


Why am I hovering around bronze/silver? Am I just unlucky with who I end up with on my team? I always play support, I feel I understand the game well enough to know what I'm doing, and I win a majority of my quick play matches. What the fuck is happening?


wtf i didn't know there were actually people in bronze and silver

>I feel I understand the game well enough to know what I'm doing
Seeing as over 80% of players are gold or higher you clearly don't.

That's the part where I use the glitch to leave the game without suffering a loss.

If you play support, you're relying on everyone else to do most of the killing. If they can't kill anything, you're pretty much screwed. That's the downside to raining support.

Post your playtimes whore.

You autolock trash, I autolock trash. Or Mei and then spam ice wall.
That's not the real downside. The problem with playing support is that you get much less exp and rank than a hero that can get kills easier. It's hard to blame people for not playing support when they're literally penalized for doing it whether they win or lose.

>Don't worry, I'm good with Widow.

if that happens then I go Junk and just spam because fuckit

or lucio speed wallride and never heal

Overwatch is fat sweaty jerk off


No jerking around now

I cant believe people actually get stuck in bronze or silver
are people down there just shitters who play at sub 20 fps? no way you can be that bad

every goddamn time

and they're always a group and always gang up on anyone that says a fucking word

>You autolock trash, I autolock trash. Or Mei and then spam ice wall.
This. I do it too, the intense butthurt is pretty amusing.

My balls itch

Overwatch porn is surprisingly hot


I feel like I'm always on the verge of doing this whenever I play Lucio.

Then just play Offense until you get to a rank where playing support is productive.

>still playing overwatch

An old friend of mine introduced me into his group of casual dudebros, they're all fucking silver.
They trickle in no matter what and just die over and over, then they rage at the game and go play some moba trash.

This pretty much. Its mostly the double sniper that kills it for me. If two double up on sniper I'm not going to bother playing seriously.

Same can be said when people are going all damage heroes or whatever other dumb comp you can think of.

if you are in bronze silver you are just legitimately terrible at the game. no shame in it, i fucking suck at 4X strategy. I play hanzo every game just to bootyblast everyone and im low diamond

why even bother at that point?

I play at sub 20 fps. Feels bad man.

You poor soul.

Support is always productive, it's just less (literally) rewarding. Sucks but I doubt Blizzard is going to balance that.

>Players generally dissatisfied with the most recent event because loot box system still ensures a huge portion of the playerbase won't get anything they want even if they spend 10-20 bucks
>sombra clue turned out to be another timer to blizzcon, the one thing people realized was going to happen months ago but prayed would not turn out to be true
>the event also ends an hour before scheduled so players planning to spend their credits if they didn't get what they wanted out of the last box got screwed
>people planning to boo the expected sombra reveal at blizzcon
I'm fucking loving this

the AI combatants are so good at mimicking player speech

>Mfw I don't play this garbage casual babby shooter

You belong there. Bronze/silver/gold are laughably easy to solo-carry. I'm just a diamond shitter and I was able to get >70 kills every single game when I played on my younger brother's account and won every game I played.


You can't get worse.

Jesus fucking christ

I think i was in this game

>tfw don't play comp

I'm glad I will never know your pain

>tfw you don't give a fuck

>Enemy team picks Winston

>Enemy team picks Winston

Oh boy free Reaper and Roadhog ult

>stuck in plat
>one time get to 2850 just by teaming up with other plats, but lose it all playing by myself afterwards
>today the same shit as always, win a few and lose a few
>break the 100 and get a star
>all of a sudden get consistently teamed up with full star teamates and quality of games improves
was this the secret ?

add me on bnet and ill carry you up to plat on my smurf

nuffy#11808 america

>they're on the enemy team
>get stomped by them

on koth

wait is this real?

>I always play support
There's your problem lad. If you want to get rank, the only support you should play is zenyatta or maybe ana.

Every other support is trash but you gotta have one guy on your team not get any rank and sacrifice so you can win.

Never, ever lost to a team with a widow + hanzo or double hanzo

I have carried a few teams like that though

an older friend teaching a youngling how to play genji
it's heartwarming

>I always play support
supports are only as good as their team, if you are stuck at lower ranks play dps heroes and carry your way out.

>get this in a quick play game
>pick genji because I barely play him and want to practice and I know this match is a lost cause anyways
>hanzo immediately pipes up telling me to not play genji on defense

>not carrying with zenyabba
This is my quick play stats, where i get matched exclusively with low silvers

babies can't play games though, their hands are too small.