Pip is top tier,try to prove me wrong
Pip is top tier,try to prove me wrong
who the fuck is this qt and is there porn
Pip is the only character I played in Paladins
The most broken piece of shit starfox long cousin
furfags trying their best for attention
Second that.
I can get the best stats in almost every category(including damage done and eliminations) on the end-game screens often
I really enjoyed Kinessa myself, ramp in up her cards in the mines secction makes her really op
_ _____ __ _____ _____ ___
>caring about Pip when Drogo exists
>It's free
>It's actually Fun
He's male, so no I don't.
He's not from battleborn is he? what is it
ratchet after hrt?
Literally Overwatch for furfags.
No wonder Sup Forums loves it so much.
Is paladins, new "Original" Hi-rez studio game (creators of smite)
Is actually okay and is free so no harm in trying it
except He is the only character with fur
he's too easy to play
>Sup Forums is soooo furry guys!
>11 posters and half don't even play it
Drogo falls under furry territory. Special snowflakes will call it scaly but it's the same shit with a diffrent name.
>want to try paladins because qt furry boi
>too lazy to practice and learn to counter 100 new hero abilities
Hello, discount Ratchet.
oh you poor autist
It's not a true Sup Forums post unless it includes "literally".
alright that makes two of like 14 characters, unless you want to count the turtle thing, is not even 1/4 of the cast man, aren't you the furry for paying atenttion to those instead of best girl skye
buck rapes pip
bend over
Haven't unlock him is it worth it spend my coins in him?
Bomb King is the only boy for me.
But Skye is best girl though. I never denied that.
That's not how you spell Ying
Is Paladins all about spamming ultimate abilities on objectives like Overwatch or is it more like a first person shooter?
claiming best girl
The worst is that he's supposed to be a Support.
OW has a gorilla
Some ultimates are shit so not really, it needs more work is still on beta tho but for what it is "a free clone of a fun game" is actually okay
A literal Gorilla though, not some deviantart tier faggot.
>going feral
>milking Harambe meme
we all know Skye is the best "girl".
Not really. Ultimates are way way less effectives in Paladins. Also, Paladins let you build your hero kinda like a MOBA would.
But no, ult spamming is not really a thing since they take a long time to charge and they dont to a ton. The worst I think is Kinessa who is like a Stealth D.VA who plant a bomb. She can easily get 3-4 kills if you are not careful.
Winston was in before Harambe.
Who /bombking/ here?
Bomb is cool. He remind me of TF2 Demoman with stickies.
hey look poorfags neets talking about games they can play for free because they can't get a job and play a real game!!!!!!!!!!
But I own OW and I think Paladins is better.
it's shit.
When I saw this tumbnail I thought this was a Ratchet and Clank reboot like how they made Spyro horrifying in Skylanders.
just how jet fuel can't melt steel beams
pip is a pretty mediocre support
he does mediocre damage and mediocre healing so why bother playing him when youve got grover and ying who can out damage and out heal him
Hey look an idiot jealous about paying for games when free ones are just as good or better
I can't believe Wildstar is still alive
Who /buck/ here? I love jumping across the map to stomp on these hoes.
So I can play with a boner, duh.
And how am I going to be a healslut if I'm not horny?
I wish the Mechari made it out of that shit heap of a game though, they were too sexy to die.
Because Pip can do anything except tank. He's a jack-of-all-trades.
Plus Ying is a qt
This nigger on that ice map is fucking terrifying. Literally nowhere to run from him, I got fucked hard playing as Bomb King.
>is it worth it spend my coins on the best character in the game?
Buck is fun af
she as almost zero mobility, pretty easy to counter
Cassie is the worst
Never heard of this game but I like Pip's design.
Paladins looks like an Overwatch/Battleborn clone. Is it good? How is it different?
>mediocre healing
I main engy as always
Same, however paladins is fucking boring and i already stopped playing
>Get interested in the game
>decide to look at characters
>shares LoL's pay model
Aaand nope.
It's pretty good. The game feels a lot less polished than OW, but the core gameplay is good. Ultimates are slow to charge and don't impact the game that much. Cards and items allow for customization to suit your style or gameplay situation.
I really like how both teams fight over a point first, and then attack/defense roles are decided by whoever wins the point.
Maybe I played against bad Cassie. But even with her ult, she cant even kill my Makoa.
I love to imagine if Widowmaker had that though. Headshot damage on mid body shots.
It's not a clone. It's a team FPS, yes, but it let you build a hero like a MOBA would. You have a Build, and then you buy cards, which allow you to counter opponents.
Like if somebody has a big shield, you can buy Wrecker which make you deal more damage to shields.
If you are shot via AOE a lot, you can spec in that too.
It's a tug of war type of game too, it's not Defence vs Offense.
I have almost all of the characters already unlocked, they give gold away like fucking candy. Chests, daily logins, THREE daily win bonues, and from winning the game itself. They're also giving away crystals like its nothing, too. Lol isn't that generous.
Nothing really makes you pay for it, you can earn coins easy it doesn't take that long to unlock all the characters
Thanks for the info. I'll give it a try. It sounds fun
Unlike LoL, you can actually earn the champs in-game pretty fast.
Her clones having the ability to heal and deal damage makes her more useful than mercy, in my opinion
He obviously didn't play for more than 3 games
Quick tip. You only play against AI opponents until you are level 5. Then you play against humans. Also, remember to buy cards when you die or change round.
I dont get why people say this game is a copy of another game. That's weird >:]
Yeah, that turtle looks like Gamera
Makoa is best character. He's like Roadhog Hook, with portable Winston shield, with Tracer dash, and Reinhard hammer as an ult.
no one in that game is top tier it's a shitty game
And hes a turtle.
I like turtles.
Turtles are fucking rad bro
That sounds pretty OP who can counter him?
suck my dick faggot pip slut
His damage is low. He can't attack while he has his shield up. And he can't "blink" anywhere near as often as Tracer. He's good, but not as OP as that post makes him seem.
The only thing you need to know is "not to stand in the fire" and use cover/LOS. If you know how to aim that's good too.
I wonder if I can get this game to run on lowest settings.
Are you playing on a literal toaster user?
Laptop that's not really all that meant for gaming.
It really isn't a meme.
With love, /vg/
It's made with normies in mind, of course shitty laptop running intel graphics are supported, at least that's what all my friends are doing. It's so hard trying to hide my powerlevel and pretend to not hate this game.
Which one of you guys is this?
To be fair he IS pretty fucking hot, no homo