What happened? Does anyone still even play this?
What happened? Does anyone still even play this?
My normie girlfriend does but I don't. And I'm the one who played Pokemon as a kid.
Yes, but where are the mass droves of people?
Have they improved on the combat?
They all left because everything had already been done in the game.
It got shilled to all hell and now everyone's sick of it
also, fuck off to /vp/
I play pokemon go eve ry day.
>My normie girlfriend
>yfw you knew PokemonGo would be forgotten quickly
I haven't seen anyone playing this for like 2 months, and I go to city parks a lot.
Well it's been the top app on the play store for a couple months now including this last one, so someone is still playing it.
>tracking still broken
>no new pokemon
>legendaries still TBA
>combat is brainless
>no trading
>no 1v1 battling
>retarded, grindy level up system
I love anime.
It's still wildly popular here at my university. I still see a least a dozen groups of people every day running around together.
I'm playing it since the Halloween update
Good to hear daily quests are inbound soon.
It's still one of the most played games, you autistic fuck.
Wow, a game that was released during summer where children and young adults don't have classes suddenly has less people playing now that class is back in session???????????????
It lost 80% of its user base
Here in Brazil it was released during school and every kid was playing it. Now no one even talks about it.
>Here in Brazil
>Here in [Place that no one gives a fucking shit about]
No one cares.
I would if they unbanned me. And by I would, I mean occasionally open the app. After level 20, there is not a thing to do.
Yeah, that's what he's saying
I'm still fucking mad about tracking. I keep seeing Dratini show up on my radar but I cannot find their spawn point. It's driving me mad.
The Halloween update was a good idea: give out more candies and specific-themed Pokemon to get people interested again.
If they can do this for more holidays and other occasions, then they'll keep people coming back. The problem was that people were trying to grind to 20 as soon as possible and got burned out from it, when the whole point is to play it as a time waster when you head into a populated city or someplace new.
We live in an age of insane amounts of hype and bombardment of information and sensory. Like everything else, it blew up and got boring and people wait for the next thing.
It's why we have an industry of quantity over quality in video games right now
I still play it every day. However, Spoofers have ruined the gym experience. The same fucking niggers have ruled my gym for the last three weeks. It'll get down to 34K one day, and then be right back up to 52K the very next day with the same niggers on top of it.
It was 2.2% of the players, so not much indeed.
Australia had the most players, we should know how good it's still doing there.
Why would anyone play this past a week? The gameplay in general is so barebones, they fucked up the tracking, no trading, no player battles, also it's getting cold.
>Tracker's fucked
>Got rid of scanners
>Blocks jailbreak/rooted phones
>Limits the spawn rate
>Now this
It's just something to do while walking from point A to point B that is simple and requires little effort. Me and my gf play it all the time still and in my town, lots of folks do too. A park nearby with double stops almost always has double lures going with 4-8 people hovering around/parked on it. You can go downtown at any hour and physically see at least a dozen people playing and there's usually lures everywhere - so there's more than just that.
It's not a very deep game, or even really a "game". More like a collectathon. But it's oddly addicting for how simple and barebones it is.
Well fuck, the only times I played Go was on the bus and train, guess they really don't want me to play it then.
You'd have to be lying to yourself to think that this game had any lasting power for more than 2 months. Even my normie gf knows its shit since they ruined everything.
one of my coworkers still plays it. every time we see each other at work, she harps on about it. she shows me her team, what eggs she recently hatched (or pokemon she recently caught), whatever.
she expects me to still be obsessed with it, as i was for about a month when it was released in the US. between the game being broken/buggy (i still have issues running it, though it may be my phone) and boring, so i stopped playing back in August. i tried a couple times to get back into it, but i just couldn't
you were banned? poor dear. fucking Niantic, right?
>My normie girlfriend
As opposed to robot girlfriend right ?
I only ever played GO while in the passengers seat. is niantic really that retarded
Ask her if she's getting Sun or Moon so you can pick up the opposite version and trade with her.
it was a fad, and all fads die off as quickly as they get popular
see: memes
People hit level 20 in a week and hit the artificial wall and decided the game was shit
Additionally, the normie effect of a trend ending, aka 1 person decides "im done" then two of his friends see that and stop, then three of those two friends see that and stop, and it all snowballs into no normies playing anymore
not a bad idea, actually.
i'm already getting Moon. i may ask her if she's getting Sun, or if she's getting any gen 7 game. i doubt it, as i don't think she has a 3DS, but, hey
>"What happened?"
Its a mobile game. Flash in the pan is all they do.
I am still have an account to "play" shill, doesn't mean Niantic fucked up the game.
Remember when Niantic banned all rooted devices to "stop cheating"? Yeah, how'd that work out?
>the game has absolutely no depth, so only casual retards flocked to the game and made it popular
>people realized that going outside for no reason and socializing needlessly will get people hurt inevitably
>casual retards are lured away by media jumping on the game to fuel mindless scandals
>casual retards are not a core audience you want, because they will drop you like nothing. they have no dedication, since you put no work into your cash grab product.
>all the updates only made the game more inconvenient for the purposes of making idiots use microtransactions, rather than increase the depth of the game, or add content
>simple, free game, simple, fickle audience
>bad updates and press, no more audience
Try that again in English
I make like one long playing session every once in a while with some friends, if I go out to make some errands or meeting with someone I have it open, it's pretty entertaining alone and quite fun with friends (plus it's free fun) but I wouldn't dedicate my free time to it. It's not well designed (not even for mobile standards).
At this point I only try to catch stuff I don't have in my dex, I almost don't interact with gyms because the combat system is retarded, I wonder who would find engaging the combat system, but I met some people training up gyms so I guess it's not that bad.
The game could still have been big if the devs weren't retards.
All they had to do was fix the tracking and offer balance fixes. That's literally it.
Without tracking there was nothing left to do in the game.
I had a fun time at Pokemon Go