC better than the main game? Worse?
I'm played System Shock 2, Bioshock 1 and Bioshock 2, so I have a rough idea of what I am in for and how it has "devolved" over the years. Thanks for the heads up.
That's not how it works, retard.
Yes it does
Then where are these so called amazing ground breaking pc exclusive games? Even civ 6 looks like shit.
>Wait a minute
Haven't played the DLC, can't comment. I've played the game on the secret difficulty (1999 mode) and it's not worth it. Play on normal or maybe hard. The difficulty only changes how bullet spongy the enemies are and they surely are, so I think I would have had more fun with it if I've played on normal. Some people claim there's a slight auto aim on normal, but I can't comment, because 1999 mode didn't have it.
>the more complex the levels, the better
ss1 levels were shit
i guess that makes sense if you don't care about selling your game
This game is 3 years old. Literally nobody cares.
You might actually have got someone with that bait when SS1 was a pain in the ass to emulate. Now anyone can grab it on Steam and see you're shit.
and not because Levine is a nu male jew
>because of consoles
fuck off
why even post this shit here instead of /aco/?
>expecting mustard race fags who pirate every game while whining about why a game isn't being ported to PC to understand basic econ
Because this thread fucking sucks and he wants to redeem it/get it nuked
It looks worse than Civ5 and also runs worse than Civ5.
No news, and it wasn't just because consoles, Ken Levine just could realize his vision, he showed the game to soon before the inevitable cuts.
Shut up, i'm busy jacking off. Let him keep posting.
the only good thing about bioshock
and they nerfed her tits because of the PC crowd
that isn't how you save a thread while destroying it.
We need... MINERALS
They didn't nerf shit
Most of the other ones I've got are of her naked or getting fucked. So I guess this is the last one.
>everyone i disagree with is baiting
it's okay, user. just keep in mind not everyone enjoys incoherent clusterfuck of corridors slapped together
Neat, what kind of mineral is that?
They made her bust smaller, it that's because daughter isn't for sexual.
Though that might raise some unfortunate implications about the people who worked on her design.
They bit off more than they could chew. PC exclusivity also probably wouldn't have affected the retarded story much either. Levine is just another hack.
We should be thankful we at least got some good Elizabeth SFM out of the trainwreck.
I don't know...sometimes I post minerals in the hope that He is out there. One day our paths shall cross again, I feel it. Do you feel it too?
Meteor citrite methinks
They really did not. I hope you're not referring to the collage some faggot did before the release that was debunked like 5000 times
>just make way less money, it's not that hard
What the fuck happened to Infinite? I went back and played Bioshock 1 and I still love it, it is FUN to play, it feels good to shoot, like when you headshot an unsuspecting Splicer and they react like you just in the head and keel over. Not to mention the different weapons and plasmids it gives you.
Bioshock Infinite's enemies are horrible bulletsponges that aren't satisfying to shoot, the vigors were shit compared to the plasmids in Bioshock and characters were flat as fuck, and plotholes galore
PCfags dont even buy games. look at the statistics. consoles are the money makers for developers
Sure do.
I want to see some more fucking FELDSPAR.
>Every "Early" footage of a game shows off amazing things
>Game will ALWAYS be revised and changed
>People will always blame console as the reason
>Footage shown is almost always demo'd on Console
"Consoles" don't hold back most games, and they never really have.
Every single game these people plan on making, are made with console in mind 100% from the fucking first draft.
The worse of this attiuted is that you retards are apologists for developers. Joke or not you basically say "DEVS DINDU NUFFIN" or "PUBLISHERS DINDU NUFFIN". Seriously, you could sill make console war bait while attacking lazy devs but you don't, because it would take too much time thinking about what you can write in the post.
More like they they did the typical trailer hype bullshit and promised more than they could implement into a functioning game you cumguzzling autist.
Remaster when?
I was referring from memory of an article I remember reading on kotaku, but I could totally just be misremembering. I remember some game developer talking about tits and de-sexualizing, and I found quotes from Kevine and him talking about people talking about her tits.
So I might be wrong.
You're right, Numale's Sky could have been great as a PC exclusive
Based devs. They know daughters are for sexual only.
You can blame consoles as much as you want, but everyone with half a brain know the developers wont release games that requires too much resources.
To make it simple for you: games won't sell well if they NEED expensive high end PCs just to run.
Also Bioshock's universe is way more internally consistent, You can tell Irrational were having a hard time trying to explain the powers in the world of Infinite, like they made this flying city in the 1890s and they had to find a way to justify why this world has plasmid-like powers. Except they don't explain it, it's never said whether it's genetic modification like in Rapture, there's never documentation of the reaction to these powers, because unlike Rapture where the boldest and brightest came and would be more accepting of this rapid advancement, Colombia is filled with hyper religious crazies, there's no way they wouldn't chock up the vigors to demonic power.