Metroid Prime

Why has no game been able to capture what this game did?
Also Metroid thread.

Requesting 3d metroidvadias like prime.
bonus points if it's in first person.

Prime 2 was pretty good though.

2 and 3 did.
too bad we'll never get 4

Dead Space in a sense

Why would there be a 4 when Phazon and the titular Metroid Prime are destroyed in 3?

I really don't care what the reason for it is. I just want prime 4, it's my favorite series.

Powerslave EX. It's a PC port/remaster of the PSX shooter with the same name. Fun combat and level design.

It was taken down by the dev for copyright reasons but it's not hard to find a torrent. Protip: You need to manually create a save folder, otherwise the game wont save your progress.

How does it stack up to Prime?

Something like prime takes lots of actual talent to make.
Plus so much of it is the antithesis of what casuals want nowadays with it being a nonlinear exploration game with atmospheric and lore based story instead of a linear actiony shooter with cutscenes out the ass.