Whos got the link
EZA thread
I'm going to shoot myself if Ian is in this week
you get to live another day
Brandon, Huber, Blood, Bosman
Not bad if it was ben instead of blood it would be perfect
please give them 5 bucks
thanks ben
not Ben, he's streaming. Cool user tho
Thanks ben
fuck this Princess Bride thing
Why all the Ian hate? He's better than Damiani.
yall have shit taste
now cup of jones pls
I'm not made of money
No he's not
Back when the NMS shit happened Ben apologized even though in the video he and Ian were featured in Ian was so much more of an asshole (alongside his buttbuddies)
Ian didn't even admit any wrongdoing, he just blamed the harassment he got (even though, again, Ben got more because he had more visibility in the NMS debacle) on GG and called it a day.
That "Yeah, baby!" is great. He looks a lot like Tobey Maguire when he says it.
Thanks Ben
Arigatou Ben
Who are these Bombcast rip offs.
Ben, it's very impressive and appreciated that you can come share the cast with us at the same time that you're streaming on twitch.
>mfw Ian is on camera
Where is this video? I can't find it
It's the Halloween Special isn't it?
Does somebody has a link?
I thought it stopped being funny a while ago but the genuine pain Brandon seemed to be going through added an entirely different dimension. I don't think it would work for another week though.
Before they start Castlevania 4 in the Halloween stream, yes.
Yeah Ian is a piece of shit for sure
So who is the worst ally and why is it Ben
Go to bed, Ian.
fuck off ian
Shouldn't you be off cross-dressing or something, Ian?
Wow fuck off Ben's cool as shit.
Was the Halloween strem only for patrons? bc i can't find it on youtube
Ben almost best ally if only he could control frametrap a bit better.
Ian is the worst, but he has still kind of grown on me. There's not an ally that I actively dislike.
u r very incompetent
thx for the link
i wasan't even remembering they had this 2nd channel
I'm the opposite. I found Ian tolerable at best at GT but I actively hate him in EZA because he has so much more screentime to spout his stupid bullshit.
Damiani is based though, even if he's a little bit aspie
Ian literally called everyone that disliked him a southern hick last episode
This shit genuinely angers me
Why are people saying "Thanks Ben" to this?
Ben comes on v
They are making the joke that he is the one giving away the podcast
>Ben comes on v
It's well known that Ben lurks here, used to shitpost on the persona threads.
Brad probably post here too
Some episode of ManUps Nights. He was on the couch I remember, if you want to find it.
>Watch them play BlazBlue
>Half the stream is Ian mashing buttons while saying "YAAASSS" and "QUEEN"
>He starts calling one character QUEEN a lot
>Kyle chooses a girly character
>Ian makes no note of it
>Someone in chat says "That character is actually a guy"
>Ian immediately screeches "WOOOO NEW BEST QUEEN"
How the fuck did Elyse not kill herself having to deal with this cunt for so long?
Banjo Kazooie and the Monster Mansion, on the day of Halloween, for Fun Game Monday. Was just perfect.
Every time I read about or see Ian, I dislike him even more.
I think it's because she always knew James would be at home that she lasted as long as she did.
Ty Brad, you've got our back.
>One of Huber or Brad will dress up in a cardboard mecha costume of a Titanfall Titan
Yes! I love bets like this.
Thanks for taking a break from loli porn long enough to post this Ben
i hope y'all feel bad for not supporting them while watching this
What is cup of jones? Is it just him talking, because that sounds boring.
>tfw stopping my subscription to Netflix and sending it to EZA instead
I hate that some of it goes to Ian, but I like the others too much and they give me far more content than Netflix has been giving.
>Brandon talking
Pick one.
It's basically just him answering questions and sometimes talking about things he wants to get off his chest
worth the dollar I donate desu
what did he do to elyse? I am new to GT/EZA lore
Ian talking about games he enjoys is cool, Ian talking about anything else is pretty fucking awful.
You know the "nice guy" creep stories you read on the internet? He's all of those. Except he did them on camera.
She's probably still dealing with him.
I don't like his stupid PC attitude, but I think his taste in games is the closest to my own. He's not THAT bad.
Restraining order, that's why Elyse left
>He's not that bad
>Provides evidence that he is, in fact, that bad
He could very well have edited that out. He chose not to. Who the fuck texts their "friend" about how "oh so sick!" they are and then broadcasts their response to the world?
Brad as Birdcough is probably the best d&d character in eza so far. In his first episode he was good, in this last one he's amazing. It's sad that he's only a side-story character.
Can I get some context on this? I'm assuming it's from Easy Update or something?
>his taste in games is the closest to my own
So what you're saying is that you have shit taste?
>dude dark souls
>dude talos principle
>dude indie shit made by this guy whose dick I've sucked
Silent Hills
Sup Forums praises most of those games
Ian has no concept of boundaries when it comes to women, or maybe he just considers himself one and has tricked himself into thinking he's perfectly fine talking about touchy subjects.
>casually asks Elyse if she's barren on camera
>casually asks Elyse if she's had abortions on camera
>takes a suspiciously long time adjusting Elyse's microphone on her chest
>Feeling Elyse's thighs on camera while talking about her "peach fuzz"
>Grabbing a microphone that was hanging from her chest to "fix it" on camera
>Asked her sincerely on camera if she's ever had an abortion when she's clearly trying and failing to have kids
>Asked her sincerely on camera if she's barren when she's clearly trying and failing to have kids
>Sniffed a piece of card that was down her shirt on camera
>That Pokemon Go thing where Ian left a text notification from Elyse in the final video, where she's making some reassuring comment about people being "sick"
>Wow I just watched the Farewell Elyse one and Ian couldn't stop stealing glances at her skirt/legs
Grabbed those from the archive, since this comes up in every EZA thread.
They were playing Pokemon Go and Elyse replied to a text that Ian sent. Instead of editing it out, he left it in to make sure everyone saw her replying to him about how "sick" humans can be, obviously prompted by him whining to her about feeling like he's a "sick person" for some reason or another.
Maybe you're the one with shit taste. I love how he shit talked Horizon Zero Dawn as soon as he saw the stupid crafting system and boring ass open world. The rest of EZA had an organism over that mediocre gameplay that was shown.
>The rest of
Only Jones and Bosman have showed any interest at all in it. That's because Jones loves stupid crafting open world games with radio towers. Kyle has never actually elaborated on why he's hyped for it.
Kyle "loves " NMS . We just dont know
Thanks, my man. Here's a clip of Ian being maximum creep in return
I seem to recall that game getting flak from all directions because it is a boring uninspired paint by numbers affair
But whatever you want to tell yourself, Ian. You sure do like only the best games and anyone saying otherwise is just a stupid redneck who hates fags
>tfw can almost relate to Ian's desperate love for Elyse
he's still a huge fag
As I recall everyone kept saying "Dude, video games! I can't believe video games are this good in the year 2016! What a time for video games!" every time they discussed it. I know for a fact Ben and Brad said that.
As Long as you dont keep touching her all the time its fine
>Brad as birdcough
>Ian actually playing a man
>Brandon playing real DnD
These side stories are pretty good, pity Brandon can't be on regular episodes
Ian got turned down so hard he turned into a literal fag and still acted like a fucking creeper despite knowing she was engaged
They were hyped over it originally and have started disliking it more and more
Ben shat over it last episode when he learned that the long neck dinobots were just viewpoint towers
Here's the first time Ben admitted to being a chan boy- bookmark it for future reference
They got married in 2012. She was married for like 2 years before she even met Ian. I still can't believe he outright told her he was in love with her even after finding out she was married. He's that fucked in the head.
>he outright told her he was in love with her
literally when?
I can't wait for Ian's inevitable meltdown. I hope it happens on a livestream.
>That moment at 18 seconds in the webm when her face utterly contorts upon realising that he's actually doing it and not just joking
Off-camera. On camera he has admitted to doing it though. Fuck if I'm going to go find it though.
I remember him telling this story but not when, it went something like
>I met you and you were like my dream woman, then I found out you were married, then I met your husband and was like I like him even more than you haha
I bet it really steams his beans knowing that her and James met on a fucking internet chatroom and didn't even meet for years.
>met on a fucking internet chatroom and didn't even meet for years
Stop, I'm starting to empathize with Ian's homorage
So what do the other Allies think about Ian do they hate him too and do they just put up with him. He seems like the short straw of the group.
He's short alright
(not as much as Huber and Ben though)
Kyle mentioned recently that he saw everyone as a friend and Ian seemed genuinely surprised.
Jones is a commiefornian, so he agrees with a lot of Ian's SJW shite, except he opts to remain silent on it since he knows that people are there for vidya and not politics. Bosman and Damiani are the same. The rest just ignore him. Overt, blatant, hard ignores when he starts is YASS QUEEN I'M A QUEER shit. He's a workhorse. Fastest editor Jones has ever seen, apparently. That's why he got the job at GT. The issue now is that he's got so much more fucking screentime.
Ian seemed genuinely surprised because he doesn't consider any of them to be friends, outside of maybe Ben. He almost admitted to it too, but then realised how it would sound and covered with "O-oh, I don't--- I mean, I didn't think you would've considered us friends."
>Ian seemed genuinely surprised because he doesn't consider any of them to be friends, outside of maybe Ben.
Typo? They don't strike me as friendly together.
>yfw one day "Nia" appears on stream
Watch the one Easy Update where they go for juice together. Ben's easy going enough for Ian's shit to just run off his back.
>implying he won't change his name to Elyse when he gets his sex change