How come she has no counters? A good Tracer cannot be stopped by McCree or Winstons
How come she has no counters? A good Tracer cannot be stopped by McCree or Winstons
>How come xhe has no counters? A good cannot be stopped by or
if the mccree or winston are good as well, she can be stopped
maybe you should stop being shit
Mei, you idiot.
torby wrecks her pretty good.
I mean.... if you know what your doing....
Shitter detected tracer is balanced just bait out the rewind and time the blinks. Or if you're as shit as I think you are just use roadpig and his magic hook.
>cant be stopped by mccree
this is how I know youre a low gold shitter
'Ello love.
Because golden butt.
I have a theory. Overwatch is a blizzard game and therefore appeals to the type of gamers that enjoy Bliz games, aka autists. This breed of gamer GENERALLY avoids playing any sort of competitive game, at least ones with any semblance of balance or skill beyond game knowledge or "tech". Most overwatch balance discussions revolve around general concepts of positioning and counters. What don't you ever hear an Overwatch player talk about? Accuracy. This is what I like about overwatch. I don't need to watch pro matches or learn meta, because at the end of the day when I play McCree, I land headshots. Not sometimes, not once in awhile, but consistently. Why? Because I've played pc shooters way too much. It's my preferred genre. I have good aim. This is supported by the constant assertions that Widowmaker is bad. She isn't, she just has the highest skill ceiling and is the least "fps noob" friendly character. She hits like a truck, if you can aim accurately and consistently. Maybe if players started focusing more on their fundamentals of fpsing, like aiming for example..... These useless discussions wouldn't happen.
>ded tracer
gaem so hard
>What don't you ever hear an Overwatch player talk about? Accuracy.
Glad I'm not the only one who noticed this. Your post is on point though, I'm convinced most people who play this game have never touched an FPS in their life. The kind of people who get less than 25% accuracy if they actually played McCree.
tracer counters mei
No faggot, you don't land headshots consistently because it's highly unlikely when people play characters that have mobility gimmicks.
"I can't aim, therefore no one can!" -proceeds to finger asshole angrily
A good McCree or Winston can stop a Tracer.
NOTHING can stop a good Tracer.
Fuck off
This your first FPS? Shits nothing for people like me who grew up on Quake where EVERYONE moved fast as fuck and had more mobility than anyone in Overwatch.
You realize that no matter what comparisons you make, OW is a different game my dude.
How come I never have any problem with Tracers when I play as Mei?
Really, there doesn't have to be any more discussion past this point.
Pretty much everyone complaining about quick heroes haven't played much fps games and could be coming from league of memers where your dpi and sens is super high, and this doesn't translate well into an fps game.
>OW is a different game my dude.
No shit but aim is a skill that carrys between nearly every FPS just because you can't aim for shit does not mean people who can't consistently hit tracer don't exist.
I dunno, bronze rank? tracer is impossible to freeze. or at least, she would have to be literally retarded to let mei freeze her.
>Countering Tracer
Any Tracer that knows what they're doing will always destroy a Winston.
McCree is a soft counter and only if you can land his flashbang. He's at her mercy if it gets baited.
Roadhog is pretty much the same way.
Torbjorn is can be a real pain in the ass if he has a level 2 turret up.
The real way to reliably shut Tracer down is to stay grouped up and focus her as soon as she shows her face.
>grew up on Quake where EVERYONE moved fast as fuck and had more mobility than anyone in Overwatch.
If landing crits consistently is nothing for you then you should be a professional player by now or some kind of community figure. But that's right, you're not, so shut the fuck up.
Not that user you replied to but this post is hilarious, keep it up
So you say, 12+ million autists and people that never played a single blizz game before are wrong and you are right.
upvoted for awareness
Contrary to popular belief, Mei is not the best pick against a Tracer, I prefer Pharah more. All you have to do is try to predict where they will go and you can two shot them.
Yeah this you would have to be pretty bad to let Mei freeze you, Tracer has too many escape abilities that can get her out of range quickly.
Honestly its an even matchup with them and Mei should be one of your lowest priority targets as Tracer anyway.
I like how you assume that anyone who is contrarian to your post has bad aim. How are you enjoying that low IQ friend?
tracer is a lot easier to play than mccree, and if the two are equally skilled then tracer can kill mccree before he even knows he is being shot.
Widowmaker is bad because her kit doesn't work with the way Overwatch is played. She's just the generic sniper character meant to fill a checklist of modern FPS tropes.
How does that have anything to do with my argument? You sound like an underage child.
Widowmaker isn't terrible if your aim is on point, sure if there's a Zarya putting orbs on people and maybe a reinhardt it might be a more drawn out fight, but a proper Widow could decimate the team and open up a site for capture.
If she gets the drop on him of course, she's a flanker thats her biggest strength.
Or just play roadhog, if you land the chain she is a guaranteed kill and even if you don't you can kill her quicker than she can kill you assuming you know how to use your primary and alt fire, not to mention you can outheal her damage. A good tracer won't go after a road hog anyways though so just by being him you create area denial against her
mccree hard counters tracer retard
thats if you can actuallly play mcree
t. top 500 player
Because you've already discarded your credibility by implying you're hot shit. At least back it up man.
I've found Bastion is a pretty hot pick against Tracer, the dps just deletes her. You are a big target for her ult though.
>Because you've already discarded your credibility
Ok so if I don't have any credibility why do players who do like pros and top 500 players not complain about Tracer? Blizzard makes many balances changes because of them yet Tracer has never seen a nerf or buff of any kind? Because they feel's she's balanced and can deal with her.
I'm not saying Widow has low killing potential. She's theoretically one of the strongest DPS characters in the game. But in actual practice her abilities don't have good synergy with most team comps (not to mention enemy comps that constantly run shield heroes). If Widowmaker was truly a beast at Overwatch then most pro players would've already picked up on this. For now she'll always be inferior to McCree.
Not that user but even if he was good at the game and posted some sort of video of him owning tracers as mcree I bet you would still backtrack and say he just only fights bad tracers
winston doesnt beat tracer however he stops her from doing her job, being a dps.
Pharah and Junkrat delete her pretty well and I'd say are better picks than Bastion most of the time because of their mobility, unless you are cheese defending the last point on King's Row, then I like Bastion because the end is a clusterfuck.
You have a point, McCree is a better pick most of the time, Widow is just really situational and even still she could be replaced with someone else.
Not once did I bring up a specific character. This was about landing headshots everytime, ALL the time which is what that wall of text the other guy posted was saying he could do.
>saying Tracer is OP when pic related literally kills her in one shot
and then the user would post their masteroverwatch but the other user would still backpedal, such is life
There was someone last night who posted here with webms and videos showing them having pretty great accuracy and landing headshots consistently.
Of course not, we're on completely different tangents here on shooting. Though I realize some people were talking about "bad"/"good" [character], etc.
>mccree counters tracer
>winston counters tracer
>roadhog counters tracer
>mei counters tracer
too funny desu
>Landing that slow ass projectile on one of the smallest and fastest characters in the game. Let alone a headshot.
You may get lucky sometimes but there is no way you're getting headshots on a competent Tracer consistently.
>implying mccree doesnt counter tracer
Are you laughing because OP doesn't realize those people counter tracer? I don't understand your meme
>There was someone last night who posted here with webms and videos showing them having pretty great accuracy and landing headshots consistently.
Good for them, but what about the situations ingame where you can't be consistent despite having good aim? You can't neglect those too.
the tracer has to be ridiculously predictive with her blinks for the mei to hit her.
just bait his stun once thats done he is the easiest dps to kill as tracer.
I play Tracer and Mei is a free elimination for me. As long as you can kite the icicles then there's nothing she can really do other than run away from the engagement with an icewall or freeze herself.
Tracers primary useless and cannot kill any dps in the game before they can kill her. If you ever die to tracers primary it is because you are a garbage player, just like people who die to pyro before he had reflects. Her only value is her ult, and even that is only good at comboing with zarya or baiting out support ults.
How do I git gud at Tracer?
>You may get lucky sometimes but there is no way you're getting headshots on a competent Tracer consistently.
Yet the two or three fuckwads in this thread would argue otherwise with Mei, such is life.
>thinking mccree can only kill tracer with flashbang + headshot
I dont know why I believe that Sup Forums is actually semi competent at this game
just be as annoying as possible and always go for squishies. easy 40+ elim also best character in koth by far.
If someone were in that situation you speak of, where Tracer would dominate, then they have made a mistake.
Just like the mistake of being alone with a Mei, being too close to a Tracer where you cannot hit her accurately enough is a mistake and is punished accordingly.
at least this time Blizzard bothered to ruin their game with mobility creep before it came out instead of slowly doing it like HotS and WoW's PvP
harrass healers and dink from a distance tanks because fuck armor
once healers are gone either wipe up dorks at 60% health or less (or tanks who have had their armor health removed)
Learn to orient yourself during blinks/rewinds and you're already halfway to being a good Tracer. Most of Tracer's dps comes from properly tracking enemies and running away from engagements.
>just bait his stun
Why is the tracer in your scenarios always a pro baiter and the mcree is some chump who falls for it completely?
You must be a shit Tracer because she can kill a 200 HP hero with one magazine if you can get headshots with her and she unloads her pistols in one second.
Gimme advice lads on how to git gud on OW. I've been playing Mercy, Lucio and Solider since they're basic. And playing healers is ez work while observing the battlefield and learning the map.
dont play mercy is step 1
also what is your definition of git gud? gain rank points? if so pick a hero to EZ carry like zarya reaper or mccree
The better question is why they think McCree can't just shoot the Tracer without flash bang, or why they think he can't kill her before she ever gets into her effective range.
>playing healers is ez work
you are doing it wrong then
>mccrees dont counter tracer
what am I reading desu literally sitting ducks :^)
>quick play shitters
sure showed me :^)
getting the wins consistently. Just started, and waifuing aside I think Lucio is a much better healer than Mercy since he's better in chaotic engagements.
Well, it's pretty much keeping my team alive while adding on DPS. Of course I'm not dicking around ONLY healing.
A goof mcree winston reaper or roadhog could counter a good tracer. You are obviously none of the above. A good mei could scare her off too
Zarya, Ana, Mei, Reaper are going to be the characters who hold the most influence in QP/low level. Play one of those to be credit to team if you don't have one already. The better your opponents get, the worse off soldier will be. He'll be usable to an extent, but it will get to the point where an solider will be outdone by an equally skilled McRee.
Learn how to aim before you learn how to play characters. If you know how to aim, you will be able to play every character.
Playing Mercy is fine, but you have to realize that if your team is bad/doesn't have good positioning, Mercy is a wasted pick. Her mobility is based entirely around how well your team can position themselves. Consider Lucio or Ana depending on your accuracy.
Don't try to main a character. Instead, consider choosing a character from each role to focus on so you can fill in any situation your team is lacking.
It's not an automatic loss if your team doesn't follow the Meta, but it will require that your team tries to think and work together, which will rarely happen in solo queue QP.
Zen cannot solo heal.
Reinhardt is only useful if you have people who take advantage of your shield and hang out with you while your shield is up. is only good if the enemy team doesn't have a Mei.
Having gold in damage but no medal in eliminations is a bad thing; it means you are feeding the enemy team's Ult without any benefit to your team since no one is dying.
To play Mercy well, learn when you should damage boost and when you should use your pistol. Turning a 1v1 with a pocket into a 2v1 can change the outcome of the fight, but that assumes you have enough accuracy to make the pistol a threat. You should be looking to heal incoming damage first and foremost, however.
To play Ana well, learn how to stick sleep darts on enemies who are ulting like reaper, mcree, pharah, roadhog, winston, or charging reinhardt.
Don't trickle. Group with your team.
thats literally what this thread is based around
quickplay shitters who thing tracer is the best hero when the heroes better than her also counter her
lucio is 100% a better healer due to constant AoE heal even though it is weak
She's a high skill cap hero. That's how they work. 95% of Tracers are going to be Above-Average to Shit and they aren't going to be difficult to deal with, and then 5% are going to absolutely ruin your day. That's how things work.
>play on consoles with m&k
>most console players cant even aim
>easy grandmaster placement
>60%+ elim literally every match
I almost feel bad. not really
W-well now you mention it
>console with m&k
disgusting scum
Well yeah, of course I won't be maining anything. I do plan on being competent with at least 1 character from each "class" since being able to switch on the fly and counter the opponent's line up is important. But for right now, I'm relegating myself to healing since in my opinion from playing mmos, healing is the easiest job. And I've played a ton of killing floor, so I know that teamwork is best work.
>Reaper and Winston
Tracer has a longer effective range than both of those and they have no way to stun her. Winston's jump pack might be on a six second CD but Tracer gets two blinks in that same amount of time. There is no way you're killing her before she kills you if the Tracer is competent. Tracer can also kite Reaper's ass to hell and back. The only way a Reaper has a chance is if he gets the drop on her.
reaper does nothing to tracer unless he catches her by surprise which should never happen since he is loud as fuck.
did you forget that there are 5 other gaymers in this team game
1v1s arent that common
>Her pose
Jojo reference!
Every non-auto weapon in the game has already dealt 100+ damage at .01 seconds. In one second, pharah/hanzo/junkrat/roadhog have two chances to land a hit and still have enough time to melee for the kill confirm. Mcree can pull out three shots. This is all still assuming that tracer is literally crouching on top of their head and confirming every single bullet inside the headshot hitbox.
>it's Sup Forums's daily "this character that's barely even in the meta is mega-op because I'm pure fucking garbage at this casual fps" episode
thats weird there hasnt been a "nerf genji" thread all day though
>Main Mei
>Stupid Tracer tries to get me
>Throws bomb at me
>Freeze myself
>She tries to get me from a distance by flashing
>Aim where she will be heading and headshot
>Tries to run away freeze her in the room making her waste her reverse
>Get her frozen and stare in her face
Will they ever learn
Genji actually has balance issues though. Resets on kill is pants on head retarded in objective control maps, where a single pick on a defender suddenly leads to a 200+ damage aoe.
>tales of gold/plat players
yeah ill admit the dash reset is a bit broken
Sup Forums really likes to complain about his whole kit even thought they cant handle the concept of a flanker being able to flank
fuck blizzard for making him the only hero with cool mobility give pharah some damnit
>what's the counter to high skill?
higher skill user :^)
genji dash is broken, idc what anyone says that shit should only reset on final blow not elim.
>get above her
Oh look she cant kill me anymore
A McCree that can aim can pop her in 3 shots. Whenever there's a tracer and Im McCree I just play the role of flyswatter and focus her.
>People saying McCree counters her
If she blinks during the flash you're done
>able to kill Tracer
Maybe Gold.
be honest faggots(we're all anonymous here). who is your favorite overwatch whore and how many times have you jacked off to her?
mercy, lost count.