Remember that if you use word filter on Sup Forums, you support censorships
Remember that if you use word filter on Sup Forums, you support censorships
I support not having to read posts written by morons blatantly fishing for attention
if it's not server-side, then it does not affect every user, and thus is not censorship
I don't care about your animu tiddies getting censored
I'm using it to avoid P5 spoilers
I wouldn't need word filter if people would just talk about god damn video games for once.
baka 2bh family
Filter all tripfags.
If everyone ignored what they didn't like, we wouldn't have censorship.
Daily reminder that if you close your curtains at night, you support censorship
Limiting my exposure to retards such as yourself is not the same as censorship because it does not deny others who may want to, the ability to experience the "thing"
But let's be honest no one wants to see your garbage posts anyway except dem titties
>Remember that if you use word filter on Sup Forums, you support censorships
Oh, well. Small price to pay to not have to listen to idiots running unfunny jokes into the ground.
Worst DoA
Posting best DoA to restore balance
Honoka isn't the worst, her infatuation with cows at least makes her more interesting than all other mimic characters not named Olcadan or Mokujin.
And then as far as DoA goes, I prefer her to Rig, male ninjas, Gen Fu (when not in the Takeda costume), Lisa, MR, and Alpha
Anyone who uses "kys" deserves to be filtered.
Do you know why? Because you have to be over 18 to post in Sup Forums.
Also, fuck tripfags.
baka 2bh senpai
You just posted even worse.
Go away Mariefag.
guys what should I add to my filter? right now just got 'kino' and a few other things like that
what the fuck is kino
Not even. Nyotengu is just a shit.
a post-punk band from the ussr that disbanded after their frontman, victor tsoi, was killed in a mysterious car crash in the middle of nowhere.
/suicide watch/i
###Sup Forums###
boards:v,/What did he mean by thish/i,op:only;
boards:v,/Now that the dust has settled/i,op:only;
boards:v,/went wrong/i,op:only;
boards:v,/went right/i,op:only;
boards:v,/Why is this allowed/i,op:only;
boards:v,/did nothing wrong/i,op:only;
boards:v,/Find a flaw/i,op:only;
boards:v,/So this is the power of/i,op:only;
boards:v,/ITS HAPPENING/i,op:only;
boards:v,/Prove me wrong/i,op:only;
boards:v,/Hot women/i,op:only;
boards:v,/so perfect?/i,op:only;
boards:v,/file name/i,op:only;
boards:v,/characters that are literally you/i,op:only;
boards:v,/Smash Bros/i,op:only;
#boards:v,/hacked your 3DS/i,op:only;
boards:v,/dark souls/i,op:only;
boards:v,/Literally impossible/i,op:only;
###Sup Forums###
boards:mu,highlight:/share thread/i,op:only;
Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger Nigger
>Removing "ITS HAPPENING" threads
Are you anti-hype?
"Kino" is an Sup Forums term for shitty anime. "Why are you watching this kino?" standing in for "Why are you watching this garbage?" Apparently it's gotten around to other boards, calling anything they dislike 'kino' and not realizing that people who have no clue what they mean really don't understand what they are even talking about.
>Are you anti-hype?
Yeah I´ve been burned too often. Also in 99% nothing is actually happening
baka desu senpai
Bruh, you've filtered out literally 90% of Sup Forums threads.
Go away
90% of the threads are shit so what's the problem?
The words of a plebeian of the highest caliber.
nah, only 5 filtered threads right now.
The most I´ve seen were 15 or so.
These filters work for me since literally none of that shit that get´s filtered by this is interesting to me or worth my time
Why are you even here?
Wait did this ever get released for pc? I don't remember Ps4 ever getting cracked or mod support.
That is a false equivalency.
If someone else imposes a filter on other people, that's censorship.
If I impose a filter on content I view for myself, that is not censorship. That's just choosing to not see shit I don't want to.
You forgot some stuff
Now that the dust has settled
Really makes you think
What did she/he mean
Really makes you think
I support self moderation
mods don't care about anything and just randomly flail around deleting shit and I'm not going to report the mass amount of garbage Sup Forums produces I have better things to do with my time
Ironically, my filters filtered your post.
Adding a few of yours to my list.
Reporting is supporting censorship. Ignoring isn't
Which DOA lesbian pairing is the hottest?
Which is the cutest?
Name 4 DOAs you want to be Tengu'd.
to discuss video games. crazy, right
Nyo + miji
Honkers + Marie I guess, I don't know them all well enough
Miji, honkers, kokoro, and tina
What's wrong with k e k
Personal bias.
I just usually find people using kek or lel aren't posting anything worth reading.
Shut the fuck up.
heh, I´ve also got a quite long MD5 filter list of one guy always posting the same webms of naicansee homeworld in webm threads. Seems like he´s stopped since a few months though
but i do support censorship. just not necessarily the censorship of everything that people currently try to censor.
she needs a BBC between those tits
>yfw the MC becomes a door
But, according to Sup Forums, self censorship is still censorship, so.
If you still go on Sup Forums you support censorship.
Stay mad pleb.
Fucking kill yourself. You're a bigger pleb for liking her.
I'm not censoring myself. It's not even self-censorship.
How about I'll do as I please, thanks.