When I'm pulling a trashcan to the road or some other large object, I do it like an animation loop in steps; pulling a couple feet at a time. Like button mashing events in games.
Autistic things you do IRL from vidya
You're a fucking retard.
only a little.
I try to optimize my build, i enjoy reading about weird build but it's like watching kinky porn to me, paraphasing irl I perfect 3 basic positions that give me most pleasure
This is hilarious i just laughed out loud alone in my room picturing seeing some kid do this in his driveway. As for myself I usually combine the Final Fantasy 'victory flourish' with Ash's peace sign in Pokemon whenever I accomplish some sort of noteworthy feat IRL. This usually prompts a swift /facepalm from my gf if she happens to be present
I have an idle animation
i learned how to doublejump to get over a fence when running away from bullies
my friends don't believe me haha
I don't believe you have friends.
Who here /OoTfoottaps/?
I have a stamina bar
Read this several times and I still have no clue wtf you're talking about.
>co-worker asks me if I could get him a canned coffee when I go out for a break
>dialogue options appear in my head (Yes, No, Go fuck yourself, >2016 >drinking coffee)
>say yes
>"You have accepted the quest: Obtain co-worker's coffee."
>get myself two cans - one for myself as well
>"Quest updated: Return to your post and give your co-worker his coffee."
>give him his coffee
>"Thanks user."
>more dialogue options (No problem, Y-you too, *glass him*, >2016 >still drinking coffee)
>"No problem."
Back in high school, in an attempt to do better, I decided to give myself stats and stuff. Like INT would increase for every hour of studying and STR would increase by exercising. Tests and stuff were bosses.
>glass him
Did it work?
I try to socialice and have friends like in a Persona game. I know is futile but still I try from time to time.
No, I barely kept up with it. I graduate with straight C's.
Have you ever considered the possibility that the reason you don't have any friends is because you're treating life like a Persona game?
I hope for your sake youre some stupid kid doin this shit, because only kids are allowed to be this dumb.
The only fuckin thing I can think of is grunting sometimes when moving shit and picking stuff up.
Sounds logic. I try to level up strengh with martial arts training and int reading books but since i'm ugly I cannot raise charisma no matter what and even knowing how to defend myself I still lack courage
is this you planet fitness?
Castlevania taught me to store meat inside brick walls.
holy fucking shit I do the dialogue options in my head all of the fucking time
>glass him
I rocket jump when no one is looking
>He chooses that option
>kills his coworker
>an hour later at the precinct
When I'm walking my dog I like to pretend to lock onto people walking by me and start circle-strafing them like in Dark Souls.
One time I did it at night and the poor lady I locked onto thought I was gonna rob her.
>I go down stairs like Niko in GTA IV
>I comb my hair to look like Drake in Uncharted
> bullet contains 200 rounds
> fire once
> time to reload
>bullet contains 200 rounds
>Start up new game
>Live Another Life mod (choose your own start)
>Want to just be a simple townsperson who makes money from hard work
>Find a firecutting Axe
>cut shit loads of firewood
>sell to shop to afford food, clothes, etc etc
It obviously doesn't last forever, eventually you pick up a sword and chop some fucker down.
If you think chopping digital wood is boring then you know how I feel about games where I'm the chosen one and have to beat the ancient evil. Sometimes I just want something different and Bethesda's open world game aren't games; They're digital dioramas where you play with digital action figures. As a game Skyrim is fucking dull as SHIT but as an digital action figure set it excels like no other piece of software.
>My hair naturally looks like Niko's when cut
you misread the OP.
>you do IRL
When I get a phone call I will crouch down and act like I'm flipping a switch on my body, kinda like Big Boss in MGS3.
I have many regrets.
Fucking bullshit game, Punishes you for having fun, if they didnt want me killing why do i have skills and items to do it
My friend plays the sims 3 with real life time mods. He and his game are one in the same
>pull block onto button just barely so the door opens
>walk around and push it fully onto it even though the door is open
I open doors like Faith from Mirror's Edge.
It actually works effectively and keeps your hands a bit cleaner from those gross doorknobs.
Sometimes when I'm alone on my morning jog I wavedash to shorten my time.
I don't have pockets
i have an inventory
During my jogs I've started to run like Venom Snake, with my arms relatively low and straight with little pumping. Only during sprints do I bring them up and pump.
I run almost daily and go through shoes like tissues.
My uncle keeps giving me weapons and telling me to defeat the ultimate evil.