What are they thinking?
What are they thinking?
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For a second there I thought it said "A family of herpes"
>clearly celebrating Christmas
>3DS Holiday
>not 3DS Christmas
fucking dropped
I can't even act surprised anymore.
You're dead. Kiddo.
"We didn't beat the Nazi's for this shit"
They really said noob in the commercial
Nintendo will never learn not to treat their audience as children
That's one ugly grandma.
Their audience IS children.
It has been for the last 30 years.
>2 3DS commercials
>just pretend Wii U doesn't exist
>"I've already said that this gay Gardevoir theme is not mine!"
>"I'm gonna call your mom now, Timmy!"
>"I blame my son for this autistic nephew, fucking retard, i bet my prosthetic leg that this little bitch saw one of is """""2 dad""""" jerking off to those fucking Pokeyman. Fucking faggot."
holy shit s mario party
I used to play gameboy like that.
Manchildren, maybe.
Didn't you hear?
Kimishima himself said they're turning away focus from Wii U to prepare for Switch.
Also, several reports have stated yesterday that Wii U will cease production by the end of this week.
i'd wanna hide under a table if my parents bought me the space 3DS too
What's a Wii U?
>Why are those little elf girls wearing nothing but lingerie? Timmy you really shouldn't be playing this game.
>Are ya winning son?
>off by one
>Little elf girls, in lingerie no less
I need the game he's playing.
>Also, several reports have stated yesterday that Wii U will cease production by the end of this week.
Nintendo came out today and said that was false.
This, what are you talking about? And how did it escape NoA's strict quality control?
Holy fuck, who is this sexy bitch?
>tfw no smug, almost devilishly so daughter
be careful what you wish for
Was talking about both Etrian Odyssey and Fire Emblem, somehow combined both, just an exaggeration.
Marketing the 3ds to kids who think the systems are uncool by making the parents have cool remarks to their kids.
In reality, this is just Nintendo's delusion into thinking it doesn't sound cringy, forced etc as fuck.
Then again people are hyped for the Switch which is equally cringy. Didn't they have the same campaign last year?
>not even young kids are safe from the tumblerina disease
Just like they came out and say they'd still support the GBA when they released the micro, or the DS when they released the DSI
etc etc. They're currently supporting smartphones more than they're supporting the wiiu
They should stop treating children like retards, really.
oh hey it's Brianna Wu in 10 years
No you don't get it. It's not the kids they are marketing it too but the parents who will want to buy it for their children because they long for the family dynamic in those commercials.
How could you see the screen without any fucking light? Why do children lie about having played the GB like that? IT doesn't make you look mature.
>So son, you got me any grandkids, yet?
>Grandma, I'm 12...
>I-I just want to play videogames..
>*bing* *bing* WAHOO! *1-up*
Nintendo's marketing is cringey as fuck.
Remember the Sm4sh 3ds adverts?
I think she might've been dressed up for a costume bro, let kids be kids damn.
I had this shit.
Also played under my blanket in bed.
I think they should market it to parents as something that stops your kid from whining when you force it along with you to your job, which is the only reason handhelds as a market is thriving to begin with.
I don't really watch advertisements.
Is that the dyke bitch from Walking Dead that got killed by Dwight?
People do that with phones and tablets. That's the entire point of the Switch.
>tfw you will never make a giant basement fort and trade pokemon with your friends, while watching re-runs of looney toons on your barely functioning 80's CRT tv, again.
Why are Nintendo ads so creepy?
System isn't even turned on.
Children are retards
See the hundreds of kids wasting their parents credit cards on CSGO gambling, twitch whores, and $30 skins in Overwatch/League of Legends
I bet you use TWO Bowsers, noob!
Because japanese are creepy
>when grandpa starts asking how much the wii costs
>"I wish she'd swing MY Wii!"
>adults are more likely to make purchases for kids and themselves from their own accounts instead of setting up separate accounts for children
That's how I see it
oh god my sides
No. Kids ARE retards, that the main thing that separates them from adults.
It's the fact they appeal to retards with games that clearly only adults play.
Kids don't give a fuck about Mario anymore.
god that thing sucked dick. I tried to play my gbc in the car during a roadtrip when it was dark and could barely see shit
You're not the demographic so you're looking for reasons to be weird-ed out. It's like going to see a clown for a children's party. Of course he's gonna creep you out. He's a middle aged man dressed in make up appealing to children.
I'll fucking cut you.
holy kek
>that the main thing that separates them from adults
Not really. Most adults are retards as well.
Wadda say Betty. Wanna play with my "Wii mote" instead...hehehe
"People aren't allowed to celebrate other holidays!"
Fuck off retard
if it's clear that it's Christmas, then what's the fucking problem?
No, that IS Dwight. From The Office.
LITERALLY a pedophile.
Off yourself degenerate.
0-12 year olds dont have much money
13-17 year olds have some money
18-24 start of a career, more money usually
25-34 established career, spend much more on games
35+ People stop playing games by then, start saving for retirement, focus on building on a family, growing in life.
pedophiles? on my Sup Forums?
>Make this instead of just putting backlight in all the models from a certain point on
Why did it take until the Gameboy Advance SP to get a fucking backlight? Game gear had a fucking backlight
Did somebody just get triggered?
Her name is Betty?
I bet she grew up fat.
You gotta admit she's kinda' cute tho.
looks and dresses exactly like my 8 year old daughter.
Well, don't leave us hanging like that.
>"you fucking SUCK at this game you little bitch"
>"grandma please I j-just got this..."
Pics or GTFO.
Or maybe kids don't care about nintendo and it's autistic games anymore.
Is not coincidence that +30 virgins that grew up in the 90's are their only audience left.
Reminder that if Sup Forums didn't harass Jennifer Helpler, then journalist wouldn't have gotten into a massive SJW panty twister then Gamer Gate woudln't have happened then Sup Forums wouldn't gotten big, then Trump wouldn't been the front runner then and Sup Forums wouldn't have drawn a shit ton of traffic to Sup Forums causing Sup Forums to go out of business soon.
Correlation does not imply causation, user.
>Sup Forums dies!
Hiro lies!
Does she do other things like your 8 year old daughter?
Jennifer Helper was the keep to all of this.
I'm pretty sure that was Zoe Quinn. Hamburger Helper was just some meme to mock ass effect and cisquisition, that nobody outside of Sup Forums (except for 1 or 2 clickbait sites maybe) really cared for.
Really forces oneself as an individual to ponder.
>I wish I had gotten the new cod instead.
>That thing cost a lot, you little shit.
>I think I'm finally going to strangle the nagging bitch tonight.
Helpler was the beginning of it. I also forgot to add ME3 getting obviously paid reviews and journalist calling people who criticized the game entitled.
Merry Christmas to you too uncle Scrooge.
"Billy, why are you still playing that trash, we got you a Vita...a clearly superior system"
"Vita is dead Grandma"
"You watch your mouth boy, this is a Sony household and we wont hear any disrepect to Lord Kaz. Now, the clerk even included a code for the best Vita game"
"...Grandma....thats just a download for a SNES emulator! Was he sniggering when you gave you this?"
"....Well i never.....Johnathan....hand me that fire poker. This little shits about to learn about Sony-Domination..."
You're right. I think the people disagreeing with you just weren't around at the time.
>Grandad steers living room hard to the left
>3DS flies in fireplace
He's wrong desu.
SJW shit in journalism didn't happen because of Hepler, that's just bullshit.
Christ, thinking games journalism of all thinks is at the center of the SJW plague is ridiculous. It's a symptom, not the fucking cause.