New TrafficWorlds thread?

New TrafficWorlds thread?

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Will he ever fix cars stopping in the middle of an intersection with a red light?

This game fucks with my head, dude.

I can get about this far, then my brain just shuts down. What's the furthest you guys have gotten?

I actually tried that, but it made things in general extremely slow (and made stoplights useless).

Cars would have to wait for the space in front of the intersection to be open, which made them exit the intersection at a snail's pace.

Thus, I removed it.

The easiest way to get far is to make all traffic flow in one direction, and made it go as much as you can in a circle. Just straight up ignore anything that requires too much work to attach.

Like week 39 or something with that method before getting bored.

Oh god, purple turned the wrong way and now everything is fucked.

Couldn't just having a way to denote which direction traffic can flow simplify this alot?

That would probably make the game too easy.

At least you still have the funds to tunnel that idiot out.

>That would probably make the game too easy.
Artificial difficulty.

Do you make the circle multiple lanes wide? Do you put it around the outer edge?

>Artificial difficulty
What does this even mean anymore? There's a definite "puzzle" aspect to managing direction of the roads without having to explicitly specify it.

>There's a definite "puzzle" aspect to managing direction of the roads without having to explicitly specify it.
There isn't. It's easy to do that via color gates, but it's also very tedious.

It doesn't need to be at the very outer edge, but the closer it is to the borders the better. You can also have smaller subsystems inside if you need to.

I think manually directing traffic direction would be equally "tedious."

>Like week 39 or something with that method before getting bored.
Post map? Also, what version is it on? It seems like he recently increased maintenance fees.

I'll just make another and see if it still works.

I'm considering allowing for one-way roads, but it would require a big generalization to the pathfinding. I don't consider the use of color-gates to be "artificial difficulty" or even "tedious," though.

Yeah, you should be able to easily get him out of there. Just throw some temporary roads down and some color gates, and be sure to put a green color-gate where green branches from your main left road.

Yes, I've been going back-and-forth with the maintenance fees. They should be more significant now. The "circle" strategy does seem pretty good, though.

So as long as you put an exclusive right after every entrance to a business, you can control the traffic flow in one direction.


I have experienced a slight clog.

Just give it a sec, it'll sort itself out.

Yeah, traffic circle seems a lot less cost effective than it used to be, the maintenance for it isn't quite sustainable anymore.

I don't get it. I read the indtructions, but no cars spawn. How do I start this shit?

Connect homes to businesses, they won't spawn if there's no path.

But the overall idea of allowing lots of different colors to share a road is probably still a good one (just not necessarily a huge circle).

Or, maybe, it's just that the setup won't work "indefinitely" anymore - but it still might be good.

What's a home and what's a business? It says dull-coloured squares, but connecting those to any of the coloured ones does night.

Did you un-pause with SPACE?

Yeah. I just don't understand what colours to connect to what. It says brighter colours, and connecting green to yellow works, but not red to yellow.

You need to connect dull green to bright green, dull yellow to bright yellow, etc.

made it to like week 25 but then the problem started that I had too main streets crossing where like 60% of all homes connected so naturally while it never clogged for good the infrastructure couldn't handle the mass of spawning cars and it queued up quite badly

Are you retarded?

The circles show what colours the cars go to, but I have no idea about the ones in the bottom left, or the reds.

You connect multiple homes to each like-colored business.

that fucking purple piece of shit was on the verge of ruining everything. I have no idea how it managed to get there. Luckly I rerouted the greens and the fucker is going to spend the rest of the eternity there stuck in a dead end. Serves him right. Also I added a layer of insulation to everything

Needs a maintenance per minute and money per minute display.

I understand that, but how come this green leads to yellow, when the other green leads to brighter green?

that's dull yellow to bright yellow and dull green to bright green. Are you colorblind?

The upper one is dull yellow, though.

That's not green, that's yellow.

See a doctor, for god's sake.

>Dull yellow
Well, I can see this game isn't made for me.

Think you're just colourblind user. See a doctor before you crash your eyes.

the dev should add a color editor desu

TrafficWorlds: Diagnosing colorblindness since 2016

Send help.

Week 82, before easy-modo

Why so many colorblind people are on Sup Forums anyway?

This is an older version, right?

hi, first time hearing about this

isn't this just mini metro but with worse design?

Mini Metro is a great game, but it doesn't attempt to simulate traffic (i.e. the affect of crowdedness on the overall flow of vehicles). The trains in that game still travel across the line regardless of how crowded they are.

Yes, I think it was 1.1.1

My new strategy is that different colors don't get to share a road and I place exclusions at every intersection to prevent accidental mixing.

Good, user. Keep them separated. Keep them pure.

Working out fairly well so far.

I'd like to have a way to make one-way streets. But I guess it'd make the game too easy.


I'm not sure exactly what wrong, but there was a spot where a blue car somehow got onto the purple road and I decided to allow it. Maybe that little leeway fucked everything over in the long run.

Remember: Don't let colors mix. Be diligent with your color gates and make sure to trace the path you have planned for them so that they don't make a little mistake that dooms their entire race.

That green exit is fucked
You shouldn't make all your cars take a single road to the exit

Welp, I got fucked by a yellow car going where it should never have gone while I was focusing on micromanaging green. Green was fine, just the black blocks going around me fucked it over and maxed the throughput. It was chugging along np.

It's just a yellow car that decided to go somewhere it couldn't, and turn around to go back causing a blockade that I didn't notice in time.

How about "Fuck you"?
I finally got a city that's self-sufficient, yet I'm drowning in debt! I need all these roads to make it work, Dammit! Fucking maintenance bill.


Gotta get dat ratio up.

Gotta be diligent about those exclusions.

I'm not sure the black blocks are a good idea. The game already continually scales up in difficulty.

I've been bug fixing for 8 hours

I don't think i can do this game right now

Alright, I think I'm getting the hang of this now. Still not effecient enough, but at least I know sort of what to do and what to don't.