>20% nerf to the amount of charge her shields give
Who here can't wait? The salty tears of Zarya exploiting scrubs will be amazing.
20% nerf to the amount of charge her shields give
I miss the early days when barely anyone touched Zarya and everyone was just bitching about Bastion.
Eh, considering all the "advice" for stopping Zarya is, "shoot the shield idiot" I don't see much changing and people are still going to get their teams killed.
>tfw i main here
I'm going to miss solo-carrying as her in scrub leagues. Not that I play this shit anymore, ranking system is shit without a team. 4 matches in a row with leavers. Haven't played since.
Its going to hurt her a bit but she's honestly still going to be a pretty strong pick.
>put shield up
>people only shoot the shield enough to charge it and stop because they're intimidated by the shield
And nothing changes.
Zarya main with over 60 hours on her here.
This nerf means nothing.
She's picked for her kit, not her damage. Being able to save a teammate from a pin or hook is what she's good for.
>4 matches in a row with leavers.
Do you play on console? I've heard they have a much worse problem with leavers, I rarely run into them in high plat.
>20% nerf to her shield charge.
Damn, Reinhardt is doomed to be the only viable tank if they keep nerfing what Reddit whines about. After all, Reinhardt has positive memes and favoritism amongst the whiners!
D.Va gets the next nerf.
>play overwatch on PC with 360 controller
>get about a 2.5 k/d ratio on average and win the vast majority of games
how is this even possible
>oh no she can get 80% max charge instantly instead of 100%
She's picked for the shields and ultimate. Damage is icing on the cake.
>that pose
jojo reference?
>I miss the early days when barely anyone touched Zarya and everyone was just bitching about Bastion.
I remember in beta and launch most people thought she was shit, funny how everyones opinions change when the pro's start using someone a lot. She had never even received a nerf or a buff until now.
when she's charged she's competitive with actual dps classes damage wise and you definitely need to focus on staying fully charged and dealing as much damage as you can or else you are playing it completely wrong
>2.5 k/d
it's shit
Honest question here; is it honestly better to just shoot through the shield against Zarya? I keep seeing people say don't shoot it while it's up, but I was bored and watching the tournament the other day and saw everyone just wailing on her even with the shield up anyway.
>D.Va gets the next nerf
nah she's eating buffs left and right because she's the most useless tank since the game was made.
I guess it depends who do you play? I could see that with characters like Rein or Winston but I couldn't see it happening with someone like McCree or Genji.
Needing 3 shields to reach max charge won't change anything.
If your team is coordinated and focusing the Zarya, and she has no means to escape, shoot it down.
People were sperging out when someone picked ana after she got several buffs after her release. Even after zenyatta got that huge buff people was mad as shit if you got him. It's like they can't fucking read.
>but I was bored and watching the tournament the other day and saw everyone just wailing on her even with the shield up anyway.
Generally no you have to remember these are organized teams, if they are just burning her shield down chances are they are trying to focus her down fast enough her charge won't matter. Its much harder to get that kind of coordination in a PUG ranked game.
It's very situational, if she's alone or you have a competent team that'll gang up on her then breaking her shields to kill her is a viable tactic as leaving her at maximum charge just increases her survivability. Those shields only absorb like 100-200 damage before breaking
If she's with her entire team and it's a cluster fuck then it's probably better to leave her shields alone, unless you want a tank with high DPS melting your face in that mess.
Well, I'll put it like this.
>Zarya's shield has a short duration, and a long cooldown.
>Her energy mechanic is rendered useless if people don't shoot her shield.
>The only logical way in the present situation for her to actually gain energy, is to project her shield on someone who overextends! Since the shield has a finite shielding amount - be it time or actual damage threshold, this will end up with overextending retards dying as they should anyway.
What should be the case:
>Zarya's shield is set on herself/casted on a target
>If Zarya casts the shield on herself, the shield acts as it currently does. REWORK: NO DAMAGE THRESHOLD. TIME ONLY
>If Zarya puts the shield out on an ally, the shield should persist until is taken. Want to kill the bubbled Mercy? Rip her shield off you asshole. Also, if the enemy doesn't shoot the shields, she can continue to bubble her team, making it dynamic. Pop the bubbles, or have a team eventually shielded because the enemy against em' are pussies who never attacked. With this, Zarya gains energy and the whole "MAN SHE'S USELESS AT LOW ENERGY" thing never really becomes an issue.
None of this matters though. Just pick McCree and headshot people.
>Mech health increased to 200 (formerly 100). Armor remains at 400
>Movement speed while firing has been increased by 25%
Blizzard don't have a fucking clue what they're doing
Unfortunately this game brought a lot of the metababbys from LoL its the same shit if the pros aren't picking them you shouldn't be either in their opinion.
LoL has the same kind of shit happen, I don't play it anymore but watch pro games sometimes and talk to a friend about it. This year at worlds a team ran support Miss Fortune and did really well with it, now everyone in bronze and silver is trying to be super pro running it. You would have gotten reported for making a troll pick before that game at worlds. It the same kind of people we deal with on Overwatch. Thankfully I've rarely seen those kind of people at high plat/low diamond.
I don't know what kind of Zarya you play with, but any player worth his salt would then anally rape the enemy team with his own bubble.
I actually like the movement speed change, D.va has high damage its just she needs to be so close to do it. With her previous slow as fuck movement speed while firing it was so easy to get out of her range. With that buff it should help her stay closer while firing.
>If Zarya puts the shield out on an ally, the shield should persist until is taken. Want to kill the bubbled Mercy? Rip her shield off you asshole. Also, if the enemy doesn't shoot the shields, she can continue to bubble her team, making it dynamic. Pop the bubbles, or have a team eventually shielded because the enemy against em' are pussies who never attacked. With this, Zarya gains energy and the whole "MAN SHE'S USELESS AT LOW ENERGY" thing never really becomes an issue.
match starts, stand in spawn, shield everyone, rush in because your team effectively has 1200 more hp. Great idea man.
>Forge Hammer swing speed increased by 25%
Get ready for fucking turtles
What buffs would you suggest to make her not shit then user?
>Buff Dva
>Leave her as is
>Bitch is useless minus defense matrix snuffing out ~80% of ults.
That said, I'd like some payout for using Defense Matrix. Too busy playing to notice if my ult charge goes up for blocking shots. Does it?
it's not that bad of a nerf. You just can't instantly have 100 charge from a single fire strike
it depends. If your team has the numbers advantage and zarya is at half or lower health then yeah focus fire and kill whoever she is shielding.
>Shit maps like Temple of Anubis and Eichenwalde now have plausible chance for attackers!
It's a fucking fantastic idea.
Make it work like that in HOTS and you get my money.
She solos 90% of her counters with a harmony orb. Get out.
Same in dota after The international. People trying to pull off strats with strict timings is ridiclous. Like the best bet in low mmr games if you're solo is just picking a super late comp since there's no way the random shitters on your team can pull of any timing really.
>tfw I know she's shit and only play her for the waifu factor if the team already has another tank, if I have to solo tank I always pick mandatorein
That's easier said than done. That's like telling Bastion to kill Genji and not shoot into his deflect. The problem with people claiming "X counters X hero" is that it's hypothetical and does not factor in player skill or human reaction. So it's a fallacious claim.
>Healing-per-second has been decreased by 10%
>Blizzard ultimate cost has been increased by 15%
>Nano Boost no longer increases move speed
>Soldier: 76
>Pulse Rifle bullet damage increased from 17 to 20
>Maximum bullet spread Increased from 2.2 to 2.4
>Minimum explosion damage has been increased to 25% of rocket’s total damage (formerly 12%)
>Minimum explosion knockback has been decreased to 0% of rocket’s total knockback (formerly 75%)
>Passive health regeneration now kicks in when Mercy avoids taking damage for 1 second (formerly 3 seconds)
>Venom Mine explosion no longer damages the player who placed the mine
>Widow’s Kiss charge rate increased by 20%
>Scrap is now automatically generated over time
>The amount of scrap collected from a fallen enemy has been decreased by 40%
>Forge Hammer swing speed increased by 25%
>Hammer Damage decreased by 27%
nothing is going to bring her into the meta because she has no niche
shes not even bad, but everything she can do someone else does better because her design is muddied by "do everything" character favoritism
if they make her better than who shes competing with at anything shes gonna be overpowered, but if they dont shes not going to see use
shes a bad design
>this guy can defeat his counters if he gets healed
lmao, stay gold d.va shitter
>Passive health regeneration now kicks in when Mercy avoids taking damage for 1 second (formerly 3 seconds)
Mercy is effectively immortal at sub platinum then, can't wait for the cries of nerf.
Why are you fags so bad at video games.
Jesus, it's not rocket science.
I don't like the nano boost change, they should nerf how tanky it makes heroes instead
>payout for using Defense Matrix
Defense matrix is way more useful than her left click. Following around a Reaper in a team fight who jumped in thinking he's about to score some quick kills and watching him notice his bullets disappearing into thin air is hilarious and if your team isn't retarded, they understand that a defenseless Reaper is a top tier target.
>6 months of mandatory SSS++ tier Lucio and Reinhardt without any hints of them getting nerfed into the ground like they deserve
Blizzcucks will actually defend this
>Just play D.Va
>Get a hankering for pic related.
>Play her JUST like it.
>Niggas never look the fuck UP as I land on their heads and shoot them.
>Nerf the popular choices
>Move to the second-popular choices
>Nerf those too.
Not exactly going to happen.
>only character that requires skill and combat awareness
you fags kept complaining
They're not "popular" they're mandatory picks because they're so much fucking better than everything else, if your team doesn't have those two you're already behind before you're even out the door.
I kek'd
thank you, user
Does this mean each shield gives a max of 40 charge? Also, does it still block the same amount of damage?
I don't think they need nerfs so much as what makes them good should be spread around to other members of the class. Right now, Reinhardt is the best at making sure his team takes minimal damage while he pushes the front line forwards and anything else a tank can do is secondary to exactly that. Lucio keeps his team entire team alive and can switch to a positional advantage when the time calls for it, plus his Ult can immediately counter enemy Ults, unlike Mercy's where she needs to stay alive through out the duration of to be useful.
The factors that make these characters team anchors aren't going to change because they're more useful than the specialties of their class competition. Give Mercy a small AOE around her healing target that slowly heals the teammates around it. Give more team damage mitigation to the other tanks. That's the only way you'll see Rein and Lucio played less.
These are some good damn changes. Is Blizzard finally thinking?
>gun deals less damage due to less charge from 2 shields yet can still get maximum charge over a "lengthy" battle
>still has some of the best survival in the game thanks to bubble and health regen
All it means is that targets will die slower when you give them the Goldfinger treatment.
You're still going to be stomped by her if she was shitting on you before
>Blizzkids are so retarded they can't help but shoot the gigantic bubble she puts up
Hey, protip, if you don't shoot that, she's not "OP"!
>Reinhardt suddenly being used in KOTH
I've been out of the loop lately, but how'd we go from pic related to that?
Reinhart + Ana's ult on KOTH is pretty much area denial I guess, he's so tanky and deals so much damage no one can get on the point.
thats barely a nerf.
it takes her slightly longer to get to her insane damage output but the damage output is what needed the nerf
ana+reinhardt syngergizes very well
what's kaplan's plan for balancing overwatch
does he want every character to be viable on every map at every moment?
>Good changes
>making Pharah worse than she already is for a little more splash damage
>People trying to pull off strats with strict timings is ridiclous.
Yeah exactly people try to do strats that require a well coordinated team and just can't be pulled off in PUG games without voice chat.
It literally happens in every Blizz game. There's always "THAT MANDATORY TANK." or "THAT MANDATORY PICK".
Just let it happen. Shhhh.
Only thing that happened is Reinhardt is extremely powerful under Nano Boost, more so than most characters.
Smugberry is back.
That's not even enough of a difference. Her barriers should only have 100HP desu
As long as the shields still stop all incoming damage and remove stuns it'll be broken
this game seems to be fundamentally imbalanced since there are a few characters who inherently fufill their role leagues better than anyone else and to nerf them enough to make the other characters viable means making them worthless
Did somebody say Reinhardt?
if shes alone destroy if she has teammates dont bother.
the knockback on splash damage wasn't great though. If you fired at a cluster of people the knockback would knock mostly everyone out of range for next rocket to hit them all again.
That was the quote directly from Kaplan, but what the guy doesn't know, is that it's literally impossible.
Whiners on one side, and math on the other WITH A HOT STEAMING SIDE OF MAP DESIGN THAT'S SHIT AND CHOKE-POINT INFESTED, it's just not going to happen at all unless they just shut Overwatch down for a year and un-fuck all the maps
Are they still giving Dva 100 more health?
Who decided that was a good fucking idea?
I hope Double Zarya still fares well. It's so much fun.
>pop Surge
>enemy Zenyatta/Mercy/Lucio saves their team
>second Zarya pops Surge
>your main hasn't been nerfed at all
Feels good, man.
>buffs hanzo
>buffs mei
>neither hero needed buffs period
>nerfs zarya
>doesn't buff pharah
>slight junkrat buff
>mccree still 95% pick rate
>genji still ridiculous and the 'meme' hero by 'good' players
>roadhog still hooks you behind walls
Who the fuck is responsible for balancing in Blizzard? It's painfully obvious they don't play their own game.
It probably will but its irrelevant in competitive anyway.
quickplay balance doesn't matter
Oh no, you see i'm still going to beat you in matches OP
Because im better than you
Careful, you'll upset all the Genji mains.
>Hammer Damage decreased by 27%
What a strange number
"sleep snug, smug."
>buffs mei
Mei was never picked at a decent rank or in tournament play before her buff.
>nerfs zarya
She's currently the best tank pick although I don't feel she needed nerfed either.
>doesn't buff pharah
Getting a buff to splash damage next patch
>slight junkrat buff
He needs more buffs
>mccree still 95% pick rate
Wrong see >genji still ridiculous and the 'meme' hero by 'good' players
Genji is fine in his current state
>roadhog still hooks you behind walls
Agreed they were talking about re-working the hitbox at some point.
Junkrat main here. I hope this stops my teammates from getting angry at me for feeding zarya.
>tfw main Junkrat
>Zarya always sheilds as soon as she sees me thinking she's gonna get 50% easy
>She's right
>Two shot her gay bubble then 3 shot + mine her
A dead Zarya has 0 energy
are these chages playerable at the ptr now?
>Mei was never picked at a decent rank or in tournament play before her buff.
Neither are Torb/Symmetra/Soldier and I don't see them getting buffs.
>Genji is fine in his current state
Except his deflect hitbox is as big as Roadhog.
>Being afraid of anyone but Pharah
Junk and Reaper shit on Zarya, just don't disengage after feeding her.
Not that I don't think the nerf is deserved, that is
Are they keeping the 25% increased ult charge time for all heroes? I really hope they keep that.
>junk shits on zarya
how is bronze going my lad
I actually kind of want to play competitive with my friends since there's finally enough of us, but at the same time, it doesn't sound fun; ranked matches suck the fun right out of most games for me. The min-maxing and sometimes even lack of room for creativity or cunning is such a downer.
I played a Quick Play on Egypt the other day where the enemy team was 5 Widowmakers and a Bastion and we just could not get through them. It was frustrating, but the fact that it worked also made us all laugh. I don't want to lose that enjoyment. I DO however want to lose that asshole that always picks fucking Hanzo on Attack every single time; fuck that guy.
see Soldier and Torb both getting buffs, Symmetra is getting a re-work soon.
Your right about the deflect hitbox forgot about that.
guessing they are scraping the everyones ult take 25% longer to charge idea?
>give character with mobility, a skill that bennifits being non mobile
this was a horrible decision
they increased mei's ult charge, hanzo needed buffs, pharah was buffed, zarya was the de facto tank and her nerf is pretty minor, mcree does not have a 95% pick rate, genji is not OP. Yes Roadhog's hook is designed weird and needs to be fixed.
>Neither are Torb/Symmetra/Soldier and I don't see them getting buffs.
yes they are
>Except his deflect hitbox is as big as Roadhog.
>his deflect is a problem
nigga just don't shoot lmao